Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: EP17: The Bandit Gang of Two – Wind & Blood (1)

"Ok, as you wish! But if you want to talk about it, you can come to visit us (I) again. We are willing to listen to your problem and provide help, anytime," elder Bai, who was seeking a companion to chat with in the future, replied in a light-hearted yet ancient tone.

Elder Bai did not press on about that matter as Feng didn't want to talk about it. But, internally, he had already concluded that it's probably a side effect on the soul caused by either «Soul cleanse» or opening the soul spaces of the Soul line of Evil. He concluded that based on certain evidence he had acquired in the past few hours and Feng's action.

Feng heaved a heartfelt sigh after hearing elder Bai's word, explaining stuff really is not his cup of tea. Basically, Feng didn't like to clarify events, such tasks just aren't meant for him and his lazy mentality.

Elder Bai said, "Let me see if I have any catalogs or text related to Doom Clouds,"

"Sure, just do it fast. It's probably been some hours since I appeared in this soul space. The night's long but I wanna sleep, too!" Feng said in eagerness. He had been planning to sleep for a long time, after all. But as fate would have it, something always came up and stopped him from sleeping.

Elder Bai moved his gigantic hands. He touched the chessboard with his left-hand finger. The chessboard changed and showed the dark clouds surrounding Earth and covering the entire atmosphere of the physical world. Elder Bai moved his right-hand in a beckoning motion, drops of water dripping down from the starry ocean moved toward him.

Elder Bai breathed his thoughts 'Doom Cloud' into the water droplets. Each of the water droplets contained the word 'Doom Cloud. He dropped them all on to the chessboard. The chessboard absorbed the droplets and changed into a systemic processing screen.

Then the screen showed,

[Processing information about Doom Cloud]

[1%...40%... 100%] 

[None found]

[Activating deep Analyzing of archives in 3 seconds... To cease command please say 'No']

[1 sec... 2 sec... 3 sec... Initiating command. Deep Analyzing of archives activated]

[10% of archives scanned... 40% of archives scanned]

Chuba, the chessboard, was not only a television that only showed channel no.69 but also a galactical system made by the finest mind and disguised as a chessboard by a master artisan. Elder Bai mainly used Chuba to store information that he had gathered over the course of his lifetime. Whereas, the starry ocean was one of the many energy sources Chuba uses to run itself. Chuba could also run on electricity.

'A good item to take back home,' Feng insidiously thought like a bandit.

'Young chap, this is your last question, right? After you obtain the answer about Doom Cloud, do we attack elder Bai or not? Why am I even here?' A disappointed gruff voice came from Deicide, it resounded only in Feng's consciousness. He was still hiding behind elder Bai like a crouching tiger. He was ready to attack Bai and seal the giant powers, but Feng needed to obtain answers. 'And for the last ten minutes, it's only Bai and the young chap chatting with each other like sissies,' Deicide thought.

'Yea, Just wait for my signals, and then we will go all-in against elder Bai.' Feng mentally communicated to Deicide, saying his word with complete calm and over-bearing confidence. 

Feng thought with a shallow smirk, 'Elder Bai will never except this coming.'

[70%... 100%] The galactical system, Chuba, analyzed the entire archives in twenty-five seconds.

The screen changed and new words appeared in the processing screen shown on chuba.

[No information related to Doom Cloud has been found in the archives. Recommending Master First Evil Empyrean to use the prowess of wisdom emblem to obtain the knowledge related to Doom Cloud.]

Feng and elder Bai both read this and became disappointed.

"Little wind, not even Chuba has any information about Doom Cloud, and utilizing the prowess of wisdom emblem comes with a price. Are you sure that Doom Cloud is a thing? The black cloud covering the physical world could be something else, maybe mutation caused by toxins,"  Elder Bai gave him a questioning eye. He believed that Doom Cloud is a makeup bullshit of Feng Mei.

