Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: EP14: Awh & Owh

Along with the Jester announcement, the circus tent opened up from all four-sides, black cloud floated inside the tent, and tormented souls filled the empty circus tent.

The inside of the circus entirely brightened up, as the tormented souls took place here and there, filling up the empty seats. The empty seats are their skeleton.

Feng wasn't creeped out by the eunuch laughter. He was also not scared of the Jokers game, as he had played the jokers game with the eunuch before.

'I can win this game but this game is really disgusting,' Feng thought and his scrutinizing gaze roamed in the circus tent. It stopped at the gigantic torso. 'This eunuch is a disgusting psychopathic killer. If possible I really don't want to play this game.' Feng thought while looking at the torso. He began to make up a plan to run out of this place without playing the game.

Feng knew who the eunuch is but the eunuch had not realized who Feng is. He had an upper-hand here.

The eunuch was named 'Jaaun', his past was being an advisor in the imperial palace, the imperial palace of Galactical Collosi race.

After Jaaun betrayed his race and the First Evil Empyrean Elder Bai, he was castrated.

The First Evil Empyrean shoved Jaaun penis in Jaaun mouth, many years ago. Jaaun was tormented for ninety-nine years, then entitled as a jester and forced to become a part of Elder Bai powers.

Feng knew Jauun's past, elder Bai had told him so. He knew that Jaaun hated anything related to his past, so much that it causes Jaaun to take reckless actions once something related to his past is mentioned.

Furthermore, Feng also knew all the workings of the Jokers judgment and the rules of this game. Feng knew the path to escape this place, it was jumping inside the gigantic torso!

The rules of this game are that the Jester (creepy-voice=Jaaun) could tell one lie and withhold one truth. 

'If the game really begins, then I have to complete it in two moves,' Feng thought.

Feng who was under immense pain due to toes missing and chewed feet started his plan to evade this game. He shouted to the jester, "You forgot to add the last rule, Lil eunuch. A whisper or fart will only be taken as an answer if no more words are said within three seconds. Mister. Dickless, You can't fool me. I know a lot about your past and this game. I know that you can hide one truth and tell one lie. I also remember someone telling me that a long time you were shamed... Right here, a long time ago, your ass...

[Do not say anymore, ] A distasteful hum crammed Feng's consciousness. Jaaun realized Feng really knew about this place, especially after Feng stated the game rules.

"You can't stop me from saying what I want," Feng muttered in response to the Jester vicious attack.

"Your ass was spanked and your limbs chopped off by an ultra-handsome and dashing man. Do you remember? Mister. Jaaun," Feng sarcastically announced the Jester embarrassing yore to the audience(tormented souls) sitting upon the skeleton seats.

The jester didn't reply and silence filled the circus tent for approximately 3 seconds. The tormented souls began to believe in Feng's word. Then clamor began between the group of tormented souls, some smirking at the Jester 'Jaaun' while others cheered for Feng Mei, who could only stand still and wait for the Joker's judgment to begin. Though, the tormented souls cheers helped to boost his narcissist and sarcastic aura. Feng long and black hairs began to flutter without wind.

The jester was angered at the ghastly chuckles that filled the surrounding. The jester shrieked, "Silence!".

The tormented ghost did not dare to defy the command of their tormenter, the wind blew inside the circus tent and silence returned to the illuminated place. This time Feng long and silky black-hair wildly fluttered with the wind.

"How? How do you know!" Feng heard the whispers of the eunuch in his ears.

"First, Undo the immobilizing Hex. Then let me go, and you will find out how I know about your past!" Feng exclaimed to let Jaaun hear.

Feng didn't want to play this shitty game, hence he had started a psychological warfare with Jaaun. He knew that Jaaun hated any mentions of his past. Feng was trying his luck, he wanted to leave this place without playing the game. Though Feng's plan backfired.

Feng heard Jaaun's creepy laughters. "EGEGHEegeggeeggg"

The empty sockets of the head outside the circus tent twitched in excitement and anger.

Feng heard Jaaun words, "Watch how I torment you and at the end... YOU will become a part of my collection, just like the others who came here before you. Then I will naturally obtain all the answers from your shattering consciousness." Jason(Jason) wanted to break Feng's mentality.

'Che, the plan didn't work,' Feng thought and he sarcastically counter-attacked. "Bro, I mean sis, no... You are a mixture that stands in between, you are laughing like a eunuch, who smiled after founding his long lost love. Though he didn't meet her as he had lost his eggs. Hence, he wept like a baby"

Jaaun nearly exploded but he couldn't directly attack Feng Mei, he was bounded by the rules of this place, rules created by elder Bai.

