Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 308

Chapter 308: A Group of Irresistible Beauties

Yin Xinyue smiled. “Well, it’s easy. I’m going to fulfill his wish.”

I tried talking her out of it. “Do you think he’ll just tell you about his unfulfilled wishes if you ask him? If you act rashly, you might even offend him.”

Yin Xinyue answered, “I know that. If we ask him explicitly, he will surely be pissed. But if we use some workaround, things could go better, and we might be able to dig out the information we need.”

I looked at Yin Xinyue’s confident face and couldn’t help but feel puzzled. I wondered where her confidence came from.

Yin Xinyue continued, “If he used to be a poet, I can dress as a beautiful woman from that era. Heroes can’t overcome the allure of beauties. From what you’ve told me about this soul, it seems he’s missing a female companion. As long as I become that female companion, I can pry more information out from him, right?”

I couldn’t help but laugh; this was simply too absurd. Her plan sounded simple, but it was actually very difficult to implement. The first reason was that we were people from the modern era, so it wasn’t going to be easy to become an ancient man’s intimate companion.

As for the second reason, I didn’t want Yin Xinyue to take risks. As such, I rejected her plan.

Yin Xinyue helplessly looked at me. “Don’t worry. I promise you that there won’t be any problems. Did you forget what my job is? I have extensively studied the lives of ancient people. Just wait and see my performance tonight.”

I was puzzled and didn’t know what she meant.

Yin Xinyue smiled again. “I work in the movie industry, and I’m a movie producer who has worked in several dramas set in ancient times. With every movie project, I would always strive to become a woman living in ancient times, aiming to perfectly blend in with the character.”

Once I’d listened to her explanation, my interest was piqued.

“What movie are you talking about? I want to take a look.”

Yin Xinyue was a little shy when she showed me a video clip. She had taken the role of a supporting character in a drama called ‘The Heart in the Locked Palace.’ She didn’t have much room to perform, but I had to admit that she looked gorgeous while wearing ancient clothes.

I had a sudden urge to see her in an ancient dress.

“These costumes are kept in the company’s storage. I’ll go there to borrow some,” Yin Xinyue told me.

I realized that although I had been with Yin Xinyue for quite a long time, I had not visited her company yet. I then asked, “Can I tag along?”

Yin Xinyue nodded and took me to her film and television branch.josei

They specialized in managing actresses and models. As such, I saw many beautiful girls there, and almost felt as if I had entered the ‘Kingdom of Women.’

Each of them was overwhelmingly beautiful, to the point that they would leave the onlookers mesmerized if they were walking on the streets.

As it was the company’s off-season, they just needed to stop by the company to check-in. Since they didn’t need to go out for shooting movies or video advertisements, they mainly stayed in their private lounges, surfing the internet or simply chatting in the office.

Looking at those porcelain-like legs moving back and forth, my heart started racing. This wasn’t a place where men could stay. I started to feel a little dizzy because of those legs.

Many beautiful ladies had approached Yin Xinyue to greet her and ask her who I was. I looked full of mystery to them since they didn’t know my identity.

Before reaching the company, Yin Xinyue had especially advised me that I had to act cool in front of the people in her company. She didn’t want my profound, aloof image of a master to be affected.

I couldn’t help but laugh since I was no real master. One year prior, I was still a loser.

However, to keep Yin Xinyue’s face and reputation, I still acted cool. When people greeted me, I just wore a faint smile and replied to their hellos with a gentle nod.

Many models kept asking me questions about paranormal activities in their houses, how to increase their luck, or how to become famous. Some ladies even discreetly gave me their business cards, asking me to call them later at night.

I almost lost my mind. That place was heaven for scumbags but hell for upright men!

Yin Xinyue seemed to really enjoy watching me in that embarrassing situation. She didn’t help me get rid of the other girls, which made me angry.

Getting to Yin Xinyue’s lounge was a task in itself. I thought that I had finally found a safe shelter, but to my surprise, she shared the place with four other stunning ladies. At this moment, they were either lying or sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room. All of them wore short skirts and tight blouses. There was a young lady that was only wearing a bikini set, as if it were really too hot for her to wear more decent clothes. She casually walked back and forth in the room.

Once they saw me, their eyes brightened, and they swarmed toward me like a rising tide. They pelted me with questions about my ‘supernatural powers.’

I felt itchy as the beautiful women surrounded me. Not knowing what to do, I shot Yin Xinyue a glance, asking for help. At the same time, I wondered if she had bragged about me with her friends. Otherwise, why would they ask about my ‘supernatural powers?’

Yin Xinyue sniggered and didn’t look like she was going to help me. She left to meet her CEO as she had to ask for leave. As such, I was left in the room together with four mischievous and overly inquisitive ladies.

