Overlimit Skill Holder

Book 3

Book 3: Epilogue 2

** Kruvan Holy Kingdom Earl Sillys Residence **

Earl Sillys, who has the “Magic Eye of Inquire”, returned to his home late at night.

Nevertheless, the servants working in the mansion gathered together to welcome the Earl’s return. As their Lord was still working hard till late at night, they could not allow themselves to retire to bed before him.

「Welcome home, father.」

At the head of the group was Eva, the Earl’s sole daughter who inherited the same blonde hair and scarlet eyes as him.

She took part in her first step as a full-fledged noble this year in the Sprout and New Moon Banquet. She now has an established reputation in social circles as a magnificent Lady of House Sillys.

Due to her beauty and loveliness, she already had many male fans, but Charlotte of House Marquis Phrase did not allow men to approach her.


The Earl smiled slightly when he saw the face of his beloved daughter, but then–

「I have to speak with you. Come to my room. …We don’t need tea. The rest of you please rest.」he said, with a strained look.

The servants bowed down their heads all at once.


They were in the Earl’s office. The chief butler stood at the entrance, and Maxim, the chief military officer, stood as an escort in the corridor.

「How is the situation in the Lev Magic Empire?」

Eva immediately asked as they entered the room. The Earl nodded and they both took a seat at the sofa.

It had already been 10 days since the giant monster appeared over the Lev Magic Empire.

「Currently, the Empire is pouring in all their resources to subdue the monsters that are falling from the sky. However, the situation is worsening, and the Levs can’t do anything else but to abandon the city… is what I have heard.」

「Meaning, the country will lose its territory?」

The territory of the Lev Magic Empire is only a small land sandwiched between the Saint Knight Kingdom, the Kruvan Holy Kingdom, and the undeveloped land “Canion”. They have a city on that land, and it is the only city they have.

「It seems that they are fighting at the huge checking station that borders our kingdom and the Saint Knight Kingdom as the final line of defense, but 80% of the people have already crossed the checking station and have become refugees. Her Majesty the Holy King has decided to accept all the Lev people and provide as much humanitarian support as possible.」

Eva felt relieved to hear that.

Even if they decide to abandon the Levs, the flames of destruction will soon spread to their own kingdom. And there is also the calculated profit of keeping an eye out for the Levs’ magic technology, but at the moment, Eva thought she should just look at it as having made the most humanitarian decision possible.

Just the other day, the predecessor Holy King transferred his throne to his eldest daughter, the First Holy Princess, and began to call himself Duke Grenjido.

The 1st Holy Princess is a bright and cheerful person with a temperament similar to that of Duke Grenjido, and is someone who is naturally inclined to care for those in need.

「The Keith Gran Federation has offered to provide 100, 000 troops to the Lev Magic Empire.」

「100,000?! That’s a tremendous number.」

「Yes. Even if we gathered all the guard soldiers in the Holy City, it wouldn’t reach that number. Eva, how do you see this?」josei

Earl Sillys began to give Eva the information exchanged at the parliament of the Holy Kingdom without hiding it. That is to say that he deems her as an “equal”, and in doing so he is trying to develop the genius in Eva.


Eva put her bent index finger on her chin and thought about it.

「The idea of ​​obtaining their territory as it is is too shallow.」

「Yes. I think so too. So what is the federation’s aim?」

「Selling a favor?」

「There will be that too.」

「Then, are they aiming for Magic Empire’s technology?」

The Earl smiled slightly as if a teacher watching over the growth of his student—the Earl has become more displaying his emotions towards Eva.

「Good answer. If you can go one step further here, you can become a great noble, Eva. ——What is located between the Keith Gran Federation and Lev Magic Empire?」

「The Saint Knight Kingdom.」

「How much do you know about the relationship between the Federation and the Knight Kingdom?」

「That… I hardly know.」

Aside from knowing the national interests of foreign countries, Eva noticed that she didn’t know anything about the relationship between foreign countries, and dejectedly dropped her shoulders. But that is reasonable. What she is learning at the age of 12 is, first and foremost, domestic interests. Knowledge regarding each and every noble.

「Don’t feel down. If you don’t know, then just learn from now on.」


「The Federation is a major power, and the Saint Knight Kingdom is a rather medium to small nation. The relationship between the two countries is not good, but it is not bad, either. But this time, the Federation is aiming for the Lev’s technology. Thus, it is imperative to go through the Knight Kingdom if they wish to send out 100,000 soldiers.」

「Diplomatic relations with the Knight Kingdom will occur.」

「That’s right. I think the Federation wants to take this opportunity to nurture a friendly relationship with the Knight Kingdom. This situation of fighting a mighty enemy together is exactly the kind of thing loved by the Knight Kingdom which values ​​chivalry.」

「Father, does the Federation benefit from improving its relationship with the Knight Kingdom?」

「Yes. King Geffert, the leader of the Keith Gran Federation, is old. He has only a few more years left. He probably intends to take steps to prevent problems with the Knight Kingdom after his death.」

「Only a few years…」

「Yes. Although, it has been a few years. I was told the same thing some years back.」


The Earl’s smile grew deeper as Eva attentively listened to his every single word.

He was feeling relieved.

If this is the case, Eva will be okay. She will be fine as a noble even when he is no longer aroundーhe thought.

(I have to thank Reiji-san.)

The Earl recalled the boy he hired. Even when turned hostile, the boy withdrew himself in the end for the father and daughter’s sake.

That is why this important piece of information must be told to his daughter.

「Eva. One last important piece of information.」

「What is it?」

Eva straightened her back.

「Information that came in today. Her Highness Anastasia, from the royal family of the High Elves, was staying in the Lev Magic Empire.」

「High Elf?」

「Yes. There are two places in the Keith Gran Federation that produce skill orbs. One is the Sixth MIne and the other is the Third Forest where High Elves and elves live. Her Highness Anastasia was presented to the Empire in her value as a High Elf in return for an airship.」

Eva frowned at the word “in return”.

「Her Highness Anastasia was sucked into the crack in the sky that appeared over the Lev Magic Empire.」

「What does that mean? She was sucked into the place where the monsters appear from?」

「I don’t know the details, but not only Her Highness, also debris and airships were sucked in. So there is no doubt that a strong suction occurred.」

「It’s a mysterious phenomenon… I do hope that Her Highness is safe.」


Then the Earl stared at his daughter.

「Actually, there is information that there was an adventurer next to Her Highness at that time.」


Eva stopped still and looked back at her father.

The purposeful word “adventurer” brought a bad premonition to Eva’s mind.

「Reiji-san was sucked into the sky together with Her Highness Anastasia.」

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