Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 342

Chapter 342: Fighting Zombies Under the Moonlight

My method had worked, but we didn’t have time to interrogate the corpse as two people from our group were missing.

I dialed Captain Liang’s number. However, the call had a strong interference; it seemed as if a strong magnetic field had affected his phone. I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

The only thing we could confirm was that he and Fengsheng Nana were all right.

Li Mazi patted my back. “Little Brother Zhang, look here. This bastard is writing something!”

I lifted my head to see a group of words in traditional form written on the sand. “Kangxi murdered my whole family!”

After writing this, the corpse suddenly sat up, and his pair of white eyes looked straight at me. The whole thing was so scary that I began to sweat.

Did a soul possess this corpse?

That otherworldly item was close by, and it was filled with resentful energy. That was why it could borrow the corpse’s ‘mouth’ to tell its story.

The corpse began to shake hard, writing the word ‘injustice’ on the sand again. However, he was shaking too much and eventually fell from the bed. Lying on the ground, his hand continued writing the same word.

“Let’s go. We should find Captain Liang and Nana.” I raised the flashlight and left the morgue. We searched on several floors. When we reached the corridor of the third floor, someone suddenly shouted at us, “Freeze!”

I raised my hands as a pure reflex. Captain Liang walked out of the darkness, firmly holding the pistol in his hands. He lowered the gun when he recognized us.

“Why did you leave the morgue without telling us?”

“Fengshen Nana heard some footsteps outside, so we decided to go and check. But then she disappeared while we were checking around.”

“Where did she disappear?” I asked.

“Right on this third floor. She’s not answering her phone, so I could only look for her,” Captain Liang answered.

While he was talking, Yin Xinyue pulled my shirt, shivering. It seemed she was trying to show me something.

Standing in front of me was Captain Liang, but there was nothing wrong with him. Yet, Yin Xinyue still looked anxious.

“Look up there! There’s something up there!”

I lifted my head and was a man’s corpse attached to the ceiling. His neck was stretched, and his eyes stared at us without blinking. A drop of sticky liquid lingered at his open mouth, just about to drip.

Officer Liang immediately opened fire, but the corpse moved as swiftly as a lizard on the ceiling and the walls around us. Some lights were smashed, and a piece of hot glass fell right on my neck; I screamed as I felt the heat.

While I was trying hard to get rid of the broken glass inside my shirt, Li Mazi screamed, “Watch out!”

Then, a heavy body fell on me. That walking corpse had just jumped on me, trying to bite my throat; his clattering teeth were right next to my ear. I had to use both hands to push his face away.

His entrails were spilled all over me since the forensic doctor had already cut open his abdomen. No need to tell how nauseous this scene was!

“Hurry, use the Corpse Subduing Talisman!” I said to Yin Xinyue.

However, a hand grabbed Yin Xinyue’s arm just as she was taking the talismans out of her pocket. Another walking corpse had popped up right behind her. Yin Xinyue shrieked the moment she saw his scary face, and the talismans were scattered on the ground.

The walking corpse swiftly pinned Yin Xinyue down and opened his mouth to bite her. Captain Liang blew his jaw off with a shot and his teeth were scattered all over. The walking corpse didn’t have a mouth to bite anymore, so it grabbed Yin Xinyue’s arm and pulled her away along the corridor. Yin Xinyue struggled and screamed for help.

“Li Mazi! Hurry up!”

I screamed for help while mustering all my power to resist the walking corpse. Li Mazi shakily picked up a talisman. He then licked it several times to make sure it would stick on the corpse. Unfortunately, the yellow paper was very thin, and it tore apart as he licked it.

Li Mazi looked at me with innocent eyes.

I was so angry that I wanted to curse him loudly. I couldn’t believe that my own teammate was trying to bring me down!josei

Captain Liang held his pistol, sweating while he aimed at the walking corpse’s head. But all of a sudden, a pair of hands broke the window glass nearby and started to strangle him. Captain Liang dropped the pistol, and his eyes bulged as he tried to break free.

The image of Yin Xinyue being dragged away triggered something in me. I somehow managed to kick the corpse away and tried to pick up a talisman. But the corpse jumped on me once again and sank his teeth into my flesh. The pain was unbearable.

The walking corpse was stuck to my back like a leech. Still, I gathered all of my strength and crawled on the ground. Eventually, I got my hands on a talisman. I turned and slapped it on the corpse’s forehead.

The walking corpse stopped moving, but it still twitched from time to time.

I picked up the other Corpse Subduing Talismans on the ground and stuck one on the corpse pulling Xinyue away. The corpse fell on the ground like a heavy rock.

Then, I pulled Yin Xinyue up. She was so scared that she jumped up and hugged me tightly.

Li Mazi was trying to help Captain Liang; they were struggling against the corpse outside the window. That corpse was really strong since he could overpower the both of them and pull them towards the window, which caused the window frame to shake hard. I stuck two talismans on his arms, and the corpse directly fell from the third floor, leaving a lot of disgusting corpse wax on me.

While wiping his forehead, the panting Li Mazi said, “Little Brother Zhang, where did you get these talismans? They work like a charm! Give me some of them!”

“And you still have the face to ask me!” I kicked Li Mazi, who hurried to dodge. The talisman formula my grandpa had left me was really powerful, but I was running out of talismans fast. I only had four left, so I had to use them wisely.

Captain Liang adjusted his clothes and said, “This is truly dangerous. It’s the first time I’ve ever encountered something like this.”

“This is just the beginning. We have yet to face the real danger!” I told him.

As soon as I said that, a series of drumbeats sounded in the corridor, reaching everyone’s ears. Li Mazi cursed, “This fellow is really bold. He dares to play some drums in the police station. He doesn’t respect our people’s officers!”

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” Officer Liang called sternly. He lifted his foot and was about to go there and check.

“No, don’t go there!” I hurried to stop him.

Then, a gust of wind blew over. The two walking corpses on the ground shivered, and the Corpse Subduing Talismans stuck on their bodies pulsated as if they were resonating with the heartbeats. They moved up and down repeatedly.

All of a sudden, the talismans turned into powder, and the walking corpses slowly got up. Li Mazi was quite agitated. “Your talismans don’t hold up for long! Do you have something else that lasts longer?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Run!”

We hurried down the stairs. Once we descended to the next floor, Captain Liang suddenly turned back. Then I heard a rumbling sound.

The police station had installed sliding steel gates for emergency cases, and Captain Liang had just locked one gate. When the two walking corpses arrived, they could only hold and shake the gate; fortunately, the steel barrier was sturdy enough and didn’t break.

I took out a talisman and attached it to the lock of the gate. The walking corpses were forced back. They tried to jump forward again, but the talisman acted once more. After three times, the Corpse Subduing Talisman started cracking.

My grandfather had told me that all methods to forcefully subdue evil spirits had a limit. The best way to deal with them was to either ferry their souls or to use evil to fight evil.

I suddenly had an idea, so I told the others, “Get to the morgue!”

“Are you crazy?” asked Officer Liang.

“There’s a corpse in the morgue. We can use him to deal with these walking corpses,” I said confidently.

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