I felt very awkward as the ladies were eyeing me as if I was some deity. I started stuttering and blushed. I wasn’t good at communicating with women.

Among the four young ladies, the short-haired one left the deepest impression on me. She had exquisite facial features and creamy, flawless skin. Her eyes were watery and bright. She didn’t speak much and studied me with an inquisitive look on her face.

Standing next to her was a red-haired girl, who was the most sensual one. She joked, “Dan Dan admires you a lot. Look at the way she’s looking at you, full of admiration. You can’t neglect her later, all right?”

Dan Dan blushed immediately; she stormed forward and started arguing with the red-haired lady.

The other two didn’t look that outstanding, but there was nothing to complain about their bodies. They had amazing chests and rear ends. Their S-shaped bodies formed a sharp contrast with their long legs. I was a man that had only experienced love once, so it was hard for me to resist their charm.

I couldn’t bear it anymore. I came up with an excuse and left to go to the restroom.

However, once I locked myself in one of the booths, I realized that it was a female-only lounge, so of course it only had restrooms for women.

My face became even redder. My only thought was to get out there as soon as possible.

While I was in such an awkward situation, the door to the lobby was pushed open, and I heard Yin Xinyue’s voice. “Why are you all standing in front of the toilet?”

I almost choked on my own saliva. They are all standing in front of the toilet?! This is too embarrassing!

The red-haired girl said, “Yin Xinyue, you really need to teach your man some manners. I can tell he’s an evil mind but doesn’t have the courage to follow through. He didn’t dare to touch us, so he escaped into the restroom to do the deed…”

I couldn’t bear it anymore. I pushed the door open and walked out. “D-Don’t talk nonsense! I wasn’t thinking any of that.”

Yin Xinyue smiled at me. “They’ve made you suffer quite a bit, eh? Come, let’s leave.”

“Wait!” The red-haired girl stopped Yin Xinyue. “Yin Xinyue, aren’t we best friends? You two are going out to have some fun, right? Carry us along! It’s really boring here.”

Yin Xinyue became all mysterious. “We’re not going to have fun. We’re going to catch a ghost.”

“Catch a ghost?!” The four young ladies gasped. They looked really stirred up and excited, as if they had just found the winning ticket of a million renminbi lottery.

“Sister! Tell us more about it, don’t leave us in the dark!” The girls began to clamor and implore noisily. “What kind of ghost are you going to capture? It would be too lame for a person to never see a ghost!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. What kind of logic was that?

Things were getting more and more complicated.

I could tell from their faces that they really wanted to join in the fun. If they discovered that we were going to catch a ghost for real, they would definitely pester us to tag along.

I pulled Yin Xinyue’s arm and prepared to leave, but the red-haired young lady clutched my arm and kept rubbing it against her chest. “Have mercy, brother. Please, grant this wish of ours.”

I was at a loss and didn't know how to reject them. I looked at Yin Xinyue, begging her for help.

Yin Xinyue smiled, then turned to the girls. “All right. Since you poor things have never seen a ghost before, I’ll tell you a few things.”

She then told them what happened last night, with some extra details. She had even made herself the main character of the story. In her retelling, she was a seasoned expert who wasn’t scared of anything. Eventually, she was able to pacify the departed soul and would deal with it tonight.

Her thrilling ghost story immediately captured their hearts. The girls were all in awe, and when Xinyue retold the scary details, they shrieked and trembled. I felt both amused and baffled as I saw their reactions.

I didn’t expect that Yin Xinyue, who was usually gentle and quiet, would boast like this in front of her peers.

However, I couldn’t expose her now that she was acting cool. I could only cooperate with her by nodding my head continuously. I even told them that she was my apprentice and that she was extremely skilled. She was almost an expert herself.

The girls were quite convinced, and they admired Yin Xinyue even more.

However, a new problem popped up. Now, they all wanted to go and see the ghost.

I felt my head explode the moment they presented the request. I wasn’t even sure if I could keep Yin Xinyue safe. Now, I would have more burdens added.

As such, I directly rejected their request.

My rejection made the four girls unhappy. They began to pester me to let them go with us. They wouldn’t even allow me to leave the lounge.

Yin Xinyue also had a headache at this time.

I angrily looked at her. See? This is what happens when you boast too much! 

Eventually, I couldn’t bear it anymore and had to compromise. “All right, all right. You can come with us. However, you have to promise me that you’ll follow my orders at all times. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

After hearing my words, the girls were overjoyed. They nodded nonstop and asked me if they needed to prepare something.

I told them to go and choose some ancient clothes and accessories; they had to wear them in the evening. The girls were quite happy as they rushed to the storage room to borrow the costumes.

Yin Xinyue was a little embarrassed when she looked at me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect that they would be this bold and insist on going with us.”

I shook my head. It was too late to regret things now. Since we had agreed, we had to take them with us.

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