Otome Game no Heroine de Saikyou Survival (LN)

Book 6

Book 6: Chapter 7

Children of the Desert

「Where did you get your hand on this?」

That day, one of the clerks of Kirly Company, a man called “Pharmacist Jed” was facing a strange duo.

Kirly Company was one of the four factions that ruled Cutlass Town. They controlled forty percent of the food, alcohol, and daily necessities in this desert town. The company had various departments but, Jed was working as head clerk in the [apothecary]. The department bought the materials gathered by Hogros Company’s adventurer, processed them into medicine, and then sold the products to adventurer or wealthy resident for profit.

A strange story came to Jed’s place at such time. He was told that an unknown young woman came to sell potion.

“Apothecary” usually bought materials but didn’t buy medicine. Even so sometimes adventurer who was pressed for money or traveler wanting to sell their spare medicine would come to them. He would check the quality and if it was still usable, he would buy it with ten or twenty percent of the standard price, then he would sell it not to average customer but to destitute resident with high price.

But these young women left behind something that seemed to be low class potion for free.

Although it was low class, recovery potion could make weakened body recover its stamina, closed wound, and healed shallow wound in several days without leaving behind any scar in several days. That wasn’t all, it could also heal even sickness after the consumer rested on bed for several days as long as the sickness wasn’t anything too particular.

In this world where it would become harder to get sick or wounded the greater a person’s mana was, recovery potion was the most universal medicine.

But, even the low rank could cost a silver coin. Especially in this desert town, it was a high class medicine that cost three silver coins.

The cause of that was, first the few available ingredients. There would be no problem at country or region with a lot of nature, but many of the creatures living in this desert were monster. It wasn’t an easy thing to gather ingredient.

In addition the number of alchemist who could create potion was also few. The number of alchemist itself wasn’t few, but an alchemist would rather work in normal country rather than this kind of lawless town in the desert where there would be safety and cheap material available.

There was no individual alchemist working in this town. Alchemist who came to this town was only second rate alchemist with no decent skill or alchemist with questionable past. But even such alchemist was fought over by the factions, and they were forced to work like work-horse to fulfill the demand.

Even such second rate alchemist who could only make low class potion was rare here. Naturally the product they created didn’t reach the low ranked adventurer and destitute people.

Therefore the majority of potions circulating in the town came from the Kirly Company’s export from Carlfan Empire, but a lot of them would deteriorate from the long journey of one month and the desert’s climate. But, the low rank potion that those young women left behind didn’t show any sign of deterioration at all.

「Where……even if you ask me that, is there a merchant who will tell other about their supplier?」

「Ha-ha-ha, you really hit where it hurts there.」

They were inside the apothecary’s reception room. Jed who was also a merchant responded to the words of the woman who was sitting on the sofa by slapping his bald swarthy head and a playful laugh.

The potion that was placed on the table was a high class potion.

The recovery rate and recovery amount of high class potion rivaled level 3 light sorcery. But exported potion that had deteriorated would have its efficacy declined by 30%. Even so such thing could be sold for five small gold coins in this town, which was several times the normal price.

And yet, the high class potion that these women brought this time didn’t have the slightest deterioration as though it had just been made.

The effect had been tested using the one that had been provided to him as tester to an underling who was on the verge of death from horrible sunburn.

If it was low class then one that hadn’t deteriorated could be obtained even in this town, but how did one obtain high class potion without deterioration in this desert where even the ingredients for it couldn’t be found?

(……So young.)

Jed’s gaze sharpened slightly seeing the young woman before him.

She was a white skinned Melsenian which was rare in this town. It wasn’t like there was none at all but a woman this young and fair looking couldn’t be found even in the red district that Riezan Family managed.

At first she was wearing her hood to cover most of her face, but even Jed was shocked when the business negotiation started and the woman showed her bare face. She was like a noble with her blue eyes and blonde hair that had thin coloring. She was still young──it would be fine to call her a girl. Her appearance looked like a fifteen years old girl in commoner family, but it was possible that she was slightly younger than that if she had a lot of mana.

It was unthinkable that a girl who still looked a bit childish like this was a high ranked alchemist. In the first place there was no way something like this could be created here because there was no ingredient for it.

She should have some kind of secret.

