Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: The End of Ancient One ~ 2

Blood came out of his ears and trickled down the corners of his face, each drop of blood hitting the head of the sky-reaching zombie.

Due to that single attack, the Ancient one lost his hearing senses and his mind became foggy for a while.

The ancient one didn't die because he possessed a shard of divine source in his body, the energy of that shard was strong enough to keep him alive against the voice oscillation attack of Theone.

For a while, he could see nothing. He has blackened out for some seconds.

The moment vision returned to his eyes, he saw a flaming punch descending from Earth's atmosphere. Then, nothing more than that, he passed away.

Theone was more than 1000+ meter wide while the sky-reaching zombies, only 100-+ meter wide. They looked like newborn babies when compared to Theone. His arm alone was bigger than them.

His first crashed into them. The zombies and the other shared the same fate as the ancient one, squashed like bugs by a mere hand slap.

A Bam the world rattled and the shock waves spread far and wide. So far that even Feng and his group felt the wind against their face.

To say the least, with simple hand slaps Theone has annihilated a part of what could be considered an important part of the soul-devouring creature army. Though, thousands of zombies were still in the surrounding. The zombies that managed to survive were dozens of miles away from the attacks that Theone dished out.

These mindless zombies still continued on their way towards doom.

Poor ancient one might already be seething with rage!

In front of Theone, a huge pit was formed and this pit was full of blood. His hands also dripped with blood and rotten flesh. 

Theone wasn't done here. His master had given him multiple orders, one of them was to create an army!

The ferocious tormented faces craved in his body started to spin like a vortex. The soul of the ancient one was absorbed in his body, so did everything else, all the bones, blood, and organs on the pit. Every being and thing, including houses, was pulled into his body, to be absorbed by him,

Then Theone body shook and heated up as if he was a cauldron. The refining process of what he has eaten began!

Theine has used three of his innate abilities.

Devour: Devour everything nearby, the range of this skill increases with time, and the energy used to increase the efficiency of the skill.josei

Undead creation: After absorbing necessary material like bones etc, undead soldiers are created from the body. The soldier is without life but a will can be induced into it, giving it life. The chance of failure increases the higher the target's body is. Undead soldiers can also be absorbed inside the body!

Tormented Soul creation: Souls that the body of Theone devours has their afterlife races changed. Yeah, the world has gone crazy and race exists even after death. 

Anyways the ancient one didn't only die. He had also become a tormented soul, a slave to Theone. Theone was Feng Mei servant, so that means the Ancient one had become the slave of a slave, more specifically, a distant slave to the tenth evil empyrean.

Poor sod could have never thought that even after death, it couldn't escape what is called a fate of being a stepping stone. Even after death, it has become a being that will help Feng.

Thankfully, some bad things that happen, have a good reason to occur. If Theone didn't absorb his soul then he would have been devoured by the soul-devouring creatures that use the Doom cloud to deflects the souls going to the afterlife towards itself. 

Theone also got the divine shard that was in the body of the Ancient One. This divine shard was golden in color, seeing it, Feng's eyes widened due to shock. It's because this divine shard belongs to another divine being. That means the Soul-devouring creature has three divine sources obtained by killing three different divine beings!

As he was thinking about what could be the reason for the divine beings dead, Theone produced undead soldiers.

Few seconds after their death, a huge army of undead creatures was pumped out of Theone atmosphere-reaching body.

The undead skeletons were spewed out from the vortex created in place of the craving of the tormented faces.

With a crash, the undead set their foot on the world. Due to the crash, their bones scattered on the land. Soon after, the bones mingle with one another and the undead skeletons rose.

In a sense, these skeletons were immortal as long as the bone wasn't ground to dust. So they matched the power of the immortal-zombies.

Theone was impressed at his creation. Even though they were weakling but as they fight and eat more bones, these weaklings will grow up becoming more powerful than the previous seconds.

Theone gentle voice came out, 

"Go and kill every foul being that you see in this area. Then follow my footsteps and a battle will await you in every turn. Hurry up and spread out. The rest of you 777 tormented soul, come with me!" 

The undead soldiers spread out to kill the zombies while the 777 tormented souls that had been butchering zombies like pig left their victim bodies.

The 777 tormented souls floated and came by Theone sides while wailing and shrieking in excitement. The blood that they barely got to taste has heightened their powers!

Theone turned to take a look at Feng Mei's direction. After a respectful bow, he turned to leave the Sweet Herbivore City.

The direction he was headed to was the Muffin City. The place where Feng had come from.

In the central part of the Muffin City, "the inner Muf" city, there was a very big zombie. That zombie had a divine shard in its body.

Feng had shattered the Bridges of the Muffin city, so that zombie coincidentally couldn't escape from that place.

The weakness of the zombies was being swallowed under the huge waves of water. They didn't know how to swim. So it remained in the central part of Muffin city.

Theone and his malignant minions stepped out of Sweet Herbivore City. Theone has already used his innate tormented soul ability, called "I am so not real". Currently, he was intangible.

His avatar existed in the physical plane, anyone could see him, but no one could touch him. Through his demonic pressure could still be felt by everyone.

He made his way to the Muffin City while Feng and the others stood up and made their way to the train stations.

Along the way, they saw a lot of interesting things.

Such as Skeletons fighting zombies. Skeletons killing zombies.

They also saw how the zombies that had been killed after having their heap chopped joined the ranks of the skeletons.

Feng was all smiles and no cries. The blood that he had received was more than half of what he had earned after the Mystic shop was introduced to the world. Currently, this was only the start.

As Theone moves from one City to another City in the red-zones, he will receive a amount of dozens of times greater than this.

His blood bank will become so huge that he will be able to create a continent destroying tsunami through blood itself.

Some zombies would rush to them, just to be blasted away by Dracula flame balls.

Undead fighting undead!

Zombies killing Skeletons!

Skeletons Killing zombies!

Zombies killing zombies!

Shelton eating the bones of the zombies to evolve!

This was the scene that the mortals witnessed. Those that had played a lot of games barely felt anything. They felt that nothing was wrong with what they are witnessing.

Wasn't it just zombies and skeletons brawling out with each other? A casual happening in real life.

While those that hadn't adapted to the apocalypse world suffered from a shock.

Zombies already gave humans a handful of trouble but now skeletons have joined in on the fun.

Thankfully, under the blessing of their ancestors, these skeletons were human friendly.

Realizing that not even a single skeletons were gonna attack them, the humans felt at ease.

Seeing that the skeletons were pushing off the waves of zombies that charged towards them, the humans felt gratitude to the monsters.

For the first time in history, humans felt some gratitude for the meatless skeletons!

Thinking and walking, they covered a lot of distance in silence, no slogans were shouted, no humans were met with. The Gangs had been annihilated, the ancient one killed in action, the zombies being hunted by the soldiers, this was a carefree walk in the park for them.

After walking for thirty-five minutes they finally reached in front of the train. Like any other places in the apocalypse, the train station building was also full of cracks and it seemed like it will break if anything ultra violent happens.

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