Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: Dripping the Sacrificial Blood

After Zen Master Baimei hung up the call, I asked, “Zen Master Baimei, why do we need to use dark clouds to cover the moon?” 

“It is the first solution, but I’m not sure if it'll work.” Zen Master Baimei sighed. “Everybody knows that in ancient China, the sun was the source of Yang energy and the moon of Yin energy. During the Ghost Festival, the moon’s Yin energy is at its strongest. Tonight, the moonlight will awaken a lot of wandering ghosts.” 

I understood what Zen Master Baimei meant. “Ah... Are you saying that Zhao Kuo wants to use the moonlight to revive the souls of his army?” 

“Merciful Buddha, exactly.” Zen Master Baimei continued, “Zhao Kuo and his four hundred and fifty thousand soldiers have accumulated hate for more than two thousand years. Once they rise from the ground, all hell will break loose.” 

“That’s why we have to use dark clouds to cover the moonlight and stop the souls from resurrecting, right?”

Zen Master Baimei gave a slight nod. 

“What if it doesn’t work?” I was worried. 

“I just hope that Buddha is merciful. As it has come to this, we can only carefully plan each move.”

Soon after, we heard planes zoom above our heads. Several of them flew past us and shot bright rockets into the sky. 

The five of us arrived at the destination Zen Master Baimei had described, which was a large valley.

After we left the car, we saw the rockets fly across the sky and explode in midair.

After the rockets exploded, the clear night sky and bright moonlight became hazy; dark clouds started to form. I knew those rockets weren’t weapons but gadgets used to create rainy clouds.

Shortly after, the temperature dropped. Yin Xinyue inadvertently leaned against my chest. At the same time, I sensed a faint smell of blood that permeated the valley.

“That is... really high-level technology.” I admired and sighed.

Twenty minutes later, dark clouds gathered above our heads, and rain gently sprinkled down.  

The originally clear night sky with bright moonlight had turned into a rainy night in a short time. 

Now, I knew why the weather forecast was often incorrect. With this sort of technology, it was hard to always predict it correctly.

A cold wind began to howl, and more rain poured down. 

I took out my phone and checked the time. It was 11:55 PM.

“There are five minutes left,” I said. josei

Zen Master Baimei nodded and brought us to a small mountain. “We’re going to wait here for a while! He’ll come soon.” 

“All right.” My spirit was boosted. 

Yin Xinyue opened her eyes wide and pointed at a spot in the valley, screaming, “Look, she’s coming!” 

“Who?” I followed Yin Xinyue’s line of sight. The girl in white was dragging her bronze sword as she walked through the valley. 

Since she was dragging the ancient sword, it clanged on the bumpy ground. 

I couldn’t help but frown. 

What a waste! The ancient bronze sword in her hands was more than two thousand years old, and it was definitely worth more than ten million renminbi!

She was inadvertently using it to sweep trash on the ground. It was heart-rending. 

As an antique businessman, the sound of the sword being dragged on the ground was like the scream of a beautiful woman on the verge of death. It was a big distraction for me.

I was too distracted and started calculating how much money had to be deducted every time the sword rubbed against a rock.

However, the girl wasn’t bothered by the value of the sword. 

Soon after, I noticed that her sword was dripping with blood.

I saw a cut at her wrist. Her blood flowed along the sword and dripped to the ground. 

“What is she doing?” asked Yin Xinyue.

“It looks like she wants to use her blood to awaken the souls.” I thought it was the only explanation for this.

“We must stop her!” said Chuyi.

As he finished talking, the girl in white suddenly turned her head one hundred and eighty degrees, looking at us. 

I would never forget her face… 

Her pale lips parted, which showed her abnormally black teeth. She looked as though she was mocking us. 

Her eyes had now turned completely white, releasing cold light! 

In a sharp voice, she said, “Do you think you can stop me… like this?” 

When I heard her voice, I shuddered. Chuyi drew his sword and jumped down. 

But it seemed it was too late. 

The girl suddenly pointed her sword at the sky. Then, her sword shot a green ray of Yin energy into the sky! 

The ray of Yin energy reached the dark sky, piercing a hole through the thick layer of clouds.

A strange blue moon quietly appeared after the clouds dispersed. It was the moon that Zhao Kuo had yearned for!

The blue moonlight illuminated the valley. I checked the time, and it was exactly midnight!

The girl’s black hair suddenly started to fade. Under the ghostly moonlight, it grew longer, growing a dozen meters long in the blink of an eye!

Amidst the chaos, I heard Zhao Kuo’s angry roar. “Hahahaha! Come back to life! My soldiers, you have been blamed for two thousand years! Now, it’s time for you to pick up your weapons and take revenge!”

As the girl screamed, I heard rattling noises from the valley’s muddy ground.

At first, the sound was low. But soon after, it intensified.

To our dismay, the entire valley began to shake hard! 

Yin Xinyue asked, “Zen Master Baimei, is this the place where Bai Qi deceived and massacred those four hundred thousand soldiers?”

Zen Master Baimei chanted “Merciful Buddha” then answered, “Yes, it’s right here.” 

Immediately after, a shadow slowly wormed out of the ground. 

The pale moonlight shone on the black skeleton. The corpse’s soft flesh had decomposed, but there were still some pieces of armor on him.

The skeleton got up from the ground. Then, dozens of soldiers with various levels of decomposition crawled out of the ground after him. 

Some of them still had pieces of flesh attached to the skeletons. It seemed they hadn’t decayed completely because of this place’s thick Yin energy.

When around a hundred skeleton soldiers had surrounded the girl in white, I started to smell a horrible stench.

Chuyi did not waste time and started to attack the skeleton soldiers with his eight-faced Han sword.

The pungent smell didn’t seem to trouble him. Before the skeleton soldiers were completely revived, the sword in his hand flashed, smashing them to pieces.

Within seconds, Chuyi had killed his way to the girl in white.

“Stop it!” Chuyi said coldly, “You are doomed to fail. If you stop now, I can perhaps free their souls.”

“Hmph! I gave you a chance to run. Why have you come back here to die?” After seeing the eight-faced Han sword, Zhao Kuo wielded his sword to parry against Chuyi.

When Zhao Kuo moved his sword, the dark clouds in the sky gathered again, and the rattling sounds from the ground also stopped.

What Chuyi was doing was working! 

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