Did she export the ingredient while using sorcery to retain the freshness? Or she had some kind of technology to transport potion across the desert without allowing it to decay? Or perhaps she used sorcery to maintain the potion’s freshness itself?

There should be a secret behind this. What should be done to “steal” it away…….


Jed suddenly felt an abnormal pressure and held his breathing.

Jed was a head clerk of Kirly Company that was one of the four major factions in this town, but he was going out of his way to have business negotiation with this kind of little girl because of the existence of her “companion”.

The other person than the blonde haired girl……the other woman still wearing her hood while standing behind the girl. She was most likely her bodyguard. She was constantly clad in a dangerous atmosphere while keeping her vigilance toward the surrounding.

Jed too was this town’s resident. He had experience with killing, and he had lost count of how many times he had robbed away other people’s fortune before trampling on their dignity and dropped them into hell that was even more horrible than death.

A person like Jed felt that this single woman was “unusual”.

The residents of this town wouldn’t hesitate to kill. Because they knew they would be taken advantage of if they didn’t do it first. That was exactly why they would sell even their dignity to protect their life.

The first thing Jed thought when he caught sight of these two was──it would become troublesome if he tried anything with them.

Jed also had bodyguard here. In the first place even the kids in this town knew that their family and friend would all get slaughtered if they did something to a head clerk of Kirly Company.

However even then, Jed got the premonition that his death was nearby, that he would get killed.

「……Then let’s return to our negotiation. I can prepare four gold coins for one of these if you can deliver the product periodically. What do you think?」

「Let me think……I don’t mind with that price. It will be delightful if we can continue this good relationship from here on.」

「Yes. Of course we will……」


The girls brought a total of five high class potions. They received two large gold coins as payment. And then they immediately left Kirly Company after that.

High class potion that a wandering merchant brought would net them one small gold coin at best. Even if it was in good condition and had selling price above one large gold coin, having the company bought it with the price of four small gold coins could be said as extraordinary.

Even such amount wouldn’t be expensive at all if they considered the profit that could be obtained from those girls.

The room was filled with the sweet scent of the boiled tea that used a lot of sugar. In the end that tea was left untouched on the table. There Jed muttered with a broad smile.

「……Little girls, don’t look down on Kirly Company.」


「I wonder if I failed……」

Elena who was hiding her face under the hood whispered while walking on the street.

Even Cutlass Town that didn’t have public order wasn’t that dangerous during the day at the main street. After all as long as it was a place where people lived, daily necessity like stall that sold simple food or cloth and string to create attire would become necessary.

The majority of the shops were affiliated with one of the four factions, so the look of the shop owners who had to pay very expensive management fee lacked luster. There were also few customers who came to shopping for their expensive product.

There were also a lot of people who steal or rob in order to survive. I only used my gaze to drive away the bunch who looked at us like prey before nodding at Elena’s words.

「Perhaps. Even so we really don’t have any other option.」

We sold potion in order to obtain connection and money.

To go to Carlfan Empire that was far away from this town, we needed to accompany merchant that knew the route well. For that we needed to create trust. Most likely we would also need a lot of money. I created high class potion using desert ingredient that I learned from master who was a dark elf, but it seemed that method wasn’t common.

Our importance would go up with the fresh high class potion. We decided to use that as our weapon even knowing the danger it would bring us, but that Kirly Company’s employee, I felt too much greed from him as a merchant.

「Should we sell it directly to Hogros Company?」

「Kirly Company is the potion supplier for the adventurer guild. It might be fine if it’s just small amount, but selling large amount will make us their enemy anyway.」

「For now, let’s pray that Kirly Company won’t do anything stupid……. Aria? What’s wrong?」

「I smell death.」

Elena looked puzzled seeing I suddenly focused on one spot.

Even this kind of town didn’t have corpse scattered around at the open. In contrast, this town that was familiar with corpse always dealt with it quickly in order to prevent disease outbreak.

But, I felt the stench of death at the open like this. This smell wasn’t something that solely came from corpse. In contrast a freshly made corpse wouldn’t give off any putrid smell. But this putrid stench could also be felt from people who were dying from disease or something.

「Aria, over there.」


Elena noticed a small silhouette lying at a corner of a gloomy alley. I also focused my sight with body strengthening.

「A child……still alive.」


Elena got her breath slightly caught hearing the fact that I muttered.

