Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Cindy sighed. In a tone of displeasure, she said, “I‘m sure everyone here knows how important Samuel is in the business world. He has so much influence in society that even the duke wanted to get on his good side! That‘s why the duke invited us to the family feast.”

“I did my best to dress up just for the event.”

“However, the feast was canceled the moment we arrived at his residence. The duke received news that his grandson was involved in a car accident. The event was postponed to another day, so we had no choice but to go back home.”

Cindy continued, “When the time comes, we still have to visit him at the hospital. Ugh, I dread it so much!”

At first, Tina remained silent as she followed the group of women from behind. After she listened to their conversation, her mind exploded with thousands of speculations. She bumped into John yesterday, who was involved in a car accident.

Coincidentally, the duke‘s grandson also got into a car accident at the same time.

If Tina remembered correctly, John left his home and stayed in Freesia to search for his long lost sister.

As for his exact identity, Tina couldn‘t be sure about it. Could John turn out to be the duke‘s grandson? Cindy, who was standing from afar, yelled at Tina when she noticed that Tina had been daydreaming “Linda, are you deaf?! I‘m calling out to you! Can‘t you hear me?”

Tina got back to her senses and heaved in a deep breath.

“Do you have anything you want me to do, Mrs. Langford?”

“I really like those heels on the display right there. Get it for me right now!” Cindy instructed.

Tina obliged. She took the high heels from the display and presented them to Cindy.

Cindy didn‘t reach out for the heels. Instead, she demanded, “Kneel and wear it for me!” Tina knew that Cindy was deliberately making things difficult for her. She clenched her fists and said, “Mrs. Langford, I‘m a fashion designer, not your slave.” “Oh, really?” Cindy smiled and threatened, “Have you forgotten that your daughter‘s life is currently in Samuel‘s hands?” Tina‘s complexion turned pale. Apparently, Cindy was already aware of Kara‘s existence. Samuel had already told her everything. “Kara‘s just a child. For a kind and generous woman like you to make a move on a young child, what do you think society will perceive of your character?” “Me? I won‘t do anything to her, but I‘ve informed Samuel that you‘re now my secretary instead of his!”

“If you do your work sloppily and get on my nerves, who knows what Samuel will do to punish novelbin


Without a care for the world, Cindy spoke with a casual tone while inspecting her newly

pedicured nails.

From head to toe, the way she presented herself was to let everyone know that she was a wealthy woman. On her finger was a massive diamond ring that shimmered under the bright lights. From the looks of it, Samuel really did give Cindy everything. The only person Tina had was Kara, and Tina could never gamble with Kara‘s life. Tina heaved in a deep breath and knelt on one leg.

Proud, Cindy kicked Tina‘s other leg and demanded further, “You don‘t look stable enough with one leg on the ground. It‘s better if you kneel on both legs!”

Tina was left with no choice but to endure the humiliation as she helped Cindy wear the heels. For the next few hours, Cindy visited a lot of shops and never failed to treat Tina like a slave by ordering her around. At the end of the day, Tina was thoroughly exhausted. She felt as if all the bones in her body had shattered to pieces. “Put all our things in the car right now! We are about to leave,” Cindy ordered haughtily.

While Tina was walking, someone suddenly knocked into her at full force.


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