Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: EP23: The insidious Soul devouring creature

The Ghoulish zombie was split into two from right down the middle. Its legs had also been separated from its body. To Feng's surprise, the disdainful creature was like a cockroach.

Threads of flesh wriggled from within the open torso and tangled together to sew together its body. Furthermore, every part that Feng had chopped off was wriggling towards the torso that laid down motionless on the ground. 

The zombie kept on begging for mercy from Feng. Even though it has been rejected already, it still begged. It enlisted all of its uses in hope that it will get to live. But when Feng asked it about the Great God, it would refuse to talk. The zombie wasn't willing to give away any information to the demon. The zombie was horrified by the strength of the demon. Moderately, it believed that the demon can harm its Lord.

P.S, the zombie doesn't need a mouth or vocal cords to speak

On the other hand, Feng was annoyed by its nonstop bickering. He was trying to recall some other ways to obtain memories but found none. Moreover, he couldn't even shut down this zombie even if he shoves this entire mountain-like meteoroid down its throat.

His eyes only contained disdain for the ghoulish zombie. Even for Feng, such a villain was distasteful and shitty. This was no longer a villain, but a disgrace to one.

"Che did I just waste my time!" Feng muttered in mild anger. Speck of Flame sparkled in his hand, ready to set the Ghoulish zombie ablaze and burn its physical body to ashes.

Right then the Emblem of Domination materialized before his eyes, reminding him of its existence.

Feng's eyes brightened as he saw the Domination emblem. Utilizing the rules of reality-bending powers, he really could obtain the memories of the zombie but he will have to pay a price. Though he hesitated for some seconds as he didn't know what the price would be. This price could be steep or manageable. It entirely depends on the Emblem of Domination and Feng has no way of knowing.

While he was thinking about what to do. The Ghoulish zombie had once again become whole. It was ready to run away since it found Feng lost in thoughts. Sadly for it, multiples [Blood Blades of judgment] were waiting for this exact moment.

The blood blades drifted in the air, like fish swimming in the river. With one swift movement, they chopped all five limbs of the zombie. 

At that moment, Feng had also made up his decision.josei

"Sigh, Well, I don't have any other methods to obtain memories from the zombie. So, I will gladly use you." With a sigh, Feng said to the greedy emblem of domination. 

He grabbed the Domination Emblem. Feng willed to obtain only those memories of the Ghoulish zombie that are related to the Great God, more Specifically, the Soul-Devouring creature.

As far as Feng knew, his Truth emblem, the Domination Emblem, was the most unique Truth in the Eastern Immortal and Western God star clusters. Even though it was half-broken, it could still execute what he willed for. It could still realize his thoughts.

The truth emblem produced a blinding shine that enclosed Feng, the Ghoulish zombie, and the Entire mountain-like meteoroid, whose every inch was tainted with malignant spirits.

Clarity left his eyes as memories about this zombie interacting with the Voice of the Soul-Devouring creature filled his mind. A moment later, clarity came back to his eyes.

With a single will, he had obtained what he thought for. Though his first energy field was deprived of all its divine energy. That greedy mother sucker didn't show even a single trace of mercy and successfully devoured a lot of Feng's divine energy to heal itself.

After summing up the memories in a few seconds, he now knew the reasons behind the actions of the Soul-Devouring creature.

The reason was that the Soul Devouring creature has been intrigued by the innovation of humanity. More specifically, the Cities, towns, and villages. For now, It wasn't gonna create one massive farm, rather a lot of farms. For that reason, It had chosen to let humans thrive in zombie-filled cities. How? Well, in each City, several humans and one or more zombies will be given a supernatural power. The supernatural zombie or zombies will Govern the City, which can also be called a human rearing Farm.

While the humans who had decided to serve the True God will be free from the threat of zombie, as long as they provide a certain sacrifice every month. These sacrifices are none other than humans. Naturally, these are the humans who have created the so-called Gangs in Sweet Herbivore City. These gangs recruited other humans under the guise of absolute protection against the zombies. 

The people who join the Gangs are required to kill at least one human every month, or else, they will no longer be a part of the Gang/s.

Feng sighed, a vast majority of his race don't even know what is going on and many were weak-willed. This didn't escape the eyes of the Soul-Devouring creature, who had successfully utilized all the important world-wide spells, and It had started to use this for its advantage.

He had obtained a lot of information. The amazing part of his newly obtained memories was that "It" (Soul-Devouring creature) was also actively giving supernatural powers to animals and Anomalies(Evil Spirits).

Furthermore, Feng also knew how and where this power comes from. With smiling eyes, be glanced at the purplish speck of light he had yanked out from the flesh of the Ghoulish zombie some time ago. The purplish speck of light didn't seem like metal or anything physical as it heavily leaned towards the intangible side, yet Feng could still feel its touch. Anyways, this thing was a tiny part of a divine source. The divine source is something that can only be obtained from a semi-Diving being or a Divine being. 

Feng concluded that the soul-devouring creature was either a Divine being itself or it has the Divine Source/s of a Divine being/s in its hand.

Feng's eyes narrowed down to a thin line, enough to outline his double eyelids. "Hahaha, just what game is It playing?" He chuckled in amusement while specks of flames sparkled in his hand. These speck of flames were boosted by Divine Energy. He sprinkled them on the body of the Ghoulish zombie.

Without any further Adieu, every part of the Ghoulish Zombie Body was set ablaze. Soon after, Feng saw the flesh decomposing into ash. Right then a swift breeze came by and passed through his body as if he didn't exist and scattered the ash all over the place. The wind passed through his body because it was an afterimage.

Feng had left the moment he confirmed that the Ghoulish zombie was as good as dead. The purplish speck of Divine source, he had carefully stored in his jeans pocket. This thing will, later on, help him in locating the Soul-Devouring creature.




Fiery Blaze was fluttering in a certain part of Sector 2. Within the blaze, Dracula and the others were enclosed inside the divine shield that provided them protection against the flame. The zombies didn't wait for the flame to burn out. They had charged head-on in the fire without fear. These zombies had the makings of a great Firefighter, sadly they only knew how to kill and didn't know the meaning of "Protect".

Their flames set their own body ablaze, yet they didn't feel much pain. Among the zombies, who marched into the fiery blaze, the most terrifying ones were the Copper-Demon and the gray sheen flesh-zombies. Their bodies didn't decompose by much in the flames. Their hardened flesh was as powerful as metal, these flames hardly smelt their flesh.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Currently, many zombies were breaking their wrist bones by punching on the divine shield of Dracula. The shield had cracked by a little under the brutal smashes of the five 5+ meter tall Copper-Demon.

Everyone standing inside the Divine shield was carefree except one. Jamie's leg was shaking due to fear. The moment the shield cracks she and the other will die, under the sharp teeth of the zombies, their bodies will be torn apart without any resistance.

"Baby, no need to fear, Leader will easily take them out soon. He is probably ending the backline of this massive army, right now." Khan said to calm the nerves of his soon to be wife. Yet, his words did the exact opposite.

Her legs trembled even faster due to fear. 

After the upgraded COPPER-Demon solar blast, Feng was nowhere to be seen. The newbie believed that he had been blasted to smithereens. Jamie still hadn't seen those videos that clearly define Feng's overpowered nature. She didn't know that mere Solar-blasts that had blasted all the nearby High-building, metallic cars, and other stuff could never produce even a single scar on Feng's body.

Seeing her horrified state, Jody sighed. He decided to show all of Feng's video to Nuna to calm her nerves. So, he pulled out his smartphone and play them for her to see.

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