What to do? We weren’t that well-off that we could get involved with other people’s life or death. But, it would leave scar in Elena’s heart if she ignored this after noticing it.

Elena’s gaze entangled with mine just for a moment. Just from that I walked toward the alley with Elena following along slightly behind me with a jog.


We entered the alley and looked at the wounded and beaten up child. Elena reflexively started to run toward the child, but I grabbed her shoulder.

「The child is-」

「Wait. It might be sickness.」

The child was covered in wounds but I judged based on the smell rather than that.

I didn’t want to let Elena got closer in case it was an infectious disease. I took out distilled liquor with high alcohol content that had been distilled several times from my pouch. I spread several drips on palm to sterilize it before approaching the child and examined him.

Dark elf child? It felt like this was my first time seeing a kid since coming to this town. Even taking into consideration that he was a dark elf, he must be not ten years old yet. From examining this boy, most likely his sickness wasn’t infectious based on his symptoms. I realized that it was a sickness that he got infected from getting bitten by insect that lived in this area.

It wouldn’t spread through air so there would be no problem to get near him, but there was a risk of infection from touching this kid’s blood for a long time.

「──High Heal──」

His wounds were visibly healing because of the level 3 light sorcery. My light sorcery prioritized healing speed compared to Elena’s, but this was enough. Either way healing magic could only heal sickness that could be cured by sleeping and recovering your stamina in the first place.

「Aria, this boy is……」

「Let’s bring him to a clean place for now. First we have to wash off the blood.」

This boy’s wounds weren’t from getting bitten by insect. Considering how far his disease had progressed, most likely he received violence from someone who feared getting infected by the sickness before abandoning him here.

The perpetrator would be his family or his neighbor. But we could investigate that later, for now we should move. His wounds had healed by the sickness wouldn’t vanish on its own. He might not died if he was given potion every day but, there was something else that I wanted to try.

I wrapped the boy’s whole body with a hemp cloth that we stocked from this town in a way that wouldn’t touch the boy’s blood. Then I gently lifted him up with both hands.

「Are we going to bring him to the inn?」

「No, let’s go to back there.」

We hadn’t seen any children in this town. In that case perhaps they were staying at the slum that was distanced from the main street. As I walked toward that direction, I caught sight of someone familiar running from the other side of the alley with ragged breath.

「You, what are you doing with that kid……」

「Is that your business?」

That boy──the dark elf Kamil glared threateningly at me when I said that to him. He slowly pulled out his short sword.

「Hand over that kid……-」

Kamil had never showed that much emotion to us……no, Kamil who didn’t direct any interest at us before was directing emotion of irritation toward us for the first time.

「……If I refuse?」


The boy in my arms stirred slightly in respond to the killing intent from Kamil.

Kamil shot off like arrow in that moment. Before his blade reached me, I who was separated from Elena stomped my heel on the alley’s wall and ran up while still holding the boy. I blocked Kamil’s short sword with my heel’s blade as it slashed through.


「This kid will die you know?」

「Let go of him!」

Fast. Kamil sped up even more when I talked as though I was taking this kid hostage. He swung his blade, I also used my heel’s blade and got up the wall even more to dodge the blade while throwing a hidden weapon from my Storage with only a swing of my wrist.


Kamil tried to give chase using only his physical ability, but he fell down at the same time when he deflected the thrown weapon.

I see……he’s strong as I thought. I felt that Kamil surpassed me purely in status. But, that wasn’t it. The threat that I felt from him was…….

「That “sword” huh.」


Kamil’s eyes widened from my words.

The slight discomfort that I felt from him……it was so small like when I had forgotten to cut my nail. Kamil also had weighted chain, and surely he could use sorcery too as a dark elf. But, he couldn’t use them with the kid in my hands.

He was unexpectedly a good person? More soft-hearted than his impression hinted? Anyone would ordinarily think that. But if he had that much strength, then surely he had a bit more trick to use.

His experience in bloody battlefield was lacking compared to the threat that I felt from him. I guessed that the secret to that lied in the mana laced rugged short sword that he was holding.

「For you」


Kamil started to climb the wall once more. I threw the boy to him.

