Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 168

Chapter 168: EP26: Taking the world by storm.

"Correct!" Feng smiles and nods in response. Then silence took over for a while.

Watching over the army of dreadful creatures, he smiled as he had recalled his past.

Hundreds of years ago, the clan of the Evil Empyrean only occupied one spiritual World and three mortal worlds. It was only after his arrival did they start to expand in the Eastern Immortals and Western Gods star clusters.

Every time he would stand before an Army of various dreadful creatures, and with a smile on his face, command them to butcher millions of lives.

Sadly, as fate would have it, now that he was no longer in the Eastern immortals and Western Gods star clusters, his army couldn't be called here, moreover, most of them had faced certain annihilation in the battle against the heavenly realm of Tian Wu, the owner of a Universal treasure, the Prolonging Phoenix Truth seat. As for what these Truth seats are, it will only be explained as the story unfolds.

Right now, the Army in front couldn't even be considered an Army. At most, it could be considered a small cavalry unit commanded by the captain Theone. But this cavalry unit will help him form an army of dreadful immortal and mutant zombies, the same army that the Soul-Devouring creature was trying to make by throwing most of its treasures.

Theone and the Tormented soul waited for him to proceed with his decree. They didn't utter even a single whisper. Respectfully, their heads were lowered.

Watching over them with a smile enacted on his face, he continues:

"The time for you guys to serve me has come. As long as you all do your best to provide me with the services I need then later on, with my race, I will let your race rise."

Here, his sentence has two meanings. The word "My Race" could mean the human race, or it can mean the"Evil Empyrean" race. But for Theone, it didn't matter whatever race it was.

It's because according to the memories he obtained after devouring Jaaun, any race that the Tenth Evil Empyrean support will rise, even if they are at the bottom of the food chain.

Why? It's because the Tenth Evil Empyrean was backed by the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and tenth Evil Empyrean. Everyone single one of them was at the level of Truth, currently, two had awakened and started to recover their depleted energy, the rest were slumbering. 

This was the very reason why he decided to serve Feng the very moment he was birthed.

The silence that took place was replaced by roars and excited wails. Feng still wanted to say more, hence amidst the roars and wails, he commanded.


"Silence!" Theone turned his head around and shouted. Naturally, he didn't shout at Feng Mei, rather at his homies.

Under the glaring eyes and the command of their almighty leader, the excited ghostly wails quietened down. The silence before the storm once again took place. Then Theone turned towards Feng, respectfully bowing while kneeling on his right knee, he said.

"Yes, your highness."

Feng took out the two shards of the divine source that he had and gave them to Theone.

"Theone, smell these divine source shards, and find out the location of those that are in possession of these divine source shards."

"As you command, your highness," Theone replied. He continued, "But what should I do after locating them."

"Ahem. Let me explain what you need to do."

Theone and the 777 Tormented soul excitedly nodded their heads. Oh, they don't have a head like humans. To say in physical terms, except Jaaun, they don't even have a body. They were intangible in nature and could pass through walls, the ground, and anything physical.

The storytelling time for kindergarten grade children began as Feng started explaining to them about the Gangs, zombies, and various other stuff.

After ten minutes or so, the storytelling time ended. Every Tormented soul had a beaming glare in their hollow pockets, it was as if they were achieving the do and advancing into nirvana. Actually, they were bored and just yawning. Through, their yawning was far different than the beings of the human race, hence such a scenario.

"Do you understand? You have one whole week to do this. Just kill the owners of the divine source without mercy if they are the members of the Gang. If the owner of the divine shard is fighting for the human race then knock them out and kidnap them. Don't kill them, cause they don't deserve such a sad fate. And yeah, annihilate the Gangs and the zombie leader of every single city and place that you will visit. After a week, take the divine shards and all the zombies to the City of Silver."

His eyes turned serious and he said with a tone tinged with seriousness, "You must obtain at least ten divine or else, the time for you all to face heaven's wrath(Hardcore spanking) will begin!"

The soul of Theone and the 777 tormented soul covered under his stares. They didn't want to face heaven's wrath! They will do their best to complete the task.

Not even a bastard will work his slave to deaths. As coincidence would have it, Feng wasn't a bastard. So he added a reward, "And if you gather a hundred or more divine shards then I will bestow to you all my blessing!"

Naturally, this blessing belonged to Deicide. The blessing of Blood. The blessing that has allowed Feng to use Blood Grand Magic. This blessing can also be used on the Tormented Soul, and Deicide dosen't mind handing out his blessing like a good uncle handing out Halloween candy to kids.

Since the beginning of his birth, Deicide would hand out his blessing to any creature he liked. He likes any being that shares a wine with him, or is shameless. So, he handed out his blessing to a lot of being. The kill count of these being combined together exceeded some trillions.

The workload of the afterlife was bore by the poor soul workers in the death realm, and the judges of the death realm.

Due to these reason, DEICIDE has become the nemesis of the Death realm/Underworld of the Eastern Immortals and Westerns Gods star cluster. They areproably enjoying their lives since the scotch was identified to had died while in action(war against tian wu).

The tormented souls cheered while thinking about the epic rewards. The tormented soul have many unique abilities. They were intangible in nature and could permeate their way to the depths of the Earth, pass by the core, and appear on the other side. One of their special ability was the same as a hunting hound. Once they smell an item, then they can trace down anything that has a similar smell. 

The divine source was made up of divine energy, each divine source also had the flowery scent that belongs to the Divine vein. The divine shards had these smell in them.

Theone used his hunting hound skill to breath in the scent of the divine shard. After that, he passed it on to the member of his race. Every soul-devouring creature started smelling the divine shard like a pervert as if it was a girls panties.

They wanted to eat it to evolve. Though, no one dared to eat the divine shard. They had enough brain and brains to know that dead was immediant if they did that. Actually, these creatures didn't have a brain... They had intelligence, more specifically, innate instinct that they were birthed with. This innate instinct was a combination of their past as living beings.

Time ticket away. Feng, along with the robots stood atop the roof of the house. Jody, Stella, Sylva and Arnold has also joined the pack. The rest of the mortal were collecting the shattered pieces of their mentality to glue them together.

The divine shards passed between 777 tormented souls. After they were certain that they had memorized the smells of these divine soul shards, they returned it back to Theone.

Since the divine source was smelled by Theone and every tormented soul, the divine source shards were handed back to Feng, who gladly stored them into his deep pockets.josei

The lone and his army main task is to lead the Army and get the divine Shards and their owners. They were gonna head out to complete the task. But this was just the first task. Before they could do that, Feng continued his decree by annoucing the second task.

"You all also need to create an army for me. Use your Evil seed and take control over the bodies of the zombies. And Yeah, kill all the most-normal dude zombies and Flesh zombies. We only need strong men in our ranks, there is no place for the weaklings! Do you all understand."

The tormented soul nodded. They understand it all.


Check out my new novel if anyone is interested "Gaming Sword Magician".

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