Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: EP18: The Bandit Gang of Two – Wind & Blood (Fin)

"Damn, young chap, you are right on point. He is still conscious even after being beaten like a dog. He really is the tenth most power Evil Empyrean. Now, what do we do?" Deicide said while moving away from the battlefield. He was ready to run back to his soul space, leaving Feng to face the wrath of elder Bai.

Elder Bai couldn't believe that he had been deemed as the tenth most powerful Evil Empyrean. Hell, there are only ten Evil Empyrean, and he was labeled as the weakest. He thought, 'How dare he?'

+1 Death sentence for Deicide.

Feng stopped Deicide from deserting him.

"Don't worry, we just need to act intelligently and hit where it hurts the most... Both mentally and physically." Feng deepened his calm voice while saying the last sentence. His eyes glaring right at Bai's third-limb with insidious intention.

Deicide saw Feng eyeing elder Bai's dragon-ball like a dragon-slayer. He now understood what the last inheritor was suggesting.

"Young chap, we really gonna do this?" Deicide said. He thought, "Damn, the last interior is more insidious than me."

"Don't ask! Just attack his ball. We need to get it done, no time to waste, " Feng replied. He didn't have enough power to even hurt elder Bai balls, hence he needed Deicide to control elder Bai limbs. Such an act, will in turn lead to the smashing of Bai's balls.

"Sure, " Deicide replied. He internally sang the famous succubus song, Saying goodbye to my manhood!

Well, they also needed to destroy elder Bai mentally. Moreover, a person who is to be hanged is granted a notice, hence someone got to announce Bai's death penalty. Who would be better than the mastermind behind this play? No one.

"Elder Bai, we will be playing eight pool ball with your balls. Knock your self unconscious like a good boy, or else your balls might get destroyed," Feng announced Elder bai death sentence. He also donated him a way out.

Elder Bai heard it and he thought, 'What's eight pool ball? Why would my balls be destroyed?

He remembered it's a famous game played in galactical casinos. He concluded that his balls will be used instead of the regular ones.

He shouted, 'Hey, you guys must be joking, right? Our relation shouldn't be this fickle, right?'

No words came out, because he was unable to control his tongue or open his mouth to speak out. However, his pleading eyes and fidgeting pinky said it all.

Elder Bai eyes widened as he saw his own hands clasping Ender. Then the hands raised upwards along moved the mountain-like sword.



Please No!!!.

Feng and Deicide didn't give two shit to his pleading. Feng was extremely shameless. He will literally steal food from a homeless child mouth if he had to. Furthermore, Domination was his main profession. While Deicide was a demon, he lacked mercy. Furthermore, Mass Massacre was his main profession.

Hence, the mountain-like sword Ender was smashed right towards the dragon-ball.

Those bastards really targeted his balls, fucking NOOOOoo..."


A huge noise resonated in the area.

'Kuah' elder Bai soul shouted internally due to pain. Ender had smashed into his fucking balls like a rocket launched from a rocket launcher. The divine robe defense was weakest in that area, cause man balls gotta feel the gentle wind, hence elder Bai felt 97% of the total damage. He felt that his third-limb and world orbs had been dented, shivering uncontrollably. The pain spread all across his body like zapping thunder. He still couldn't move his body due to the [Blood Magic Hex] ‹Body control›, hence the shouts of pain was unable to reach out and echo into the darkest corners of the universe.

Amazingly elder Bai didn't fall unconscious. The two tormentors saw that. Disappoint at the fact that their objective still remained, they attacked once again. This time more wickedly.

"Elder Bai, the next attacks are coming!" Feng shouted. The prisoner sentenced to death had been hanged but he managed to overcome the adverse ordeal. Well, this wasn't the middle ages, and Feng wasn't gonna set elder Bai free.

Elder Bai didn't even have a chance to reply. He was under duress caused due to immense pain.




A series of continuous attacks commenced on the battleground. The mountain-like sword kept on smashing at the same point. Ten attacks in ten seconds.

Blood boiled in Bai's body, scorching hot sweat dripped down his brows staining the collar of his divine robe. But he was still conscious due to his innate ability call [Last stand]. [Last stand] is an above God-level biological ability of the galactical Collosi race with the purest blood.