He quickly caught the kid and lost his balance. I erased my presence and drew out my knife before raising it behind him──



Elena’s voice echoed inside the alley just before the blade touched Kamil’s neck. I quickly kicked the wall and landed beside her.

At that timing Kamil opened the distance while still holding the boy. He glared at me. I silently accepted it while Elena sighed a little and took a step forward.

「That child is covered in blood but his wounds are healed. We aren’t the one who harmed him. We simply healed him because we couldn’t bear to see him die.」


Kamil looked doubtful hearing that explanation, even so he moved his gaze to the boy. He saw that the kid was covered in blood but there was no wound underneath. After he understood the misunderstanding, his lips twisted, even so he squeezed out some words from his mouth.


「I accept your apology. After all we were also partly at fault for acting in a way that invited misunderstanding.」

Elena turned her gaze to me. I nodded slightly.

I wouldn’t say that Kamil and his friend Ron were evil, but whether they were trustworthy or not was a different story. Elena too understood that he could be trusted to some degree when she saw me handing over the kind, but she was thinking that it was me then I should be able to handle this a bit more peacefully.

But, there was no need for our side to go through the trouble of going as far as showing our softness.

It wasn’t like Elena and I liked to act like this. But, Elena had the duty to return to the kingdom, and I had a reason to protect her.

In order to protect Elena physically and mentally, I threw away all softness to the ditch.

「Do you have a way to treat that kid’s sickness?」

Kamil moved to open more distance from us while carrying the child, but his feet stopped.

「……Is that your business?」

Kamil threw the words that I said at the beginning back at me. I nodded slightly to him.

「It’s not my business. Even if I have the way for that.」


Kamil looked at me once more when I said that.

I had no intention of getting friendly with him. I had no intention to get involved any further with them if they had a way. But the child was innocent. If his life could be saved without getting friendly with them then that would be great.

This was the greatest concession we could make in order to not create any weakness.

From Kamil’s perspective, it must be difficult to believe me with how doubtful he acted. He was behaving like that so it was natural. That was why I also forced a concession to him in order to not get friendly with him.

「……It’s not free.」



It was outside the town──a location where it was mostly rocky place. A small hut was standing there.

「Kamil! How’s Noi!?」

「Chako, Noi is still alright.」

The small hut was only there to protect from the sunlight. Coming out from it was a cat beastgirl who was still in the middle of her teen.

Noi must be that dark elf boy’s name. The girl called Chako was a beastman so she didn’t seem like his family, but seeing how relieved she was after Kamil explained to her that Noi wasn’t injured despite all the blood, I could see how she was thinking of him as her family despite the difference in race.

「Umm……those people?」

「……They were the one who healed the wound.」

Kamil’s introduction was half-hearted and short. Even so Chako hurriedly bowed her head to suspicious people like us who were hiding our face.

「T-thank you very much! But, we don’t have anything to pay……」

「This guy will pay us so it’s fine. Rather than that do you know that this kid is sick?」


Chako talked to us haltingly.

They were homeless orphans living in this town. Those who were thrown away by their parents because they didn’t have enough to live anymore. Those who were left behind because they would be burden when running away from this town. Those whose parents were killed in gang war, etc. In this town there were so many possible reason that could be thought of.

Even such children would steal food and money from other children who were weaker than them. They used the corpses of the weak as stepping stone to grow into adult of that town. That was why the weak children leaned on each other in order to survive. They were living in a rocky place like this where death was just a step away so others wouldn’t steal from them.

It was then Ron and Kamil accidentally noticed Noi who was the same race with Kamil and the predicament that she was in. They then helped the children with food and other things.

Other than Chako and Noi, there were also two other children here. An infant dog beastman and a small dwarf girl with slightly good built was it?

Even with Kamil’s aid it still wasn’t enough to feed everyone. In the first place there were many children like this around the town.

In order for the children to live, the oldest Chako gathered fibers from the succulent plant around here and made cheap shoes with that. She sold that to earn small amount of copper coin every day. As for Noi, he had work of taking care the beetle larva that was bred in the town.

The larva of giant beetle had high nutrition value. It was an important food source in this town. But, giant beetle was monster and even its larva was dangerous. It was exactly because it was a dangerous job that even an orphan like Noi could work there, but Noi got bitten by a beetle larva and he unfortunately got sick from it.

