Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 364

Chapter 364: The Red Barbarian Cannon

In the end, the cannon was sent to the operation room, and the onlookers dispersed. 

“Brother Zhang, do you feel cold? We should head back to your room!” said Yin Xinyue. 

We then returned to my room. 

At 11:00 PM, I, once again, urged Yin Xinyue to go home. She wasn’t pleased, but I managed to convince her in the end.

I lay on my bed but couldn’t fall asleep as the cannon was still in my thoughts. It wasn’t that I was greedy for money. The problem was that I had been dealing with otherworldly items for a long time, and now that I had bumped into such a powerful otherworldly item, my interest was piqued. 

In the end, I called Li Mazi. The phone rang six times before he picked up. His loud complaining echoed through the line. “Little Brother Zhang, why did you call me so late at night? Can we talk tomorrow if you have something to say? I need my personal space, okay?” 

I faked a feeble voice. “Li Mazi, I’m in the hospital.” 

“What happened?” Li Mazi’s tone changed. 

“You should hurry. I’m in Hospital No.3. If you’re late, you might not be able to see me again.” 

“You… You’re not kidding, right? All right, I’m coming! Wait for me!” 

Then, he hung up. Although Li Mazi had a lot of bad habits, he was a good man who valued friendship. 

Half an hour later, he stormed into my room. After seeing me lying on the bed in a patient uniform, his face paled. “Little Brother Zhang, you looked fine two days ago. How did you suddenly fall ill? What kind of disease do you have? Is it curable?”

I mouthed some words and pretended to sound like I was dying. “It’s not a big problem... but the doctor said that they will have to remove one of my organs...” 

“What?! Your organ needs to be removed, and you’re here saying that it’s not a big problem?” Li Mazi's voice trembled, and his eyes started to tear up. “We’ve been through so much, and I know you won’t be defeated by some disease! Little Brother Zhang, you can’t fall, no matter what. You don’t want Yin Xinyue to be a widow, right? We have money now. Which organ is it? I will get it for you, even if I have to kidnap somebody…”

Then, Li Mazi suddenly saw the patient’s checking card on my bed. It read, ‘Appendicitis Surgery.’

He immediately punched my stomach.  

"You little bastard! You deceived me!” 

“I didn’t. Isn’t the appendix also an organ?” I laughed and cried at the same time as Li Mazi happened to hit right at my wound.

Li Mazi was so mad he wanted to leave, but I called him back and told him that I had some big news.

Li Mazi impatiently grabbed a chair and sat next to me. “If you fool me one more time, things will be over between us.” 

I told him about what had happened in the hospital. Li Mazi was surprised. “Do you think her husband’s operation will succeed?” 

“I’m not a doctor,” I answered. 

Then, I understood what Li Mazi meant. If something unexpected happened during the operation, we could seize the chance and jump in, taking the cannon. 

I smiled. “Li Mazi, you’re really cunning.” 

I had called him here to go around and ask for more information. After all, I was a patient, so it wasn’t convenient for me to move around. 

Li Mazi agreed and left the room, headed to the emergency ward. 

After he left, I used my phone to access the hospital’s official website. The hospital was now owned by a new company. It was a well-known multinational oil company that had branches even in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. I now knew the rich woman’s identity. 

Li Mazi was gone for quite a long time, and he had yet to return, so I slowly drifted into sleep.

When it was almost dawn, Li Mazi shook me awake. I opened my eyes and saw him with dark circles underneath his eyes but very excited.

“There’s hope! There’s hope!” said Li Mazi excitedly. 

“What hope?” I asked. 

It turned out Li Mazi had been waiting outside the operation room. When he saw the rich woman, he introduced himself as a renowned expert in the otherworldly items business.

He pretended to be mysterious and told her that he had suddenly sensed intimidating energy in this hospital while passing by. He knew there was an otherworldly item, so he came to check. He had tracked it all the way to the operation room. After calculating with his fingers, he had discovered that this cannon was from the Ming or the Qing dynasty.

The rich woman bought it. She started to talk with Li Mazi and asked him if her husband could get over this challenge.

Li Mazi told her that this cannon was an extreme Yang energy item. If the user’s birth chart wasn’t good enough, the item would kill them. However, in her husband’s case, his birth chart was pretty good. So, in theory, he would be all right.

However, just because his birth chart was good, it didn’t mean that he was completely safe. Li Mazi carefully analyzed the rich woman’s husband’s birth chart, telling her that there was an evil person in his destiny that would trouble him. They had to be very cautious, especially at a moment like this. 

The rich woman totally agreed with him and thought that Li Mazi was a real expert. She even gave him her contact details.

"Now, we just need to wait until something happens to her husband. Then, it’s showtime.” Li Mazi laughed despicably. 

“Why do I suddenly feel that your thoughts are getting worse and worse?” I asked. 

“Our business isn’t different from running a coffin shop, is it? Normally, we would help people here and there. But if no one ever used an otherworldly item carelessly, nothing bad would happen. And then, we would have no business to run.”

He had a point.

The sky got brighter. I took a look at the yard from my window, and the cars were still there. 

“Why is the operation taking this much time?” Li Mazi asked. 

“It’s a neurological surgery. They are operating someone’s brain. An operation like this can last for more than ten hours!” I said.

After the nurse came and changed my bandage, I changed my clothes and went out with Li Mazi to find something to eat. When we returned and passed by the Intensive Care Unit, we saw the doctors push a patient into a sickroom. The rich woman followed closely behind; she had dark circles under her eyes. A group of bodyguards and her secretary followed her.

From her expression, I guessed that her husband’s life wasn’t in danger. 

He was the pillar of her family. If he was gone, the rich woman would lose everything. That was why she was so dedicated. 

I turned to the operation ward’s corridor and looked around. 

“What are you looking for?” asked Li Mazi. 

“It’s empty.”

“Isn’t that obvious? The surgery is done. Why would anyone be there?” Li Mazi laughed.

I didn’t mean that. Not only were there no people in this corridor, but there were also no ghosts. There was not even a wisp of Yin energy. 

It seemed this cannon was really powerful!

A sports car arrived at the scene, and a young man with good skin and smooth hair jumped out of it. As he walked, he took off his sunglasses. 

When he saw us, he asked impolitely, “Hey, there’s a guy who got his brain tumor removed. Did he die?”

I hated rude people like him a lot, so I casually answered, “Dunno.” 

The young man pulled a doctor and asked the same question again. When he got a confirming answer that the big boss’s surgery was a success, he smacked his tongue and looked disdainful.

The rich woman walked out. Since Li Mazi was afraid that she would recognize him, he picked up a magazine and covered his face. 

As soon as the woman saw the young man, she walked forward and slapped him. 

“You’re a heartless, filthy animal! Your brother was in the operation room for ten hours, and you didn’t even ask once about his condition. You ran to the bar and partied, didn’t you? Why are you here now? Do you want to confirm if he’s dead or not?” scolded the woman.

The young man rubbed his red face and sneered. “No one has ever dared to hit me. I respect you because you’re my sister-in-law, but you shouldn’t forget that you’re not a member of the Shen family. If one day my brother isn’t here to protect you, you know it’ll be the end for you, right?” 

After talking, the young man turned around and left. The rich woman snorted then returned to the room. 

“The competition in rich families is really dramatic. It feels like watching a soap opera!” Li Mazi sighed. josei

I now noticed that he was holding a weekly magazine for pregnant women. He also recognized that and gave me an embarrassed smile. 

“Did you read anything nice?” 

“I did! You should take this chance and read it too. I guess you’ll need it in two days…” Then, he secretly handed me the magazine. I just smiled and pushed him away.

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