Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 242 - Why Is He So Reserved All of The Sudden

Chapter 242 - Why Is He So Reserved All of The Sudden

Chapter 242: Why Is He So Reserved All of The Sudden

When Mu Siyin heard Shi Beiyu’s comment that it was late, she hurriedly looked at the clock and was shocked to see the time.

It was already past 10 p.m.?

That soon?

Shi Beiyu smiled and said, “You were too focused. That was why time passed by so quickly.”

Mu Siyin grinned and got up from her seat. “Alright, let’s head to the room.”

Once they were in the room, Mu Siyin said that she wanted to take a shower.

Upon hearing that, Shi Beiyu paused for a moment. His lips moved, but he did not say a word. In the end, all he did was nod. “Okay.” josei

Mu Siyin entered the bathroom and knitted her brows depressingly. Shi Beiyu’s reaction was abnormal!

As a matter of fact, Shi Beiyu felt tormented lying on the side of the bed as he heard the sound of the water. He was torn between entering or not.

If he did not enter, he would feel like he had lost out on an opportunity.

However, if he did, he was afraid that he could not control himself.

As long as Mu Siyun was still in Mu Siyin’s body, he would never touch her.

That was why he decided not to go in.

After Mu Siyin came out from the shower, Shi Beiyu looked at her long wet hair and pulled her over. He rubbed her hair and blow-dried it.

He was very gentle and considerate.

Then, Shi Beiyu put down the hairdryer and bent over to carry her up from the stool.

Mu Siyin blushed.

When Shi Beiyu placed her on the side of the bed, he said, “Go to bed first. I’ll take a shower too.”

Startled, Mu Siyin looked at him anxiously.

Shi Beiyu reached out his hand to caress her head. “Be good.”

Mu Siyin could not help but to doubt her natural charm as she watched Shi Beiyu walk away. Did he… no longer feel affection for her?

Otherwise, why was he so reserved all of the sudden?

He was not like that before.

Mu Siyin waited for a long time with her eyes wide open, but Shi Beiyu still did not come out. After a while, she somehow fell asleep as she was too tired.

Early the next morning, Mu Siyin was sound asleep when the alarm sounded by her ears.

She could not open her eyes and wanted to sleep for a little longer.

Unfortunately, Shi Beiyu pulled her up from the bed and said softly, “Get up. We have to pay a visit to your mother at the cemetery.”

Just as she heard that, the sleepy Mu Siyin opened her eyes immediately. She looked at Shi Beiyu and said in astonishment, “Right, I almost forgot!”

At that, she got out of bed in a flurry.

Looking at Mu Siyin’s reaction, Shi Beiyu burst into laughter while shaking his head. ‘The ones she holds the dearest are her late mother and sister.’

After washing up, Mu Siyin yawned a few times.

Mu Siyin could not help it. It was because she had gone to bed late last night and did not get enough sleep.

Shi Beiyu and Mu Siyin headed downstairs for breakfast. Looking at how early they woke up today, Uncle Zhong paced towards them excitedly. “Why… are you both up so early today?”

Upon hearing that, Mu Siyin replied openly, “It’s my mother’s death anniversary today.”

Uncle Zhong paused for a second before he nodded in understanding. “Yes, right.”

He had forgotten about it.

Today was indeed the death anniversary of Mu Siyin’s mother.

After breakfast, Shi Beiyu drove himself and Mu Siyin to Mu family’s cemetery.

There were sacrificial offerings and flowers sold around the cemetery, but the store that Mu Siyin often went to was closed as they might be too early. However, the store next to it had just opened its doors.

Just as the storekeeper opened the door, he saw Shi Beiyu and Mu Siyin approaching.

At that moment, he thought that he was still half asleep to have met the deities descending from Heaven.

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