Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 165

Chapter 165: EP26: The release of Evil!

Unlike what Feng thought, the Soul-Devouring creature was treating Earth as a mere source point. 

The grand plan wasn't to create a massive farm in which humans will be the cows, and what will be milked is the soul.

The Grand plan was something entirely else.

The grand plan was to use the humans on Earth to create an army. Those humans that join the side of evil and serves under the soul-devouring creature will be allowed to become the leader of one of the many legions. While those humans who had decided to fight back will be used to create Immortal-zombie and different types of zombies. As a plus, the SDC(Soul-devouring creature) will let the dogs serving under It to do whatever they want with the humans before and during the torture. This army-building plan has already taken effect in every human city, town, places, and area that is located in the Red-zone. 

The end goal of the soul-devouring creature was to attack the Awakened continent, a world with mana. Just like Feng, peoples there can use magic.

To say the least, he was confused with the information he had just obtained.

Are the officials of the underworld on a holiday?

Feng eyes narrowed thoughtfully. After a while, he exclaimed, "Could it be that the SDC bribed the bureaucrats of the underworld! Or... Maybe the entire underworld itself. Maybe that's why no help has come from the realm balancer!'

The underworld/Death realm officials act as the sustainer of balance between the physical world and the afterlife. The body dies in the physical world, and the soul goes to the afterlife. Once, this heavenly principle is broken by a large number of people, the underworld will send a bureaucrat on to the physical world. These bureaucrat/officials are famously known as Grim Reaper. These guys will enact judgment on behalf of the heavenly principle.

The SDC has absorbed more than a billion souls, this much should be enough to alert the officials of the underworld. They should have sent a helping hand or even a low-ranking underworld judge/Yama, but nothing like that has happened till now.

Basically, the underworld officials were too busy watching porn or had been bribed. These two were the only justifiable explanations that Feng eccentric brain thought of.

The tenth Evil Empyrean would not realize that the entire reason why the Underworld wasn't able to respond to the SDC threat was himself! He was the cause of it all, but this truth will only be known in the end.

Feng felt something hugging his legs, and he looked down. It was the leader of this Gang, Bugsy. He was groveling mindlessly and has hugged his feet.

Feng could not see Bugsy expression as his face was downcast. But, he already knew that Bugsy was expressionless. He had destroyed him both emotionally and physically.

He had absorbed all the memories that he had. Bugsy had no understanding left or judgment making skill. He was like a newborn baby. Except for the fact that he will be like this forever. He was without a shred of wisdom as his soul has been damaged, the six emotions and seven sins vanished.

His current mental state will last forever!

He can never grow up!

He can never learn anything!

To say the least, he wasn't even a human anymore

Anyways, Currently, he focused more on what he is about to face.

In Feng's eyes, Bugsy was a being worse than a mindless ape or a pig teammate. An existence that he couldn't even disdain.

He kicked him away from himself and swaggered his way to the mindless ape.

If possible, he didn't want to kill this guy. Letting him live in such a state was far better of a judgment than immediately killing it. There was less pain in the latter and more pain in the former. If left alive, this mindless ape will start to starve. Then Bugsy will eat his flesh to be relieved from starvation. In the end, Bugsy will die by his own hands... More specifically, teeth.

But, the possibility of such a scenario happening was zero.

Feng placed one of his hands on Bugsy forehead. A second later, his fingers covered in a scarlet-sheen drilled into the brain of Bugsy. His finger drilled into the deeper part of the brain. Soon, it reached the center and Feng felt the divine source.

He clenched it and with one fast movement pulled it out from the center of Bugsy brain.

His eyes widened in surprise. The divine source in his hand was blackish blue. The divine source that he got from the Ghoulish zombie was purplish. These two divine sources belonged to different gods.

'What's going on here???'

The divine source can only be extracted from a divine (God) being. The extraction method was to kill a divine being or be blessed by it. There was no way that the SDC would be blessed by a divine being. Then that means these divine sources were obtained through killing a divine. But, if it could kill a divine then what's it doing on Earth? 

A divine level expert could easily rule over a spiritual world. While Earth was a measly mortal world. One that lacked all types of special energy.

Feng concluded that the SDC is trying to,

A: Recuperate itself on Earth. 


B: It won the first prize in a fucking lottery.

The first prize = Divine sources. And now, it was trying to hastily increase its strength.

The SDC insidious plan jas exceeded his expectations. The being so sharp and calculation that Feng thousand years of memory wasn't able to deduce the real reason for its action.

Feng rubbed his furrowed forehead. He thought:

"When mind games do not work then a smart man should use its fist. Whatever it is doing will be revealed when I beat the shit (truth) out of it"

Thinking that Feng demonic Roc wings flapped and he teleported to the rooftop.

He steps out for fresh air. Though, all his actions have multiple reasons. Breathing in the fresh air was just one of them.

Standing at the edge of the rooftop, he determined the position of the group members. They were not far. He determined that all the group members will reach this place in ten minutes.

Then he turned around and focused his gaze on the fourth sector. His eyes narrowed to a marginal degree.josei

According to Bugsy, the fourth sector still have the train station intact. The railway was still working and hasn't been destroyed. This means that in less than twenty-four hours, they will reach the City of Silver!

There was only one problem. The train station and the railroad was being guarded by the Ancient one.

The fourth Sector was being ruled by an eighteen-year-old teen who is suffering from eighth-grade syndrome. According to his analysis, these types of characters are the first to die in a zombie apocalypse. They are so dumb that they will happily die while chasing after candy. But the Ancient one managed to survive!

The amazing part was that this Chuunibyou managed to attract the attention of the SDC.

This Know-it-all Chuunibyou has obtained the special powers that every Chuunibyou think that they have.

Naturally, thanks to eating Bugsy memories, he knew that the power of this Chuunibyou was to control zombies up to Sky-reaching zombies. 

Three of such zombies guarded the Fourth sector of the Sweet Herbivore city.

Naturally, Feng didn't have the time or heart to battle for days with these titanic zombies. Furthermore, he couldn't battle.

The aftershocks of the battle might destroy the train station. 

He needed to win with a single move. With a single move, he needed to take down three 100-meter tall Sky-reaching zombies.

To perform the move that will take down the sky-reaching zombies was the last reason why Feng has stepped on the rooftop.

He yawned while pointing one of his hand upwards. His hand that was tattoed with the insignia of the truth embed called "Hell of torment" was pointed at the doom cloud.

He sheepishly gazed at the Doom cloud and grinned as he remembered the ancient saying of a Crybe troll:

"Your mother is my mother. Your sister is my sister. Your wife is my wife. Your everything is mine, but nothing of mine is yours.

Feng was gazing and grinning at the doom cloud as if he was looking and grinning at the soul-devouring creature.

He exclaimed in a wild manner, "Your hard-earned money I will take and spend it on the reasons that will be the end of you. Thanks for the Army, Soul-Devouring creature."

Feng didn't care about whether Elder Brother Soul-Devouring that started the apocalypse can listen to him or not. He was simply happy.

The army that the soul-devouring creature was painstakingly creating by giving shards of divine sources to humans will become his.

His hand shone with a dark baleful aura. It was time for the army of Tormented Soul to participate in this war and turn the tides in the favour of the human race.

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