Feng knew why, it's because Chuba contains more knowledge about the universe then all ten of the Evil Empyreans combined. If even Chuba didn't have information about Doom Cloud then how could Feng?josei

Feng didn't explain to elder Bai about the serious Feng, as it will take a lot of time. Feng himself didn't know why the black clouds were called Doom Cloud by the serious Feng.

Anyways, the serious Feng had craved Doom Cloud on his flesh. Why would he self-harm? That doesn't make any sense. Though, the whole world isn't making any sense.

Anyways, Feng didn't have any hidden masochist tendencies, hence he believed that Doom Cloud gotta be a thing.

"Believe me, Ok? Doom Cloud gotta be related to the reason why the undead had started roaming this world. As for the toll required by the wisdom emblem, let me pay it. At worse, it would be some years of lifespan," Feng assured elder Bai. This wasn't the first time, the prowess of wisdom emblem had been utilized a lot of time in the past. He was well aware of the rules and regulations of the wisdom emblem.

"Ok, then, here we go," elder Bai consented with his decision of using the prowess of the wisdom emblem. It's because Feng will pay the price asked by the wisdom emblem. Elder Bai wasn't losing anything from helping Feng's out. He was ready to satisfy little wind make up bullshit of Doom Cloud.

Elder Bai once again took out the Emblem of Wisdom. He chanted and activated the,

[Prowess of wisdom] 

The emblem of wisdom lit up, producing the white light of providence.

"Ask what's it that you know not the answer of. Hurry up, you brats disturbed me twice in one night," the wisdom of emblem, created by elder Bai, chided both the Evil Empyreans in a disgruntled voice.

Elder Bai looked at Feng Mei, telling him to go on and ask the question. After all, elder Bai wasn't gonna embarrass himself before his own creation by inquiring about something that might be completely false.

Feng understood the elder Bai signal and turned towards the wisdom emblem.

"Wisdom, Do you have any knowledge about Doom Cloud? If so, then can you list the price before providing information about it?" Feng asked her. From past experience, he knew that the wisdom emblem would not let go unless it obtains the price. 

"No can do, you should already know that, so why even ask? If you want to ask about the Doom Cloud then say yes. If not, then I am going," the Wisdom Emblem which is shining with the light of providence replied.

The Wisdom Emblem followed the rules of equal trade. Everything comes with an equal price. It could find knowledge about anything, even if it existed in the dreams of a person. Though, it only showed its wonder only after a person had agreed to pay the unknown price.

Anyways, Feng and Elder Bai had confirmed that the Doom Cloud is really a thing after hearing wisdom emblem reply. The serious Feng wasn't bullshiting about Doom Cloud. 

'Phew ~ I knew that there's no way that I have the same obsession of self-harm like a masochist, ' Feng thought in peace 

Even Chuba didn't have knowledge about Doom Clouds but the wisdom emblem did. 

Feng only chance of knowing stuff related to the reason behind the Apocalypse lied in the grasp of the emblem of wisdom. Hence, he didn't waste any time.

"Sigh~ if you can then provide me any information related to Doom Cloud, but do know that I can't pay a price that costs more than 5 years of lifespan," Feng replied to the heartless Wisdom emblem.

"En/ok," the wisdom emblem replied. Right then, the light of providence shining from the wisdom emblem fell upon Feng Mei.

The light of providence insulated his body from the first soul space.

Feng found his consciousness floating along with calm waves of the sea of endless knowledge. He didn't move, as moving will automatically spew him out of this place.

The sea of knowledge wasn't made out of water. Rather, words, symbols, and inscriptions belonging to many languages, tribes, and civilizations, respectively.

Feng could clearly see whatever was happening in his surrounding. He saw a huge ass wave that could swallow even an entire whale rushing towards him. The wave was made out of darkish-symbols that emitted an eerie aura causing indescribable feelings to arise in Feng's eyes. In mere seconds, the darkish-wave will crash into him.

Feng closed his eyes and didn't resist the onslaught of the darkish-waves. After all, the darkish-waves contained all the information related to the question he asked. 

Doom Cloud!

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