Noi’s health was declining bit by bit and he realized that he was sick. Chako and the other children were worried that he might be sick, but Noi lied to them and kept working in order to fed the children who were younger than him. That was two days ago.

From here was just my conjecture but, the employer noticed that Noi was sick and beat him up before tossing him into that alley. Most likely hired orphan getting sick in the job was already within their expectation, and each time a child got sick they would get killed like this.

「……”Lena”, put water into that jar. Chako? Get me some cloths.」



After the two replied back I ripped off Noi’s clothes. I handed the bloody clothes to Kamil who went out midway because of bewilderment and told him to burn and buried it in the desert.

The infectiousness of this disease was low but it would still be better to burn it. After all there was no guarantee that Clean would disinfect it. I splashed the water that Elena produced with magic on Noi and wiped the blood using the rag that Chako gave me. I told the returning Kamil to burn the rag and chased him out.

Next would be a sorcery that even I had never tried before. It would be better if factor that could disturb my concentration got removed as many as possible.

「……Are you okay?」

「I’m doing it. ……[Treatment] ──」

Light of magic radiated from my hand──.

Level 4 light magic, Treatment.

This spell didn’t recover stamina or heal wound. It was a sorcery to heal sickness.

Just like Treat that couldn’t do anything unless you understood the type of poison, Treatment wouldn’t have any effect unless you understood the sickness.

Only my light magic was still level 3. Level 4 light sorcery was Treatment and Bless, but people with higher mana would be harder to catch sickness, and the effect of my pink hair made me unrelated with sickness itself, so I didn’t have any sense of danger that made me felt it was necessary to have level 4 light magic. Even though I was using magic instead of sorcery, I couldn’t use it until now.

But, level 4 light magic would definitely become necessary too for my fight ahead.

Of course Bless that increased magic resistance and physical resistance was important, but it also would be important to achieve my ideal──the ideal of master and me that master wasn’t able to achieve, to become the true “War Demon”.

And then, the power of two sorceries that master sought──.

I would obtain even more “strength” here.


「……Do you succeed?」

「No problem.」

Kamil talked to me with a conflicted face when I came out of the hut.

The result was that Treatment activated and Noi’s sickness was healed. I concentrated too much that I was tired, so Elena and others told me to rest and sent me out. I left the rest to them.

I think Kamil was looking conflicted because of his discontent from me pushing off chores to him and driving him out from the hut, and also because he felt grateful to me for treating Noi’s sickness.

Being able to use level 4 light sorcery was at the level of holy church’s high priest. There should only be ten odd people of them even in Claydale Kingdom.

I heard that in Cutlass Town, Hogros Company and Kirly Company had one each such person. Asking healing from such people would require trust, sufficient connection, and more than ten large gold coins at the very least.

I demanded one large gold coin to Kamil for the treatment this time. I would be fine even with just one small gold coin, but I asked that amount for the sake of their pride too.

Kamil’s attitude was bad and he was deeply distrustful, and yet he wanted to pay his debt like this. It made me felt that he unexpectedly had good upbringing.

「……Sorry. I’m in your debt.」

「Don’t mind it.」

Just this time Kamil thanked me honestly. I also lightly waved my hand telling him to not mind it. When I took off my hood in a tree’s shadow to dry off my sweaty hair, his long-lashed eyes widened like saucer seeing that.

……Come to think of it, I guess this was my first time showing my face to him.

「Pink……blond hair?」


「No……it’s rare but not strange.」

For some reason Kamil averted his gaze from me and shut his mouth as though searching for the words to say. Was there something? If there was something that bothered him, I’d also said the thing that was in my mind.

「I guess. An adventurer who has magic sword, or dark elf with lighter shade of skin, they are rare but it’s not like they don’t exist.」


Kamil fell silent and stared fixedly into my eyes. Even wild animal might ran away against that strong gaze. I faced it on wordlessly for almost a minute when he moved his gaze away and let out a very long sigh.

「How did you notice?」

「Your experience is lacking.」

I didn’t say what experience. My words could be interpreted in various senses. Kamil seemed to sense something from my words and he looked discontent again. We both stayed quiet for a while and time passed before he started murmuring.

「How old do I look like?」

「If you’re a dark elf……around thirty?」

His appearance looked similar to me, a human who had just become of age. But a race with long life span like elf should actually be far older than they looked. Kamil silently shook his head when I said my thinking to him.

