Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 337

Chapter 337: The Bank Robbery

Although we could temporarily seal the Hegemon King of Western Chu, the Thunder Sword was still an otherworldly item with great murderous energy. If we sold it, we would indirectly kill people. Being an otherworldly merchant, I had my conscience and code of ethics.

In the end, I agreed with Zen Master Baimei’s suggestion to store the Thunder Sword and the pagoda in the same place so that the two bloody Gods could keep fighting each other without harming innocent people.

Only Zen Master Baimei and I knew the location of the items.

Xiang Yu used to be a powerful warrior when he was alive, and he became an intimidating ghost in death. This end seemed to fit his identity well.

One month went by.

My antique shop didn’t get any new business. Every day, I would read books or surf the Internet as I waited for Yin Xinyue to clock off. We went on walks and had dinner together; I had spent my time leisurely. After one month, Yin Xinyue told me that she had gained three kilograms, which made her too ashamed to meet people. She insisted that we had to buy a treadmill so that she could lose weight.

No one could reason why women adored their beauty so much. I couldn’t do anything else but follow her to the nearby bank to withdraw some money to buy a treadmill.

Since it was near the end of the month, many people were waiting to withdraw their salary. We took the order number and sat at the front to wait. All of a sudden, we heard a gunshot, and several masked thugs walked in.josei

“No one move! All of you, squat and keep your hands on your head! I will shoot dead whoever gives the alarm!” shouted the leader of the robbers.

I was puzzled. Is this real? What bad luck! 

I always used an ATM to withdraw money. For the whole year, I never stepped into a bank. Now, I was in the middle of a bank robbery.

The robbers pointed their guns at us. We had to squat with our hands on our heads. Soon, all the people in the bank were crouching down.

The robbers asked the manager to take them to the vault. At the same time, they shot all the cameras. The gunshot noises made people whimper and shriek.

I turned to Yin Xinyue. She was scared, her face pale.

“Don’t be scared. I’m here.”

Although I was comforting Yin Xinyue, I was also worried. I had no problem dealing with otherworldly items. However, it was a big problem to deal with a gang of armed robbers.

From what we had seen on TV, there was a secret button under the bank counter that would alert the police. After the button was pressed, the police would come within three minutes.

From where I was crouching, I couldn’t see the situation behind the counter, and I didn’t know if there was a button. I just hoped that Yin Xinyue and I could endure these several minutes and remain safe and sound.

“Brother Zhang, look at their shadows.” Yin Xinyue suddenly saw something.

“What about their shadows?” I glanced curiously. Those robbers’ shadows were very light. The two robbers that were watching us stood under the fluorescent lights, but their shadows were too faint. They were almost indiscernible.

According to numerology, people with strong fate had a darker shadow; on the other hand, the weaker the fate was, the dimmer the shadow. If there were just one or two members with faint shadows, it could be that they were just unlucky people. However, the entire gang of six or seven robbers all had faint shadows. This couldn't be a coincidence!

I observed their eyes; they lacked focus, and there was something black in the scleras. Furthermore, a robber even had a fly that greedily sucked on his eyeball. He wasn’t even bothered by it.

I suddenly understood the situation. These robbers weren’t living beings. They were walking corpses controlled by someone.

I couldn’t believe that someone was controlling corpses for the sake of robbing a bank... The times had changed!

“Don’t worry. I have a solution!” I gently patted Yin Xinyue’s hand and coaxed her.

While the robbers were trying to open the safe, I seized the chance and picked up two pieces of paper on the ground. I tore them into the shape of two human figures. Then, I asked Yin Xinyue to bite her middle finger. I needed a drop of her blood on one of the figures. After winding a strand of her hair around that human figure, I proceeded to do the same.

After I finished preparing the paper figures, I laid them on the ground and grabbed Yin Xinyue’s hand. We rushed out. At first, she was a little scared, but when she saw that the gangsters did not seem to realize that we were escaping, she became bolder. She even stopped and waved her hand in front of one of them.

“Brother Zhang, you’re incredible!” Yin Xinyue screamed happily.

The people in the bank saw us move freely. They gaped in shock but since the robbers had firearms, no one dared to talk.

Everything alive in this world had a spirit, but corpses did not. They were controlled by spells or forbidden magic. That was why the walking corpses in the bank were easily deceived by two pieces of paper.

“Guys, don’t be scared. I’m going to call the police now.”

I pushed the bank’s door open by a little bit and wormed out. As soon as we got out, Yin Xinyue immediately took out her phone to call the police.

