Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: EP25: Those hands.

Shockwaves that shook the land traveled beneath the feet of mortals. With a Gah and a dramatic ahhhhhhhhhh, they fell to their knees.

The building in front transformed into a single layer pancake with a lot of honey. Well, dust is the honey here.

The zombies ahead of the buildings turned their heads around and they notice a Scarlet pillar that was so wide that they couldn't see Feng and the others who stood behind it.

Though the mindless noise chasing rotten-eggs that like to cause wreckage everywhere they went still charged towards the source of the noise like mindless mongrels that haven't have heard a noise ever before in their entire life.josei

The mortals behind Feng regained their footing the moment the shockwave dissipated into the depth of the land. They stood up and since they didn't and couldn't do anything to help, they decided to watch the show and chill on their backpacks. Hence, they once again sat down.

To Feng's surprise, even the most-normal dude zombie, the type that Uncle Johnny next door was, had evolved so much that literally, every single one of them ran on their feet.

(P.S: The 50 meter wide crystallized blood hands acted as a one-view window for Feng. He could see through it because his eyes vision was boosted by Divine energy.)

The good days had gone away, now that even the most normal of zombie had learned the way to run like an animal. The zombies ran on all four like cheetahs rather than humans who run on two legs.

Some of them didn't even run. They hopped like rabbits and kangaroos. They were none other than the Flesh zombie and their mutation. Naturally, these zombies are identical to the father and grandfather of the arrogant young master that bothers the protagonist and get killed.

The fates of these zombies were already set on the wheel of fate. Dead was the only outcome if monstrous creatures like them bother Feng or get in his way.

He didn't make a move but Dracula rushed from behind the Massive crystallized blood hands and leaped into the skies, just like an eagle soaring into the skies.

Just like an eagle descending from the skies to catch its prey, Dracula plunged into the midst of the battlefield.

With Zombies all around him, he immediately used all his battle powers and activated the runes in-laid in the outer-shell.

The Flame rune was activated, and fire bursts out of his hands. Immediately, it crashed into the bodies of the zombies.

The rotten bodies of the zombies around him were blasted into dozens of zombies behind. The fire didn't discriminate about who it wanted to set ablaze.

The fire jumped like a volleyball from one zombie to another, setting them all on fire. Dracula was going full-throttle, so he also started slashing the zombies with his weapon the Magic Regalia of thread and knives.

Like a fish in the water, the surgical knives glided through the air and accurately pierced the heads of the zombies and slit their throats. The knives waved and the threads attached behind created a massive and lethal trap that chopped the body of any unlucky zombie that rushed into the threads

Dracula didn't stay in a single place and he kept on rushing ahead while blasting through the hordes of the zombie as if he was the true protagonist of this story he was running because the surgical knives did pierce through the zombie's brain and butchered them but they didn't die because all of them had a Death Aura crystal in their bodies. They didn't die and chased after him. To not be entrapped he decided to dance around this area.

(P.S: Feng has already recharged his energy tubes through touch, so he was fully charged.)

On the other hand,

The zombies crashed into the Crystallized Blood hands and produced a sound.

Badam! Ba! Bam!

This sound was the very signal that Feng had been waiting for. 

Smilingly, he snapped his fingers. The gigantic hands made an insidious move under his command.

Sharp blood blades shaped like icicle protruded out of the surfaces of the hand and pierced into the bodies of the zombie. 

It was pierced so deep that it came out from the other side of their guts covered in shit.

The zombie didn't feel any pain as having a hole open up in their gut was just a child play for them and Feng knew it.

Pierced by the Sharp crystallized blood icicles they struggled by wriggling their bodies as if trying to reach a certain place. Due to their action, their inside was mashed up by the blade and blood gushed faster from the open hole and painted the scarlet hand.

The man standing behind the Crystallized hands of God noticed that all the seats in his Airplane were packed with custom. The seat here is the blood icicles while the customers are the zombies.

Now, it was time for them to take a flight.

With a smile that was not a smile but a prelude to Gore, he snapped his fingers again.

The crystallized blood hands were lifted and the zombies finally saw what it means to take flight. They couldn't feel emotion, so yeah, they saw and it can also be said that they witnessed. The 50-meters wide hands that are comparable to building reached the Doom clouds. It happened super fast. Due to which, the bloody icicles that were impaled into the bodies managed to chop them into two right from the middle.

The body parts of many zombies slipped down the surface of the gigantic hand and dropped down from the skies.

The distance was so great that their body parts didn't crash into the ground for around nineteen seconds as no sound was heard.

Dam! Dam! Dam!

A showed of body parts started before Feng who was preparing for the beginning of the Apocalypse for zombies.

What did zombies fear? Nothing because they have no feelings. But if they had feelings then the one race they would fear would be none other than Feng Mei.

A threatening aura was felt by the bloody hand raised into the skies as if the crystallized blood hands will drop atop anyone at any time.

"It's gonna drop," Feng said that and confirmed the horrifying feelings enriching the heart of the mortals.

The aftereffects of those hands crashing with the land will be tremendous that's what the mortal feared.

"We should block our ears," Jody said as he gazed at the massive red piece of land that floated in the sky.

"Yeah, things are about to get rowdy here!" Khan said as he identified the 50-meter wide crystallized blood hand as a place in the skies.

Darci, Jamie, and all of them covered their ears with their hands. Arnold took hold of his children in an embrace while dashing some feet away from Feng Mei. 

Feng snapped his fingers for the last time.

All of the 50-meter wide hands upon which the zombies have taken flight dropped down on to the land.

The shadows of these hands were so wide that the zombie's vision was filled with the utopia of darkness.

They couldn't see anything except for the shadow of those hands. 

The shadow got closer and closer and so did the moment when their immortal life would end most terribly.

The ground cracked under wind pressure before the 50-meter wide hands could even reach the ground.

Naturally, the most-normal dude zombies didn't fare as well as the ground. The ground only cracked under the wind pressure while their bodies got plastered into the ground. The wind pressure was so much that their bones and organs mashed.

This all happened before the hand crashed into the zombie land.

With a deafening sound that came because Earth cried, the end came upon the zombies.

Multiples 50-meter wide hands created thousands of meat patties in a moment. 

To create these meat patties, the ground was used as a tray, the wind-generated through friction was used as the source, and the 50-meter hands was used as the hands of a master chef. Sadly, these meat parties weren't eatable. This could be noticed by the disgusting scent that is emitted out of them.

The mortals behind him vibrated due to the shock waves. Their bodies shuddered just like how a vibrator vibrates.

Before their bodies could stop vibrating, the 50-meter wide hands were once again raised to the skies.

Their eyes open wide in shock, at that moment, those hands once again dropped.

Dracula ran within the zombie horde killing them without mercy while Feng Mei's hands kept on slapping the zombies into a meat paste.

For those hands, zombies and everything is like flies and ants, and they kept on smashing them into a bloody paste.

Dracula would hop from one side to another so that he could evade the same fate that the zombies suffered. He would also shoot out flame Balls while hopping around the titanic Scarlet hands.

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