Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: EP23: Clearing in the spring ~ (Fin)

Thousands of petals rained down. The entire Sector 2 was within the range of this petals shower. Though the petals staved off from only one place. It was the divine shield of Dracula.

Feng also plunged to the ground, as the petals made their descend

A single touch of these petals melts the broken cars, the shattered buildings, and even the fine ones. With a single touch, everything in Sector 2 of Sweet Herbivore Coty began to dissipate. With a single touch of these petals, the zombies burned until they were no more. 

Even the hardened flesh of the Mutated Flesh zombies didn't help them against this force that contained three types of power. Their flesh charred into dust, so did their metallic bones. Even their massive vaults (tummy) that were full of treasures (organs) burned away.

The mighty Copper-Demons and their lower evolution vanished. The army made up of ten thousands of vicious-looking zombies dissipated. Nothing was left behind of their existence. Well, nothing except pieces of different types of crystals with varying sizes.

Feng calmly witnessed all of that, because these crystals still had their uses the overpowered being omitted divine energy to form snake-like hands. These hands stretched out and grabbed all of the crystals that were scattered on the ground and brought them back to Feng Mei. He ate some like peanuts and stored most in the soul space of the Third Evil Empyrean, Deicide.

Just like that, with a single grand spell, the army of zombies was defeated. As a bonus, he had obtained a lot of Strengthing crystals. Some flame crystals, berserk crystals, self-healing crystals, and purplish crystals. Though, Feng still didn't know the use of these purplish crystals. (P.S: the purplish crystal is different from the Divine source he obtained after killing the Ghoulish zombie.)

Glancing at them with golden eyes, he tried to understand their properties. Soon after, he smirked as he understood what this was. Thankfully, he didn't eat these purplish crystals, or else his race would have changed. This purplish crystal was made through the utilization of death aura. The reason why the unkillable zombies didn't die even after having their bodies butchered and head separated was because of these purplish crystals full of death aura. The reason why they wailed like a banshee was also because of this crystal. Death aura produces malignant souls. This purplish crystal was a condensation of Death aura.

These purplish crystals were filled with malignant souls. Malignant souls produced those shrieks and they also controlled the zombie's bodies after their head was chopped off.

These things can be used to raise and keep a pet ghost. Storing them into Deicide soul space, he stood still awaiting the arrival of his constraints, more specifically, his burdens.

Due to the wind, a petal touched his cheeks. Something that reminded him of his wife.

While laying on her lap in the middle of a flower field, his wife would pick up a flower and detach a petal from it. Then use it to tickle him.

Thinking of her, he held the petal that grazed his cheeks in his hand. Almost as if he was holding her hand. But dead were long gone and she was no longer here. Rather, she would never be his.

Even he or the heavenly Emperor Tian Wu didn't have enough power or authority to demand them back from death. 

Even the creator of the Soul line of Evil couldn't escape death. Even he was bound to die but survived due to a lucky encounter. This was the horror of death. Once death, there wasn't a way to come back alive, except going through the cycle of reincarnation, having their memories wipes out, and starting fresh without any memories of their past. Including their loved ones.




Thousands of petals had floated down and graced the fire that blazed the grounds around the divine shield with a touch. With their touches, the fiery blaze vanished as if absorbed by the three-colored petals. The fiery blaze dispelled and cleared the vision for the mortals standing within Dracula's divine shield. The outside was laid bare for their vision and they saw what was happening in what used to be a danger zone.

Khan jaw dropped in surprise and he exclaimed, "Holy Shit! How did this flower garden appear out of nowhere?" 

All around them, beautiful and soul captivating three-colored petals illuminated the night. 

"Who in God's name created this garden?" Darci was equally surprised. Hundreds of miles, the ground was decorated by three colored petals.

"Holy shit! Where did the zombies go? Did mass teleportation occur or alien captured them all for some reason? Rather, are we still in Sweet Herbivore City?" Jamie exclaimed with wide eyes. The surroundings have transformed as if rewritten through a typewriter. This place didn't share a single resemblance to what she knew. There used to be shattered glasses and building bubbles that littered on the ground and ugly and ferocious face zombies prowling through them. Now, only petals enchanted her vision.

Heck, this was a field of roses that smelled good, just like a high-quality perfume.

"We are still in Sweet Herbivore City, observe ahead, the mountain-like meteoroid is still there. As for this field of flowers, I am guessing that it's the handy work of our Almighty leader," Jody said this with absolute confidence. No one except for Feng Mei could do such a flashy thing.

"It's bro for sure. Though, where is he?" Arnold was a modest man. Feng had said that he will take care of zombies, and now there were no zombies here. Replacing them was three-colored petals that fallen over each other look like flowers. Though, discerning eyes are needed to see this. Arnold had no doubt. He was sure that it is Feng who did this.

"Yeah, where is he?" Everyone else thought while pinching their cheeks.

Dracula stopped utilizing his divine shield. The shield dispersed, allowing everyone to move into the fields. "Follow me." He said while dashing ahead. He and Chandni could locate their master through the GPS they shared, so he was surely heading and leading the others towards the right place. Behind him, everyone belonging to their small group was following.

The kids had also leaped off the wild shoulder of their father. There was no danger here, so Arnold let them do as they wished and so they willfully played and giggled while through the three-colored flower field.

The flower garden was thick and fluffy. Their body was mostly swallowed under it. Though they could still walk through it without much force. Furthermore, they felt energized by feeling the touch of these petals.

The three colored petals had three effects. Dissipating everything immaterial was the first one. Burning everything outside the commit order was the second one. Energizing all that's within the cycle of life was the last one.

The small group led by Dracula waddled through the flower field for a while and finally saw the silhouette of the man they had trying to reach.josei

Right ahead of them, he stood with a petal held within his finger. Feng was gazing at it as if it was his long lost lover. "Let's go. We got a long way to go before we head out of this Red-zone and reach humans settlement areas." He said without looking backward. The moment they appeared, Feng had noticed them.

Jody immediately went up to him and sang many newly made slogans for him, "Come what may, with a single flick of Almighty leader's finger, all danger will pass away." Here "Pass away" literally meant going to the afterlife. 

Feng heard his praise, yet he didn't have the mode to laugh out loud. Khan also joined in.

Feng still didn't laugh.

The kids were so excited that they ran inside the side of the flower field that swallowed them whole. Eventually, they got lost and Arnold shouted out to find them. Chandni rushed ahead as she located them.

Seeing that, finally, a small smile formed on his lips. Hai, he had pig teammates that acted silly, too silly. Though he liked it, he told was silly.

"Master, should I go ahead and clear out a path for us?" Dracula, who stood beside him, asked. It's been a while since he last fought and now, he was itching to fight. He was planning to go to Sector 3 and clear out all the danger before the arrival of his master, Chandni, and the other humans.

Feng shook his head in declination while lightly smiling. If Dracula goes ahead then every Gang will be annihilated. For Feng, who just had a massive change of heart, Killing them all didn't feel right. It wasn't a sensible way.

On the other side, two people kept on praising him, buzzing in his ears and they overdid it. "You guys should stop. Save that energy for the next Sector." Feng said.

"Eh? Why" Jody and Khan were confused.

Feng smiled mysteriously. "We will be needing these occultist slogans to change the minds of the people there." He said.

By that time, the kids had returned with Chandni and Arnold.

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