“Hello, is this 110? I’m calling to report a bank robbery. Yeah, they’re still inside. Oh, the address is…”

While Yin Xinyue was calling the police, I saw an ordinary-looking van. It was parked by the street and was probably waiting for the robbers. I immediately walked toward it.

A robber was in the driver seat, motionless. Since I had my substitute paper doll in the bank, he didn’t see me. I turned to ask Yin Xinyue, “Did you bring any sharp items? A knife or a screwdriver is okay.”

“Why would a young lady bring these types of things with her when she goes out?” After she searched her bag, she took out a small pair of scissors. “Are these okay?”

I stretched my arm to receive the tool.

“What do you want to do?” Yin Xinyue sounded restless and anxious.

“Cut off this robber’s head.”

“What?! You want to do that right on the street?”

“I’m kidding. I’m going to slash his tires. It’s a little service to the police. Perhaps they will give us an award or certificate later.”

“You’re really bad, you know?” Yin Xinyue smiled as she pounded her soft fist on me.

The tires of this van were full of air. If I randomly stabbed it, it would explode and hit me. I held the pair of scissors upside down in my hands and slowly stabbed the tires. After a quick puff, the air vented out. One tire was deflated.

Right when I was about to stab the second tire, the car door opened. The robber got out of the car and quietly sat in front of us.

Yin Xinyue was scared and let out a shriek.

“Don’t be scared. He can’t see us.”

“Brother, whose side are you on?” asked the robber. I was startled and guessed he was a high-quality walking corpse.

He didn’t wear a mask. His face was pale, and his eyes looked empty. Moreover, there was a purple bruise on his right eye, and his chin was covered with stubbles.

This stubbled man looked a little older than twenty years old, but his voice was that of a forty or fifty years old middle-aged man.

I realized that the voice belonged to the man who was performing the corpse controlling technique. He had to be nearby and was watching me. Right when I was about to search around, he spoke again. “Everybody is from the same circle. I’m just trying to make ends meet. Don’t force me.”

“Who the hell is in your circle!”

“Haha, I gave you face, but you didn’t want it. Don’t blame me then!”

The stubbled man thrust his hand into his pocket.

Damn, it seems he has a gun.

Since the situation was turning for the worse, I grabbed his wrist and slammed it against the car. A handmade gun fell to the ground and fired. Yin Xinyue screamed. People walking on the street also noticed the commotion and gathered around.

“Run! I’m going to deal with him!” I told Yin Xinyue.

All of a sudden, black, worm-like things wiggled under the skin of the stubbled man. They looked disgusting and quickly covered his arm. In just a blink of an eye, his arm had bulged and become as stiff as iron. He swung it with great force, sending me backward.

I flew three meters away and heavily landed on the ground.

The stubbled man smiled and turned around to pick up the gun. Yin Xinyue shivered in horror, unable to move.

I took out the Sirius Whip and lashed at him. The Sirius Whip tore through the air and coiled around the stubbled man’s arm. I pulled the whip backward, making the gun fly out of his hand.

The stubbled man roared and charged at me like a wild animal. I wielded my Sirius Whip again to threaten him. However, his soulless body wasn’t afraid of the magic power of the whip!

Both of his hands acted like a pair of iron pliers, grabbing my throat. He wrinkled his nose and bared his teeth, with his stinky saliva dripping onto my face. The stench was horrid, and I felt like I could lose my consciousness at any moment.

Right after, a gunshot fired.

The stubbled man trembled as if he was hit. His grip loosened a bit, which allowed me to suck in more air.

Yin Xinyue was holding the gun with both hands, shivering and on the verge of crying.

The stubbled man sneered then started to walk toward her. Yin Xinyue fired more shots. The bullets pierced through his body, but no drops of blood came out.

“Run!” I screamed as I strangled the stubbled man from behind. However, he just shook his shoulder to shake me off.

A walking corpse, especially one that was controlled, would not have any weaknesses in a one-on-one battle!

My eyes turned to the pair of scissors I had dropped by the van. I took the time to run and picked it up. Then I used it to scratch my glabella until it bled.

I dipped my index finger into my blood and grabbed the stubbled man’s neck from behind one more time. While he was struggling to get rid of me, I thrust my finger into his mouth and tried to reach deep into his throat.

The stubbled man acted as if he had a fishbone in this throat. His body began to shake hard, and the black thing in the scleras flashed and became unstable.

Eventually, he fell on the ground, his body convulsing.

I exhaled in relief. Then, a frightening explosion resounded from the general direction of the bank. A thick column of smoke rose into the sky!

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