Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: EP16: Unraveled (Epicless)

Elder Bai continued by saying, "What we did is also related to the reason why we all entered a state of slumber,"

Feng attentiveness level increased to red-alert. Feng wanted the answer of how... how did they survive the epic battle that began after his death. 

A battle that contained galactical overlords, the most powerful existence between heaven and Earth. A battle that shook the endless expanses of the universe. 

But elder Bai upcoming words demolished his build-up excitement and tilted his ass.

"What we did is also related to how you..."

"What we did is also related to why we..."

"What we did is also related to why they couldn't..." 

Blah~ Blah~~ Blah!

Elder Bai announced four more fucking reasons causing the anticipated thousand years old kid (Feng Mei) to lose his patience.

"Enough! Elder Bai, Can you fucking come straight to the point?" Feng said, no respect for the elderly was shown on his face and the revulsion was clearly expressed through his words.

'Don't tell what you did is also related to me watching porn and fapping!' Feng thought, rolling his eyes he looked at elder Bai. He didn't say that because if he said that, then his body made out of consciousness would be crushed by elder Bai humongous fist.

"Cough, sure, sure, " elder Bai replied expressing a little bit of embarrassment. It has been five years since he has been slumbering. During those five years, he could not speak or act but he was aware of his surroundings even though he was slumbering. For him, it has been five years since he had a proper conversation with a person. Finally, finding Feng Mei to talk to he tried his best to prolong the conversation. 

Anyway, elder Bai began to really explain the tale of the epic battle after he saw Feng tilted mode. "Uh, Well, every peak powerhouses, along with their armies, began to rush towards the destroyed heavenly realm of Tian Wu to salvage leftover treasures, the realm-ending flames, and kill the rest of us.

"We, the remaining seven Evil Empyreans only had a limited time to somehow find a way to survive our predicament. Using the wisdom emblem prowess, I obtained guidance that provided a path for survival. The path was to salvage your Truth Emblem, use its prowess, and escape the universe, itself."

The wisdom emblem prowess was to provide guidance or answer to the asked question.

"Wtf! So there wasn't an epic battle but just you guys shamelessly tucking your tails between your legs and making a grand cowardly escape!" 

Feng was partially disappointed that the epic battle between the Evil Empyrean and the powerhouses of the entire universe didn't even begin.

Elder Bai anger gauge was reaching upper-levels after hearing Feng's nonsense word. Three angry ticks have already appeared in his Giants head. He began to chant 'Calm heart sutra' to curb his displeasure. The displeasure caused by Feng's taunting.

It's because they weren't cowards, none of them were!

"Use your pie brain. Why would we fight an unwinnable battle?  it's not like the weakened, exhausted, and only seven of us ( remaining Evil Empyreans) could have managed to take on the peak powerhouses of the entire universe." Elder Bai calmly retorted.

"Well, I was just trolling~" Feng declared openly and angered elder. This time, six anger ticks formed on elder Bai forehead, he managed to remain calm through the continuous chant of his heart calming sutra.

Feng became pleased after seeing the elder Bai face that was turning between a healthy color to tomato-red. Trolling always felt good. But taking it too far will have adverse effects, hence Feng said, "You can explain the rest. I promise I won't troll anymore or else let lightning strike me down!" 

Elder Bai rolled his eyes at him, shameless peoples never fulfilled their promise. But being a gentle giant, elder Bai forgave Feng Mei and gave him another chance. 

"Your truth emblem with the prowess of bending the rules of reality was the only way to escape the Eastern Immortals Western God star cluster alive, hence, as told before, we with the help of three other Evil Empyreans namely, Void, Choas, Eternal, managed to recreate your truth emblem from the realm-ending fiery blaze. While Mirror, Reflection, and Deception stalled the enemies. Thankfully, we succeeded in recreating your Truth emblem, and all seven of us managed to escape alive." Elder Bai explained.

Feng easily connected the dots of the epic tale and confirmed that it can really be possible but he was still confused.josei

Feng tilted his head towards elder Bai in confusion. He said, "But I am the creator of the Truth Emblem of Domination! So, how did you guys managed to use its prowess of bending the rules of reality?"

Since ancient times, a truth emblem prowess can only be used by its creator. (#prowess are not related to Dimensions).

"When we recreated your Truth emblem (some part of it), it was for some reason ownerless, hence we managed to establish a weak connection with it and became able to utilize its prowess. Can you not feel it? There's no connection between the domination emblem and you." Elder Bai clarified.

"No wonder!" Feng slammed his own forehead in realization of the fact that his Truth emblem has probably discarded the connection it had with Feng Mei. Who would want a bastard master that destroys its slave & subordinates in self-destructions?

"So you guys escaped. Then how is it connected to you appearing in the soul spaces?" Feng asked.

Elder Bai chuckled as if Feng words had caused him to recount a happy moment.

The pitter-patter caused by the rain droplets dropping from the starry ocean on to the celes riveria increased in a systematic order. A unique rhythm was produced, sounding like a musical orchestra that starts up at boss battle.

Elder Bai said, "Escaping without any retaliation isn't the style of us Evil Empyreans. We weren't going to let my Master (Death True God, who cursed Feng's soul and pulled it towards the death realm) have the last laugh. Furthermore, seven isn't the lucky number of us EVIL Empyreans, it's ten! None of us wanted to escape and leave you, Sunny, and Deicide in the care of my bastard Master, the True Death God, hence all of us Evil Empyrean used the prowess of our Truth emblem to help you out" elder Bai continued. "Void used her Truth emblem prowess by spending her lifespan since she lacked void energy, and opened a gateway directly in front of your soul. We managed to forcefully intercept the Death True God curse and take your soul!" 

Elder Bai words made Feng realize that his soul returning back to this world, really wasn't a coincidence. He was saved from the hands of Death True God by his preceders, the seven evil empyreans, Divinator, Void, Chaos, Mirror, reflection, deception, and eternal!

"But how did you guys break the curse? Breaking Death True God curse shouldn't be simple. Especially, when you were all at your deathbed!" Feng asked. 

"Deathbed? You brat, can you not curse us! We were just exhausted and still had some mystical energies left." Elder Bai shouted at the Jinx.

Feng was intentionally acting recklessly. He was relying on his unique antics and tactics to not let elder Bai realize that Deicide was lying low, right behind his gigantic ass.

"My bad, elder Bai. So how did you guys did it, break the death God curse?" Feng once again asked curiously.

Elder Bai stared at Feng Mei, showing him his gigantic eyes that said, 'You are under a massive debt, so huge that even a universal bank that supports thousands of galaxies will go bankrupt'. Feng felt slightly guilty and he scratched his head. He didn't have much to give. A beggar he was, one under a massive death.

"Saving you from the curse wasn't easy. And it almost resulted in the doom of us all." Elder Bai expressed, patronizing the words Saving and Doom by using a deep voice.

Feng felt more guilty but he saw elder Bai evading his gaze slightly from Feng's direction. An action elder Bai usually did if he was feeling guilty!

Anyways, saving a person from the hands of the Death True God was really not easy. As Death True God, Ze'ath the creator of the soul line of evil, Snow gentleman, and Dreamist... these fours were on the same level. Only their prowess varied. (#Prowess is different from power)

The Death True God prowess was related to absorbing everything from a devoured soul. Basically, if he absorbed Feng Mei soul, then he will obtain the soul line of evil! He was like the Last Boss that appears in Nightmare Mode, one hit means the game end, hence even the simple act of escaping the Death True God 'curse' is a miraculous feat, not performed since the beginning of time.

Feng didn't know how they managed to break the curse that was pulling him towards the Death realm but he was gonna found out, right now.

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