Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: EP27: Existence from the death realm!

In the universe tongue, it would be called the underworld!

Feng didn't know whether it was a single being or a lot of them. It is because all of them had the same aura of the underworld.

He kept on looking at the ceiling and no acknowledgment came.

The entire ceiling of this building had the aura of the underworld.

It seems to him that either a demon has descended on this world, or maybe... Just maybe, there are officials from the underworld hiding above or in the ceilings.

The duties of the officials are to retain an equilibrium between the physical realm and the afterlife realm.

Feng muttered, "If they are really officials of the Underworld then this ending of the apocalypse will just get easier!"

He then started to look around the ceilings, looking as though he was searching for something. He was trying to communicate with whatever was up there. 

To his surprise, no reply came, it was as if they were wondering how the mortal beneath had detected their presence.

Feng was thinking of blasting the entire place to pull the rats out of the hole but he decided otherwise.

A few moments later passed by with him keeping his calm. When he truly did not see anything out of the ordinary, he began to speak loudly to the underworld aura.

"Although I cannot see you, but I can feel your presence. The presence of the underworld. You or all of you are reeking with it, scenting like sulfur mixed with toothpaste. And yeah, I can also feel your profound gaze staring directly at me. So, come out, let's talk like gentlemen."

If there were people around here to witness his actions, then it would seem to them that Feng Mei had gone mad. It's because he was talking to thin air and no one replied.

Complete and Utter silence was the answer he got.

Feng: "...." 'Maybe they wanna die!' Or so ht thought.

"You know I can see you and feel you. And I believe that you can hear me too."

Again, no reply came. Feng was sure that in his vision, the entire ceiling is flaring up with purplish-black flame chaotic energy that belongs to the death realm/Underworld.

His Divine eyes not only allowed him to see through buildings and walls to peek at others bathing but also gave him the ability to see the auras of different beings.

Normally, even a divine being will not be able to notice demons and beings from the underworld as they hid between the dimension, more specifically, just like Theone, they were intangible in physical existence because of their innate ability.

There was only one explanation for this situation.

These creatures dared to disrespect him!

It's been a while since someone dared to do something like that, Feng started to laugh in his unique four tone waves of laughter while holding his stomach.

Ahahahaah~~ Hehehehe ~ huhuhuhu ~ hahahaha~

After laughing for a while, his head titled upwards, and the gaze in his eyes was tinted with venom.

A killer gaze!

He was being ready to slaughter insolent deities.

With a grin that highlights his utmost confidence, he boosted "I will count to ten, and then it will be your end."

Divine aura erupted out from his energy fields surrounding him in armor with hundreds of chains. A golden spear purely made out of divine energy condensed in his hand. Then he began counting to ten.







Some minutes ago, before Feng unleashed his divine energy!

Definitely, behind the ceilings, three soul workers wearing a copyrighted costume from assassin creed look at Feng with eyes of wonder.

These three were naturally the beings that had come to this world from the underworld. They were here on official orders. They came here under the decree of the underworld realm soul. And, they just descended to this world from the underworld realm.

"I could have never thought that a mortal in the lower physical plane could sense us. I finally understand what our master meant by 'Mountains beyond mountains and heavens beyond heaven", One of the three soul workers said.

"Indeed, Master is wise, and his words always hold meaningful truth. I could have never believed that even a mortal in the mortal World could possess such heightened senses." The other said that while gazing at Feng.

"Just who is this young mortal," The third one said that and he continued with an astonished tone..." why does he have divine energy?" 

Right then, Feng threatened to attack!

"Divine energy!"

"Is he a bastard Son of a divine bring?" The soul worker standing on the right side said that. Normally, only those people that have an extremely close relationship with a divine being can possess divine energy and the other can't.

It's not like everyone has a technique like Feng Mei that allows him to turn all positive feelings into divine energy, energy so rare that anyone who possesses it can earn respect just for existing and breathing.

"Whatever he is does not matter. What matters is the fact that he has divine energy and, such energy is harmful to us. And If we don't reply then he will attack in our direction. Let's materialize before the situation gets out of hands. We shouldn't be fighting with a mortal with divine energy when our main task is to capture the soul-devouring creature."

The divine energy was the biological enemy to beings from hell and the underworld. Especially if the creature is a ghostly being. 

"Sure!" The other two stared at each other and nodded in agreement. They have decided to follow the words of the experience soul worker in the middle and have a friendly chat with this mortal with divine energy.

"Mortal with the blessing of the divine!" The assassin creed a costume-wearing figure on the right side.

"Halt!" The soul worker standing on the left said. He wore the same costume as the man in the middle and the right, just that his hoodie was polluted with toxins.

"We are not the enemies of your race but those who keep the balance between the realm. We have come to help this world." The clouded figure in the middle shouted.

"Three beings from the underworld!" Feng knew that these beings are from the underworld as they had used the word "Balancer of the realms". Only the officials of the underworld would want to keep balance. 

He knew that but the divine energy bursting out of his body didn't stop. He was so annoyed that for a moment, he wanted to sing, 'Come out, Come out, from wherever you are.' Naturally, he wanted to sing that after annihilating all the underworld aura. This way they will never come out from wherever they are hiding.

Anyways, the being with the underworld aura has responded so Feng calmed down by a bit but the weapon in his hands still released a threatening aura.

He calmly said, "Since you have decided to talk then reveal yourself. Surely, you have some unanswered questions and so do I. Let's talk."

Feng believed that these guys are some big shots of the underworld. Surely the underworld had detected the invasion of the soul-devouring creature, so they must have sent an appropriate reinforcement that will be able to save the world. Surely, these big shots might know a lot of what he doesn't. Such as why is the underworld help coming after such a long time. When they should have come to help right after the Apocalypse started.

"Just what we wanted!" The three soul workers said. The three stepped out from the intangible plane and materialized above his head.

As they appeared, the surrounding golden divine light dimmed down and a baleful aura replaced it.

Three clouded figures with their faces half-hidden materialized in front of him. The hoodie hid their forehead while the jackets covered their chins. Feng could only see their eyes and lips.

It looks like even his divine eyes weren't able to see through the fabric of the clothes these three wore. But each of these beings had a badge on the top of the hoodie.

"Nice to meet you, mortal blessed by a divine." One of them said to the dumbfounded Feng.

The three floated down and stepped on the floor.

"Soul workers?" He said in a dumbfounded voice, which was very clearly heard by the three beings in front.

"Oh, so you know about us. Yes, we are indeed soul workers, here to help this world, and capture the soul-devouring creature!" The soul worker in the middle said.

"It's only you three that the underworld send to take care of the situation here?" Feng said with an utmost calm expression but his tone was tinged with disdain.

The three felt the disdain in his tone and replied,

"What do you mean?"

"It's indeed only us!"

"Do you think we are not enough?!"

"How dare you, mortal!"

The three barked like dogs while Feng gave them the crazy eyes.


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