Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Originally, the duke wanted to turn Tina and Kara away, but he finally decided to give them another week because of Kara’s arrival.

Tina and Kara were able to live at John's villa.

The next day, the lawyer called Tina and said that he still needed Tina's cooperation for her deposition.


Tina hung up, dressed up and was about to go out.

Kara was sleeping. When she heard the noise, she woke up and said gingerly, "Mom, are you going to go out again?"

Tina felt warm and said, "I will be right back. What would you like to eat? I will buy some snacks for you when I come back!"

Kara cheered up immediately.

"Mom, I would like to eat chocolates."

"What kind of chocolates would you like?"

"I want the chocolates that Mr. Meanie bought last time."

When Tina heard that Kara mentioned Samuel, Tina's heart did a flip-flop, but she kept calm on the surface.

"OK. I will go to the supermarket to see if that kind of chocolates is available."

Kara nodded lovely and asked, "Mom, did you argue with Mr.Meanie again?"

Tina opened her mouth, met Kara's clear gaze and didn't know how to explain.

"You guess right. I argued with him."

Kara asked curiously, "Why?"

Tina had noticed that Kara was curious about Samuel and wanted to be close with him. Maybe it was because Kara and Samuel were related by blood.


It was impossible for Samuel and Tina to be reconciled. Many things between them were not suitable for Kara to know.

Tina said, "It's because he doesn't allow me to see you."

Kara frowned.

"Mr. Meanie is too bad! I don't like the chocolates that he bought anymore. Please buy other kinds of chocolates for me!"

Tina was amused by Kara, but Tina felt sad in her heart.

Kara was too sensible. She talked bad about Samuel just because she wanted to amuse Tina.

When Tina was about to set off, a luxury car stopped in front of her suddenly. novelbin

The backseat car window was rolled down, and John's face was exposed.

"John, why do you come back?"

Tina knew that John had gone out in the morning for official business. To her surprise, he came back so soon.

John said, "Are you going to the police station? I will drive you there."

"No, thank you. I will..."

Tina refused subconsciously and was reluctant to bother him again.

But John frowned with dissatisfaction.

"Am I not your brother? Do you regard me as an outsider?"

Tina was unable to refuse again.

Besides her only daughter Kara, "family" was the thing that Tina longed for all the time but had never had.

She got into the car obediently and arrived at the police station.

The deposition went smoothly. The police would continue to investigate it.

Tina asked the lawyer, "Sir, can I leave now?"

The lawyer nodded. "Of course, you can leave now. Please wait for the good news."

The lawyer's tone sounded confident, so Tina was relieved finally.

Her innocence would be proved soon. It was great...

When Tina was about to go to see John, another luxury car stopped in front of her.

When she saw the person getting down the car, she panicked and wanted to escape subconsciously.


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