Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: EP24: No mercy for those who attack ~ Finale!

A hideous grin has already appeared on the guys who held the sniper's rifles. Without a second delay, they pointed it at Feng and his team.

From their hideous grins and words, Feng identified that they aren't deciding what to do. Rather, they have already decided to kill them.

"Dracula, they aren't deciding what to do. They have already decided to kill us. Oh, currently they are positioning their rifles at us. Oh, they are done with that, so they are gonna open fire." Feng announced while pointing at the retards ahead. 

While the retards using the binocular thought, 'What is this retard doing while pointing at our direction? There's no way he saw us!'

Dracula could only marvel at his master carefree attitude in silence. His master was acting like a commentator as if he wasn't related to this event. 

"Doesn't that mean that we are in danger!" Jamie said while walking around and hiding behind the most powerful shield. 

"Dangers means nothing as long as Almighty leader is here, right leader?" Jody said while glancing at the place where Feng pointed.

Feng smiled and continued walking ahead without any worry. His expression remained carefree as he moved towards the trap prepared by the Gang members that resided in this area. If the snipers hiding within the building attack, he will kill them. If they didn't, he will still kill them. He had decided to end their lives because of what they had said.

These guys had courted death that can not be evaded. Though whether they attack or not will decide how fast they are gonna die. If they attack they will die faster than if they didn't attack.

Feng lightly smiled as he decided on how he should kill these scumbags.

The gang members didn't know why but they felt that something was weird, yet they continued with what they wanted to do. They Positioned their sniper rifles at Feng's head and the others around Feng that they had decided to kill. Bloodthirst surrounded their glaring eyes that held no Mercy for the life that they had taken and are about to take.

Their forefingers were ready to pull the trigger of the sniper rifles at a moment notice but they stood in this position and awaited the command to shoot fire.

The leader couldn't hold back his filthy desires anymore as he glared at the flesh of the woman walking on the street through his binocular. It's been a long time since he had fresh meat. The last one's got taken by the upper Gangs and he was left with none. That's why he was biting his lips eagerly awaiting the time he will get his hand on the prized treasures.

He got notified that the members are in position. Without a second delay, his evil voice tinged with happiness reached the ears of every member wearing communication coms, "Crazy guys, Kill them now!"

"Yes, boss!" The snipers also called crazy guys heard his command and opened fire.

Pow! Pow! Pow! They weren't using a silencer on their rifles, hence gunshots resounded from a nearby building. The bullets shot through the air, whisking their way towards Feng and five others around him. In the past few weeks, these guys had learned the way of sniping, hence each of their bullets was shot accurately at the head of Feng and his teammates. The bullets were sure to take their life.

Feng and the others were only feet away while the bullets covered a distance of 3000 feet per second. They didn't even have a second to evade these bullets. Furthermore, the mortal's in his party didn't even know that bullets were coming their way to take lives by exploding their heads. josei

Though, in Feng's golden eyes, these bullets moving so fast that not even Dracula's eyes managed to keep up, seemed slower than the movements of a snail.

Within a second, he saw the bullet whisking its ways towards his head. Within that same second, he also saw the rest of the bullets that darted through to skies to pierce the heads of the others around him. Within less than a second, he determined the trajectory of these bullets, and within that same second, he used defensive blood magic.

As if magic, blood appeared out of thin-air and crystallized into a small-shield that was barely visible to naked eyes. It materialized right at that point where the bullets will pass through to pierce into Feng's and the other's head.

Right when the shield materialized, the bullets came crashing down. The bullets crashed into the small crystallized blood shield, a hole was created as they tried to forcefully drill their way through the crystallized shield, yet couldn't succeed. These shaped crystallized shields shared the same properties as [Blood Magic] «Empyrean clothes».

The defense of these shields was backed by Feng's endless blood storage!

All of this happened in a single second. The bullets crashing into the shield produced a sound that pulled the mortals into the world of Feng. Finally, they recognized that bullets had been shot towards them. Some gulped while the others gawked as they came to realize the position that they had been in.

While Arnold was the most trouble, one moment shivers had taken over his body, the next moment they vanished. It's as if he was on the verge of climaxing but the very next moment god decided to announce that he has become impotent and that feeling vanished.

The leader of the Gang was already giggling in glee as he heard the resounding shout of gunshots that went like Pow! Pow! Pow! 

His hands holding the binocular moved down as he placed the binocular on the side table. Upon the side table, a wine glass was placed. It was filled to half by red wine. He picked that up and drank it. The leader of this Gang had stopped watching whatever was happening as he had already decided that Feng and the others had died. He stood up to prepare himself for the upcoming battle that will take place on the bed with the girls. He was unaware that this is the last time he will get to sip red wine. The end of his life was already here.

The young boy that reported the arrival of Feng's and his group couldn't avert his gaze from what he was seeing.

The man excluding golden radiance should have dropped dead, yet he was still standing!

"Where did the bullets go???!!!"

Looking through the scoop attached to their sniper rifles, the Crazy guy's Gang members saw what happened. To the surprise of the snipers, all of the enchanted bullets halted in their tracks as they couldn't pierce through the blood shield that materialized out of nowhere.

They saw the man shining with golden radiance glaring at them with his golden eyes mixed with a color of red. The color of red that signifies danger and death. For reasons beyond their comprehension, they sensed death incoming as they saw those eyes, those eyes belonging to a predator.

The idiots had attacked Feng. This led to Feng's decision of ending their lives, right away.

Feng extended his forefinger. From his forefingers, red blood threads extended outwards and wrapped around the bullets that were stopped in mid-air. Using blood magic, he enchanted the piercing properties of these bullets.

In the eyes of the heathen, the holy man tainted with devil marks smiled as he had decided to reap the life of the scumbags in front of him.

"It's time," Feng said as if the judgment day has started. He continued, "Time for me to return the favor!"

Saying that he snapped his fingers. 


Multiple sonic bombs were produced as the bullets hurled through the skies. The sonic bomb deadened every sound in the surrounding. For those around Feng, silence took over their minds. They didn't hear anything but the aftereffects of the bullets shooting ahead reflected in their eyes.

The laughers of the leader vanished, so did the smile on his when a bullet pierced through the wall of the house he was in and drilled into his brain. A scarlet aura enclosed the fatty body inside and it started to rot.

"He is still A-..." A sniper said but he couldn't continue with his words. A bullet blazing in a scarlet hue shattered the window behind which he was positioned. The bullet shattered the scoop and pierced into his brain through the eyes. In an instant, the light vanished from his eyes as vitality left his body. A scarlet light emitted out of the bullets and enveloped the entire body of the sniper.

The same fate was shared by everyone else of the Crazy Guy Gang, except for one young boy who seemed to be the same age as Sylva and Stella.

It was the young boy who was disgusted with his actions of reporting about the arrival of Feng's and his party to the leader of the Crazy Guys Gang.

The holy man only left that boy and killed the rest with a single snap. As for why he did that, probably because he turned soft-hearted or an entirely different reason laid behind this action of his.

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