Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 494

Chapter 494: Breaking the Ancient Array

Chapter 494: Breaking the Ancient Array


Inside Ling Xian’s mind, a giant array the size of a galaxy appeared. The intricate connections amongst them represented how difficult it was to break this array.

What could they do? The Imperishable Temple is a place of mystery and nobody even knows how many years it has existed. Amongst this time, countless number of array masters have shown up in attempt to solve the array. Sadly, the result has always been the same.

They returned without success.

They couldn’t even cause a tiny bit of reaction.

From this, it became obvious how difficult it was to solve this array. Other than the legendary array masters, everyone else could only sigh while looking up the sky.

Now, Ling Xian was planning on challenging this impossible mission and take possession of all the treasures in this place. One has to admit that he was imagining events beyond his limits. However, nothing is impossible and nothing is for certain. If he doesn’t even try, how will he ever succeed?

“Deduct boldly, act cautiously.”

Mumbling, Ling Xian, recalled all the arrays he had lifted thus far, and formed a structure of the mother array. Then, he concentrated and searched for the weakness within the array.

This was destined to be a long process, just because the array was far too complicated. An array as borderless as a galaxy meant it was unimaginably profound.

If this was any other array master, they would’ve felt powerless the moment they saw the array and give up right away. However, Ling Xian was a person with determination. He will not give up easily.

On top of that, he was a very patient person coupled with very deep knowledge about ancient arrays. Naturally he had the guts to face this array.

Put aside his capabilities regarding arrays, his dauntless courage meant the moment he decided to lift this array, he will not turn back.

Thus, Ling Xian concentrated fully on this complicated array and ignored the headache he was having. He began to lift this array.

Even though all he had done so far was to form the silhouette of the array inside his head, the structure was very real and almost solid to him. He could do whatever he wanted with it.

Just like that, time passed by little by little and three days passed.

During this time, Ling Xian didn’t rest a little bit, though he remained in a pose where he closed his eyes and solved the array in his mind. Originally, he already had some ideas and because of his restlessness, he was moving forward in his attempt.

Though in comparison to solving the entire array, this step was not nearly enough, it was considered an improvement and showed him light ahead.

Because of that, Ling Xian’s eyes shone brighter and he was now even more motivated.

However, after the few steps he took, he encountered a new obstacle. Just like there was a rock on the bridge, no matter how he attempted, he could not overcome it.

“How do I solve this one?”

Ling Xian frowned and thought about this problem very seriously. No matter how he pondered, he could not find a way.

If the array in his head is compared to the checker board, then the white pieces were the different connections of the arrays and the black pieces were his solutions. Sadly, the board was full of white pieces and the black pieces only took four squares.

In other words, Ling Xian had no room to make another move.

“It seems like I have overestimated myself.”

Sighing slightly, Ling Xian’s gaze dimmed. However, he was a man with resolution, why would he admit defeat so easily? Thus, his stare solidified again as he studied the problems before him in a more serious manner. josei

Finally, after a full day of studying, he solved the problem before him and placed down a fifth piece!

Instantly, inside his mind, bright light exploded. After placing down the fifth pieces, the intricate connections between the arrays suddenly crumbled. In other words, this one step of his led him to much enlightenment!

“Very good, it appears I am not all without hope.”

Lifting the corner of his lips, Ling Xian took a short break before he once again entered his own world and vowed to get rid of all the white pieces!

After the critical move he made just now, the entire array seemingly turned easier. He played his pieces continuously and cleared out the white pieces.

The sixth… the seventh… the eighth… in the blink of an eye, Ling Xian had placed an entire 30 pieces on the board. Then, they turned into a formation that defeated the hundreds of white pieces on the board.

“Good, I have made a giant leap. At this rate, maybe I can really solve this array.” Ling Xian revealed a faint and confident smile.

Though the hundreds of white pieces that disappeared were only a small percentage of all the pieces on the board, to him, it was a great advancement and it brought him much needed motivation!

Thus, he calmed down and once again began his battle with the white pieces!

There was no smoke in the room, no fires in the sky, yet this unique war was very exhilarating. It was hard to distinguish who was going to be the winner and who was going to be the loser.

Luckily, no other array masters saw what was happening. If they did, they would be screaming and saying that a devil was here!

To other array masters, they can only solve arrays once they see the real deal. But what about Ling Xian? He formed the array’s silhouette in his mind alone and treated it like a game. How unbelievable was this?

The fight was absolutely violent and aggressive!

