Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: EP27: The Master Zed!

Feng stood astonished as he glared at the ball that Kang Su pulled out from his deep pockets.

The Aura less ball was spherical in shape. It's top and bottom halves are divided by a horizontal black band.  A button is found in the middle of the black band. The top half of the Ball is as dark as an abyss. A letter is written in the language of the soul that translates to "Capture" on the front. There are two faces on either side of the circle.

One face is the sin of greed while the other face is the Sin of gluttony. The entire Ball had creepy singles on it, as if once activated by a being a demonic thing will come into being from inside the ball!

Time passed in silence, Kang Su had a smirk on his face while Feng astonished gaze was going up by another level. His gaze was glowing. Basically, displaying an intense passion to steal it away from the hands of Kang Su. He thought, 'No doubt, This Soul capture ball has to be the treasured creation of a divine Forgemaster. First, let's steal it!'

Feng decided to perform his scar winning acting for the audience so that they will put their guard down.

Pointing at the ball with his trembling forefinger, he exclaimed with a stuttering tone,

"It can't be! No way! Is this ball... the Soul Capture Ball of the Highest Degree?"

The Soul Capture Ball is an item that many underworld official uses to capture the Evil souls of humans and demons alike. It can also be used to catch an underworld prisoner that has escaped in the wild. The highest degree one could capture the soul of anything without fail. This was the worst weapons that the race of Soul devouring creature feared. Every existence has its nemesis and the soul capture ball was the nemesis of the soul-devouring creature. 

Kang Su was throwing the ball up and down, playing with it, while gazing at Feng startled look. This was just the reaction that he expected. He replied boisterous

"Oh, so you even know about the Soul Capture Ball. And yes, you determined it right. This soul capture Ball was forged by my master, Master Zed, one who is second to none except zero, the King of Yamas in forging soul Capture Balls." Feng saw that Kang Su held a very prideful face while talking about his master, it was as if Master Zed could uplift the heaven with one finger.

Kang Su continued,

"This soul capture Ball was personally handed over to me by the Realm soul of the underworld! With this ball, we just need to get to the Soul devouring creature, and with one attack, we will capture it without fail."

Feng nodded his head in agreement with Kang Su words. He said, "There is indeed no escape once targeted by the Soul capture ball!"

Once the soul capture ball detects its target then it will chase after its target until it is caught. Even if the target runs to the other side of the world. This is not a mere exaggeration. As the Soul Capture Ball of the highest degree could also chase and catch a being soul even if it runs to the other side of the universe. There was no escape once targeted by this soul-capture ball. In the ancient prehistoric times of heaven and Earth. It is said that, "In front of the might of this ball, even the Ancestor of the soul-devouring race could only hide in his rathole,  the depth of chaos to avoid the chase of the ball."

The three soul workers were already feeling happy, as if they had won the battle before it has even begun. Once they complete this quest, then they are bound to be promoted to a higher rank. On their minds, they already believed that Beauties will flock to them as if they are the most gorgeous and handsome dragon, but before they could start laughing because of their pleasant thoughts, Feng crushed their dreams by hurriedly spewing out the script he just wrote., 

"Do you know where the Soul Devouring creature is located? If you don't then do you three have any plans to locate it. If not, what are you three here for? To play catch ball!"

Badum! It was as if a bomb had exploded upon their heads, and the imagination cloud over their head puffed up and dissipated in the surrounding.

The three looked at each other with questionable eyes. Their first goal was to use the soul-capture ball to capture the soul-devouring creature. Their only goal was to use the soul-capture ball to capture the soul-devouring creature. To complete this goal, they had asked the realm soul of the underworld for the mot treasured soul capture ball. Then they left the underworld without purchasing a product that could be used for tracking other beings down. Basically, they were in a hurry to complete the quest and obtain the glory to bed beautiful beauties, that they forget the basics of a Soul worker!

The clouds above their head exploded and the experience of the soul workers rushed into their brains.

"Holy shit! If we can't even complete this quest with the highest degree of the soul capture ball then we will be demoted below civilian level. We will become install slave!"

The quest to purge the Soul devouring creature was a high-risk quest with luxurious regard and a deadly punishment! The quest was a gamble that's why the other soul worker didn't take it.

"Holy fuck! We messed up" 

"If we return empty-handed then MASTER ZED WILL Fry us alive!"

The three exclaimed all the worst possibilities of while Feng chilled with the wind that came from outside the building.

After a while of damnation, Kang Su turned to take a look at Feng Mei. He shook his head in disappointment and replied, "No! But we can travel the entire physical world and try to locate it through manual means. This world isn't very large either. So, I believe that in two to three years, we will locate the soul-devouring creature without a doubt!"

Kang Su's words not only helped to cheer himself but also the other three. The tension vanished from their faces, replacing it was a determination to complete the task as fast as they could.

"In two to three years, the world will die and the souls of every living being will be devoured by the soul-devouring creature. Then even if you finish your task there will only be punishments left for you, not even your master will be able to save you. Whoever the hell he is. At best, you all will be condemned to eternal torture in hell. At best, you will be bounded to everlasting life stake and be burned under the ten thousand piercing soul flames along with the other abominations and burned for eternity."  Feng exclaimed to the optimistic bastards!

The positiveness immediately faded away as if it was a line from the song faded. The three soul worker gaped vacantly. The mortal with the power of the divine has stated words that are in check with reality. If they don't capture the soul-devouring creature in less than six months then even if they will complete their task they will fail to save the souls of the living and the world!

While they were feeling disappointed with heads casts low, Feng had already made his hidden move. In less than a fraction of a second, he teleported, grabbed the soul-capture ball of the highest degree, and returned to his place. To the three soul workers, it was as if Feng hadn't even moved from his place, since everything was done in a fraction of a second, Feng After image was left in his place. The three could retaliate if they were on guard, as they could also turn intangible in less than a second, and everything they are in touch with will also become intangible. But Kang Su and the others, who had out their guard just to sulk, didn't even notice that the soul capture ball of the highest degree was no longer in Kang Su hands.

They didn't notice until Feng announced to them, 

"I will be taking this item! Consider it a commission out of the payment you three will receive!"

"What commission!"

The three with their head cast down low heard his voice, one immediately said, josei

"What item?

The other tilted his head and saw Feng grabbing the soul-devouring creature naturally Nemesis in his hands. He gaped. He gaped because he saw two bloody wings behind his hand.

" You are a tainted!" He gaped at the shocking discovery that this person could use blood magic!

While Kang Su had been the most disturbed!

"Eh?" He stared at the ball in Feng Mei's hand. It looked identical to the ball in his hand. Then stare at the ball in his hand. There was no ball in his hand!

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