Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396


If it were just Cindy, Tina would dare to confront her.

However, Tina couldn't deal with Samuel.

Without waiting for the car to stop, Tina turned around and ran without hesitation.

Cindy was bullied, so Samuel would definitely help Cindy get back at Tina.

Tina was not a fool. She wouldn't wait for him to come to her.

Samuel had just gotten out of the car when Cindy rushed to him and wrapped her arms around Samuel's waist.

"Samuel, you have to help me!"

Samuel suppressed his disgust and tried to push her away, but he saw that Cindy was in a mess.

"Why are you here? And what's going on?" he asked with a frown.

Hearing this, Cindy was happy, and she immediately cried even more pitifully.

"I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have been so concerned about your situation and come to the police station early, but I didn't have a chance to see you, so I was worried...

"But I didn't expect that I would meet Tina!

"To get back at me, she deliberately insulted you and the child, so I was angry and wanted to fight with her. I was thrown to the ground by her..."

The moment she said that, Samuel's face darkened.

"Tina? Where is she?"

Cindy was a little confused. Wasn't Tina standing right behind her?

Cindy subconsciously turned around and pointed somewhere. " She's right there... That woman ran away! I knew it. She is crafty. How will she admit it? So she took the opportunity to run away!"

"Where did she go?" Samuel asked someone not far away.

"She seemed to have run in that direction..."

The person was afraid of Samuel and subconsciously pointed somewhere.

Samuel did not hesitate to push Cindy away and stride in that direction.

"Samuel, where are you going? I know you care about me and want to take revenge for me, but you don't need to..."

Cindy subconsciously wanted to pull him but failed and almost fell again.

She was so angry that she stomped her foot.

"Damn Tina!"

Cindy had thought that by taking advantage of her injury, she could get closer to Samuel.

But her plan was ruined!

Cindy angrily instructed the people around her, "Go and chase after him immediately! Report to me if there is any news!"

"Yes, Mrs. Langford."

Tina avoided the front door and slipped out through the side door, running as fast as she could.

She ran to the street and felt relieved.

Luckily, she had escaped!

The next moment, Tina's cell phone rang, and she glanced at it. It was John calling her.

"Is it handled? I'm nearby. I'll come and pick you up later."

"No need..."

Tina subconsciously wanted to refuse him but bit her tongue.

"I'm at the side door of the police station now. You can go and pick me up later...

"By the way..."

Tina remembered something else. "I said that I would bring food for Kara. Let's go to the supermarket later."

On the other end of the phone, John couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Tina was puzzled.

"I thought that you would refuse me again. Fortunately, I don't even need to say angry words. You've become smart."

John's tone was as gentle as ever. He took her as his sister.

Tina was touched.

She hung up the phone and couldn't help but smile.

Just at that moment, a man's cold voice sounded behind her.

"Tina, you've had a good time when you weren't by my side!"


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