However, the proactive method he used was effective. In very short time, Ling Xian knocked down hundreds of white pieces and lifted a quarter of the array!

Remember that this was an array in the Imperishable Temple and since the history of time, countless number of array masters had attempted it but they couldn’t change a thing. Yet here Ling Xian was, straight away, he solved a quarter of it. How unbelievable was this?

This could be described as heaven-defying!

“Phew, finally, one fourth has been solved.”

After a deep exhale, Ling Xian felt truly overjoyed. However, he was well aware that solving a quarter of it meant nothing. The real hardships hadn’t even presented themselves.

Thus, he didn’t dare to be reckless. After a moment of rest, he once again fought on without hesitation!


Focusing on one piece and on it alone, Ling Xian made his move! He began a rampage with the silhouette in his brain!


An infinite amount of light shed down and the moment another black piece dropped the board, it destroyed the surrounding white pieces in the same manner a dragon destructed its surroundings. After this, more intricate connections were made and the white pieces were pushed all over the place.

Just like that, Ling Xian continued to play his pieces and in a thunderous manner, he fought on with the intention to kill the array.

After three days, he once again broke down a quarter of the array. In other ways, half of the array had been solved. Just as his chance of achieving this increased dramatically, he didn’t continue the battle and instead, stopped.

Not that he was taking a break, it was that he decided to not finishing solving it.

Because he was very well aware of the fact that with his array knowledge, to have accomplished so much was already an unbelievable feat. Continuing would be like an idiot dream talking and it would be as hard as climbing up the sky.

“Solving half of it is enough. Continuing will only exhaust me and end up being useless.” Ling Xian grinned and decided against continuing.

To have lifted half of the array inside the Imperishable Temple was already a heaven-defying action!

If this news got around, many array masters would go crazy. All of those people who had once attempted this array would be running away in shame.

What could they do? Ling Xian was just this insane.

Ever since he received the inheritance from the Immortal of Ancient Arrays, he was destined to be extraordinary and different. Other array masters, at his age, would be just entering the field. Only those with natural talent would already be considered an array masters.

Such as Yan Ning Zhi and Xue Yu Chan, they had acquired this name at this age. However, those two, compared to Ling Xian, were nothing.

Even though it had only been a few years since he first learned about ancient arrays, he was the inheritor of the art of array after all. On top of that, he had high enlightenment and thus, he was already near the realm of being a guru!

After all, he received the inheritance from the Immortal of Ancient Arrays! If he wasn’t better than others, why would he be entrusted with the inheritance?

“After 10 days, I have finally solved half of this array. This result is already a surprise.” Ling Xian’s lips were curled up, his heart was full of excitement.

How many rooms inside the Imperishable Temple were like this one? Nobody knows. But one thing was for sure – since he solved half of the mother array, half of the treasures were his.

More importantly than the treasures, he was now also in control of half the Temple!

To know that despite the Imperishable Temple only appearing in Yunzhou three centuries ago, record had it that it has existed for tens and thousands of years. In other words, other than an abundance of treasures, the Temple was also a place of secrets.

Ling Xian now controlled half of the Imperishable Temple, which meant he now had control over the secrets. If this news gets out, then countless number of cultivators will fall into deliria!

“Since I have solved half of it inside my head, then I should try and see if I can apply it in real life.” Ling Xian chuckled but very quickly, his expression turned serious.

Then, he formed a hand seal and shouted, “Go!”

The moment his word dropped, a powerful gravitation pull howled out of him and immediately, a giant array showed itself in midair.

This was the mother array of the Imperishable Temple, it had finally showed itself after being called out by Ling Xian!

“Very good.”

Smiling in satisfaction, Ling Xian leapt into the air like an immortal. Then, he flapped around his sleeve. A thin layer of Qi suddenly appeared!!

In the next second, an unimaginable series of events occured.

The room disappeared.

Pay attention now, the entire room disappeared, not the prohibition disappeared.

What did this mean?

It meant he did it, he lifted half of the array inside the Imperishable Temple!

After this room disappeared, the mysterious layer of Qi cracked down like an old dry branch. The same phenomena happened to room after room before finally vanishing completely!

Then, another magical scene happened.

Into the air, dazzling amounts of treasures, spiritual medicine, and godly materials emerged. They headed towards Ling Xian in insane speed.

Along the way, the light they emitted dyed the space into different shades of color that attracted everyone Heaven’s Favorite’s gaze.

Then, these people fell into silence.

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