Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: EP20: The cost of using DOMI.

Chandni and Dracula didn't need to eat, as they are robots. On the other hands, the humans started eating only after they saw that nothing adverse happened to Feng Mei after rating the meat of the Griffin like bird.

No one could blame them, as they were just being cautious. 

This meal was eaten in chaotic silence; the noise of Feng Mei munching on the meat resounded in front of the bonfire.

Solemnly sitting around the bonfire, Arnold thought that the world hasn't changed, as if he was on a picnic, rather than in the apocalyptic wilderness. Though, the very meat he was eating reminded him that the world had changed bizarrely in only two weeks. 

Under the gloomy clouds, one by one, the people finished eating their meals. The big birdy meat was filled with a lot of energy, ten bites, and the kids were full. Thirty bites, and the stomach of Darci and Jody was filled to the brim.

"Leader, I will be taking off. If you need for something than just say my name and I will come running," Jody, who was labeled as a SSS by Dracula, said. He walked away from the bonfire and went into the black-trucks.

The shy kids were yawning, seeing their state, Arnold also talked to them, telling them to go inside the black-truck and sleep. As soon, they will take off and go onwards towards their destination.

Someone, who didn't have anything to do in the surrounding, also took her leave while bitting on her nails. She shed tears caused by envy, as the girl she was simping after was frowning all over another person. There was no Darci in Chandni eyes, only Feng Mei.

Only two men and multiple robots remained sitting in front of the bonfire, tearing apart the meat with their hands. One of them munched on the meaty flesh of the griffin-like-birdy like a stallion, the other ate whilst lost in thoughts.

Feng didn't know why but he felt vacant, as if all energy has left his body. Eating the energy-filled meat made him energized. With his newfound stamina, he launched an investigation by thinking inside of his brain and eating the meat. There were two mysteries, first of all, for some reason, all the divine energy in the first, second, and third energy-field had vanished in thin air. The second one was related to his famish state.

As far as Feng recalled, the divine energy filled all of his energy-fields to the brim before he entered the soul space of elder Bai. In no scenario, had he use a lot of divine energy in Elder Bai space. So where did the divine energy vanished to?

Munch! He ripped apart a large chunk of meat out of the last two-meter wide leg of the Barbequed birdie. Chewing on the meat with a rubbery texture, he analyzed everything that happened so far. The only thing he used in the soul space and the real world was the emblem of Domination.

'The domination emblem!' Feng's brain clicked at the notion of the Domination emblem. As if a light bulb was switched on his mind, Feng connected the pieces of information and came to an ultimate verdict. The domination emblem has used all the divine energy in his energy field to block Elder Bai's attack. The domination emblem used all his stamina to make the smoke and dust disappear.

Basically, the domination emblem that never costed him anything to use, from now on, required a certain price to execute his will.

Feng concluded that this new change of the domination emblem is related to its half-broken state. He thought while devouring the meat, 'That's the only plausible reason.'

Seeing his master recklessly eating like a wild man, Dracula kindly reminded, "Master, the food isn't running anywhere, you should eat slowly or else you might –"

Cough! Cough! Pieces of meat were stuck in his throat, obstructing him from breathing. Feng found himself choking on meat because he overstuffed his mouth. Feng body twerked after falling on the ground just like a fish pulled out of its natural habitat.

"Chock." Dracula finished his sentence with a mutter, while rushing ahead and patted the back of his master. Each of his pat produced a sonic boom, but for Feng, this heavy-handed attack felt just like a normal pat. Three pieces of meat escaped his throat and fell over the ground. But seventeen more remained, no matter how hard Dracula patted.

Arnold was put out of his deep thoughts due to the violent coughing, he hurriedly filled a glass of water by using the plastic gallon directly. He ran towards daddy Feng to give him water but Chandni snatched it from his hand.

"Master, here's water," Chandni worriedly said in her honey-melting voice. Feng wasn't gonna accept his death due to choking on a dead birdy meat. What would the world say? The tenth Evil Empyrean, who destroyed a heavenly realm chocked on a Barbequed meat and met his end! This would become a universal meme.

To save his face, he mustered all his willpower to snatch the glass of water from Chandni hand and drank the water. The meat stuck in his throat was shoved downward, plummeting in his abyssal like stomach along with the water. josei

He could finally breathe. Turning over, he faced the Doom clouds and took deep breaths. Damn, this apocalypse was so dangerous. Every now and then, for some reason, he would find himself standing on blade edges!

"Bro/Master/Mister/Alien, are you alright?" Everyone asked as they all had stood up after seeing him chocking.

Feng showed them a thumb-ups and sat up. He shouted, "Keep the food coming."

He was still hungry. Even though he choked, he was still gonna eat. A man gotta eat even in the face of Death. With a swipe of his hand, he brushed the sweat off his forehead and started binge eating. Each bite refilled his body with energy. Seeing that, everyone in the surrounding also settled down.

Right then, Arnold phone vibrated. He took out his vibrating S-25 and saw an incoming call. It was the UWG leader, Aneurin, who coincidentally happened to be his superior, once a brother in arm.

He really didn't want to talk to this person. Arnold had asked help from Aneurin multiple times since the apocalypse began but each time, he was put on hold. Yesterday, he was bluntly provided with a harsh refusal. The reason Aneurin provided him came across as a total bullshit to him but the incentive existed in the legal records. One of the newly invented law states that, "No aid will be sent out to a region classified as a Red-zone by anyone, even if that person is the leader of the UWG, for anyone, for any reason. Anyone in power who breach this law will be stripped off his status,"

"Grldklaoickupa?" Feng said while stuffing his mouth. He was sitting around the bonfire.

"What Master meant to say is, are you not gonna pick up the call? If not then please silence it," Dracula said, easily translating his master unique language as it used to be his daily routine.

"I...," Arnold replied unconscious starting at the holographic screen that kept on ringing.

The phone ringed three times, and the call was picked up. In the holographic screen, Aneurin dipped inside of the fluffy water of a bathtub appeared. 

"Agent Arnold, is mister Feng with you?" Aneurin said, looking at the pissed off face of Arnold.

"Maybe, who knows," He replied nonchalantly, the voice of meat being munched on by a cavemen also reached the ears of Aneurin.

"Agent Arnold, I hope you set your priorities right. I need to confirm if his recently forwarded suspicious post which explains the reason why the apocalypse began, who started the apocalypse, and the reason why it started, is real or not. Only after the UWG confirms will other officials truly believe. For that, I need proof of mister Feng's verbal agreement. Or else, many will take this information as bullshit which may or may not lead to unnecessary death depending on whether the information is true or not. Please ask Mister Feng about this information." Aneurin expressed, not bothered by the nonchalant attitude of Arnold. Rather, he was surprised that Arnold licked up his call. If he was in Arnold shoes then forget about picking up the call of his superiors who refused to help him, he would have blocked that bastard.

Arnold didn't want people to senselessly died. Hence, he asked Feng, "Bro, the information you told me, is it credible?". He continued, "It's not like I am saying that your words are false, just trying to provide a verbal confirmation for my shitty superior, the leader of UWG, Aneurin..."

Arnold knew that Feng couldn't provide a verbal confirmation, hence he moved the camera to Feng.

His stuff with meat face was shown to Aneurin.

Feng, who was busy with something far important than the survival of humanity, simply gave the other side a nod. He dropped multiple pieces of unswallowed meat in the process.

"Thanks," Aneurin recorded this concrete proof. Getting Feng's eccentric acknowledgment, Aneurin took his leave and ended the video chat.

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