「I’m fifteen. I have human blood in me just like you guessed. Besides your body growing more mature the more mana you have is the same whether for human or dark elf.」

「I see……」

「I was told that the human mother who gave birth to me……my mother had beautiful pink blonde hair.」


There were light red hair color and hair color that was close to pink, but only women who directly descended from Melrose House could be said to have pink hair color. Was his grandmother a woman of Melrose House who married into other family?

If that was the case……then perhaps he was blood related to me.

「This magic sword, I heard that my dark elf father, gave in order to protect my human mother.」

Kamil touched the handle of the magic sword while looking slightly lonely. ……As I thought it was a special magic sword.

「Your mother?」

「……Killed. By dad’s other wife.」

「That so……」

I felt more anger than sadness in Kamil’s voice.

「And your parents?」

「They died protecting me.」

「……I see.」

Slight anger also oozed from my voice. But that anger wasn’t directed to the monster that killed my parents, but the otome game that was my “destiny”.

What was Kamil’s anger directed at? Was there some kind of reason he was helping the orphans and also getting into a fight with Munza Gang?

It wasn’t something that could be asked. We sat on the ground while staying quiet and not stirring at the slightest until Elena and Chako came for us.


Two days later, Elena and I were heading once more toward the small hut of the children outside the town.

We entrusted those children to Kamil or Ron. We shouldn’t get too involved with them. But Elena had gotten close with the dog beastman and dwarf infant in that hut. It seemed she was concerned with the children’s food situation.

The succulent plant in this area was highly nutritional, and they shouldn’t get hungry by eating that, but they would get sick easily if they didn’t eat meat or grain.

It was slightly expensive, but we bought thinly sliced meat of a livestock that was similar to sheep, not the insect that the poor ate. But we felt that something was a bit out of place as we headed to the rocky place.



Elena was going to rush off but I stopped her with my hand and stepped forward. Noi who should have recovered why collapsed in front of the hut. He was still alive. My eyes could see that there was still mana remaining in his body, so he could still be saved if he received treatment quickly.

Even so I stopped Elena because three beastmen showed up from inside the hut.

Beastman……Munza Gang huh.

「Took you guys long. The alchemist woman who healed this brat is you right?」

「……Where’s Chako?」

Two of the beastmen were holding two infants in their arms, perhaps as hostage. The children were so scared that they didn’t even make any sound. They must have seen something really terrifying. Elena was holding her breath seeing the situation from behind me.

Also why were these guys thought that we were alchemist? How did they learn that Noi’s sickness was healed?

「That little girl is at our place right now. Doon’t worry, nothing bad is gonna happen to her if you two come with us quietly. If you can use potion to heal sickness, we’ll be able to get a lot of brats that can be sold to Riezan Family like that woman.」

A beastman with fur that looked like black tiger laughed after saying that. The beastmen who were holding the captured children also laughed.

I stared at them──and the children. I lit a small flame in my heart.

Are you guys……fine like that?

「I’ll take you to meet with her. So don’t resist──」

「You’re just going to cry?」

The beastmen frowned in puzzlement when I spoke those words clearly.

「What, you, what did you say──」

「You guys are fine with getting pushed around?」

The dwarf lifted up her face.

「You really aren’t mad?」

The beastman infant gritted his teeth.

The men showed anger on their expression when I said those words over their voices.

「Shut up, you woman-!」


「In order to live──fight」



You guys didn’t notice? That the children had stopped crying. That they decided to fight on their own will to protect their family.

You guys underestimated the children too much. Even infant could kill if they had fang.

The children bit the men’s arms. I pointed my fingertip in that moment when they were taken by surprise.



The beastmen froze. I glided and planted my black dagger between the eyes of the man holding the child, while my black knife stabbed the skull of the other man. Then I took back the two children and gently put them down on the ground.


The black tiger man was still petrified by the slaughter that happened instantly. I glided toward him and broke the wrist of his right arm that moved his weapon with a chop. I also kicked the right knee of the man who was standing still so it broke to the opposite direction.


The man rolled around on the ground while screaming in pain. I stepped on his face and shut him up with my pressure and killing intent while looking down on him coldly.

「You’ll take me to meet with her. So don’t resist.」

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