"Laugh as much as you can. Soon, you will suffer!" Jaaun announced and continued by shrieking in his creepy-voice into Feng's ear,

 "LET The JOKER'S Game Begin!"

"The first question!" The psychopathic eunuch said in his creepy voice, and sounds of clapping resounded in the circus tent filled with tormented souls.

The hollow eyes of the tormented souls sitting upon the skeletons' seats brightened with excitement as they wished to behold the torment that Feng Mei is soon to suffer.

In response to the Jaaun shrieking in his ears, Feng also didn't hold back, not one bit. He couldn't move but he could still release the aura of a narcissist. "Bring it on, Mr. Dickless!" he exclaimed. His shout mixing along with the claps.

"What's the cocktail that every man can make, But... No Sane Drinks?", Jaaun question resounded inside the circus tent.

Feng replied in response, "Che, Che, Che... Lil Eunuch Jaaun, you still have not changed your disgusting nature, have you now?..." Feng was interrupted in the middle of his scoldings.

The creepy voice announced, [Ding Dong Dong, you are wrong!] 

«Lightning punishment!»

The yellowish-board outside the tent darkened in the painted-white side, as all the lightning rushed to the painted-black side.josei

Glitch! The lightning fell down from the milky stars.

Bam! Multiple lighting strikes in the shape of bolts hit Feng Mei body and one of his hand crumbled into dust.

"Awh!!!" Feng moaned in pain.

Feng dropped to his knees and consciousness body blood dripped down his chin, "Wtf? Did the rules changed?" Feng blurted... As per his knowledge if he continued his sentence then he won't be punished, not until he finishes his sentence. In simple words, His words could be thirty sentences long, he could curse Jaaun for ninety-nine years, and he won't be punished, as long as he provides the correct answer in the end. But he was punished even though he didn't finish his sentence! 

The creepy voice once again resounded in Feng's ear,

[Ding Dong Dong, you are wrong!]

«Lightning punishment descend!»

The yellowish-board outside the tent darkened in the painted-white side, as all the lightning rushed to the painted-black side, once again.

Glitch! This time a darker and more powerful danger descended from the Milky stars.

Bam! Multiple dark lighting strikes in the shape of vicious snakes hit Feng Mei body, his body was punctured in multiple places, and one of his arms crumbled into dust

'OWh!!' Feng muffled his painful moans.

'Mother fucker, took my blurting as the answer. Damn, I definitely pissed Jaaun by ten home-runs' Feng thought this time as he didn't want to punished once again.

Feng tried to co-op with the pain, assemble himself, and answer the question.

But Jaaun didn't give him any time, 

[Ding Dong, the set time limit has passed!]

«Lightning punishment!»



Feng was struck down to the ground by lightning bolts, he lost his other arm, now he had become an armless man.

"It is piss, the cocktail that every man can make but no sane drinks!" Feng immediately answered the question as he realized that an answer must be provided within a certain time limit. The time limit was ten seconds. If the answer was not provided within the ten seconds, then he will be punished.

Jaaun announced, [Ding Dong Ding, your answer is correct] 

[Three seconds are allocated to you, move at your own risk.]

Feng found out that the Hex which bound him was lifted. He who was groveling on the ground immediately rushed ahead, he hurried towards the gigantic torso.

After covering 1/3 the distance, Feng body was rooted in place.

Jaaun whispered disgusting words in Feng's ears "I guess the person who told you about my past didn't tell you everything about this place. Darling, the next game will begin in five minutes, until then do tremble and shiver in pain, Gechegagaga" 

Along with Jaaun 'The eunuch' words, the lights illuminating the surrounding was turned off. Right then, all the tormented souls began to shout out in excitement.

'What an amazing and fulfilling spectacle they have seen' the tormented souls thought.

Feng rooted in place managed to sit down, cross-legged. 

The truth Jaaun hid was coincidentally the Truth that Feng had forgotten, even the deepest area of Feng subconsciousness didn't hold this information.

'Damn, did I really remember everything? Could it be that the time limit is a new rule set by Jaaun or is it that I forgot about this rule!' Feng began to ponder.

He had five minutes, hence Feng began to ponder hard, under pain and humiliation his thought process hastened.

Feng tilted his face and a bright light glimmered in his eyes. 'Maybe, just maybe, Elder Bai sent me here for a reason!' Feng thought.

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