[Last stand]: At one health point, restore fifty percent health point per second for the next sixty seconds. P.S: the ability only works if it's not an instant death.

Feng and Deicide weren't aiming to kill Bai, just knock him out. Their intention and Bai's innate ability resulted in a cruel torment. 

Incapable to defend, and not wanting to bear this hellish pain for sixty seconds, elder Bai blocked his vitality point and detonated his sleep point. He fell unconscious.

Though, his eyes remained open. It's because of the black threads. Feng and Deicide didn't know that elder Bai had fallen unconscious.

Thus, the sword didn't stop. It crashed against  Elder Bai dragon and dragon-balls, again and again. Until the balls couldn't hold their ground.


"Did his balls just cracked?" Feng said.

"Ahem, it's not our problem. It's all Bai fault for being stubborn. See, he is still not giving up." Deicide replied.

Deicide and Feng gave each other guilty eyes. 

Deicide was going to attack there, once again.f

"Stop, stop, see his eyes, they lack any emotions. His eyes remaining open might be caused by the black thread. Check with your black threads, whether he had fallen unconscious or not," Feng said. He knew all about Blood Magic spells, hence he knew about ‹Body control› and the black threads.

"Ok," Deicide obediently complied with the mastermind words. He said after confirming with the black threads, "Damn, he had fallen unconscious some time ago,"

"So, we had been attacking him for absolutely no fucking reason," Feng said.

"Well, no other reason except to satisfy our hidden desire. I always wanted to destroy a giant balls," Deicide stated.

"Only your not mine, do not lump me with your weird fetishes," Feng said.

They both completely ignored the unfair situation Bai had faced.

"Well, let's take the divine robe," Feng shouted as he ran ahead.

Deicide undid his Blood Hex. The threads controlling Bai body dispersed. Deicide went after Feng Mei.

Soon, Elder Bai, who was knocked out, was not only stripped off his divine robe but also his undergarments. He was literally displayed in the stadium like an exhibitionist. 

Feng took a part of the gigantic divine robe in his hand, dropped his soul blood into it. Accordingly, a connection was birthed between him and the divine robe. Feng willed for the size of the divine robe to decrease and it happened.

The divine robe had a size adjustment rune in-laid within one of the stitched areas.

Feng thought, "Stealing someone else treasure meant it's now mine. Who cares what the law says,"

Anyways, the divine robe perfectly fitted Feng body, hence he donned it. Less regret, no shames means more gain.

Deicide, on the other hand, was puncturing Elder Bai's neck and obtaining dozens liter of blood. After filling his wine pot that could contain unlimited blood, he stopped. The wine pot was in-laid with a mystical rune. The rune transformed blood into a spiritual alcohol that helps Deicide restore his power. 

He wasn't drinking blood alcohol just for fun. It's because drinking blood was helping him restore his powers. Anyways, the better the blood the stronger the effect of spiritual blood alcohol. Bai's blood was ultra-unique quality, hence Deicide was satisfied. He will be able to restore 30% of his blood avatar powers.

"Young chap, we got what you needed to start the blood trade. Now, let's go out, before the wisdom emblem comes online," Deicide said after finishing his personal deed. He moved towards the gate of celes riveria. He didn't wait for Feng reply as he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Feng also followed.

Dun-Dun was the happiest one here. Elder Bai couldn't destroy him. The two bastards were also leaving this place. Hooray for the wooden planks.

But fate had other plans.

Feng didn't immediately leave. He stopped in the middle of celes riveria as he remembered his greedy goals. He was going to obtain everything of use then leave this soul space.

He came back to the continental sized wooden plank.

Knock! Knock!

Using his feet, he politely whacked the wooden plank.

"Form a connection with me, decrease your size and follow me to the physical world or else I don't mind making you suffer a fate worse than elder Bai's," Feng shouted at Dun-Dun's like a thug, who demanded money from his skinny victim. Immediately, his kicking took a violent turn as if the negotiation had already failed.

This was Feng's way of pressurizing Dun-Dun into making a stupid choice.

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