Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Cindy dialed a certain number.

After her call went through, a man‘s cold and emotionless tone rang through the receiver.

“I‘m in a meeting right now.”

Said speaker hung up the phone almost instantaneously. If it was the past, Cindy wouldn‘t have gone against Samuel when he showed her an attitude.

But this time, she couldn‘t let it slide.

Tina‘s appearance posed too much of a threat to her! Unwilling to give up, she called Samuel again and again until he finally decided to pick up the phone

“Cindy Young!”

His tone was stern, laced with a hint of hostility. It was obvious that he was warning her to know her place.

Cindy burst into tears instantly in an attempt to curry his favor, “Samuel, I know I shouldn‘t disturb you while you‘re in a meeting, but I’m too worried!” “I understand that men are not loyal creatures. I won‘t dare to say anything if you fall in love with other women, but why does it have to be Tina Lynd?”

“She almost killed me just now! What if she actually kills me in the future? I‘ll have to leave our five– year–old son behind! What‘ll happen to him?”

Cindy‘s sobbing annoyed Samuel to the core.

However, he still needed to take responsibility when it was due.

He massaged his temples, irritated, and spat coldly, “She‘s just a plaything to me, but you are Mrs. Langford and Keith‘s mother.” Cindy was elated to hear this.

Still she pressed on. “But Samuel...”

Samuel interjected her, “I‘m still in a meeting. We‘ll talk tonight.”

Then, he hung up the phone once again. Cindy wasn‘t upset. On the contrary, she felt warm and sweet inside. Given that he still remembered tonight‘s date, it suggested that she still held a special place in his heart. After Tina finished mopping the floor, she waited patiently outside the meeting room. While she was in the hallway, she could hear everything Samuel said on the phone

As expected, she was just a plaything to him.

The reason he didn‘t punish her was partly that he couldn‘t be bothered about a fight between women, and also because he was waiting for Cindy to give the ultimatum!

On the surface, it seemed the only person Tina had qualms with was Cindy. In reality, it was both Cindy and Samuel‘s wrath that might result in an evil plot against her! However, Tina didn‘t regret splashing that coffee on Cindy. After all, she couldn‘t escape the miserable torment awaiting her. Treating Cindy with disrespect was one way for her to release her pent–up anger. In the evening, Samuel didn‘t even address Tina and left hurriedly right after he got off work.

His driver found Tina and informed her, “Miss Lynd, let‘s go.”

Tina asked cautiously, “Where are you taking me?” The driver was confused as to why Tina was so cautious. “I‘m tasked to send you back to the villa after work.”

“I‘m just a secretary. I can go back by myself.” Tina gave him a flat–out rejection, leaving the driver no choice but to leave. novelbin

After returning to the villa, Tina heard from the staff that Samuel and Cindy were on a date that night.

After all, today was Samuel‘s birthday.

Since the three of them would be celebrating his birthday today, they probably wouldn‘t return to the villa for the night. Tina heaved a sigh of relief. At the very least, she wouldn‘t have to deal with the evil couple tonight

Exhausted, she went to sleep. Much to her surprise, she was awakened by a sudden phone call in the middle of the night.

“Come to the hotel right now.” It was Samuel, and his voice sounded really hoarse. Based on his tone, he seemed to have drunk too much. Then, he hung up without another word.

Tina grew apprehensive. It was obvious that doom awaited her.


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