Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

As soon as Samuel's words came out, John and Tina froze.

Tina was in disbelief and could not help blurting out.

"How is it possible? Everyone thought I died at that time, and how could we still have a marital relation?"

Samuel sneered.

"Tina, things are not as simple as you thought! You thought that after you faked your death, you could elope with Frederick and have no worries?"

"Everyone did think you died at that time, but I didn't find your dead body, so I didn't believe you're really dead. There is no reason to divorce until death is declared, so you are still my wife. Do you understand? 11

Tina's head was buzzing, and she thought, ‘This... this is a joke, right?

How is that possible? If our marriage still exists, then what about Cindy?’

"Then Cindy..."

People all over the world knew that Cindy was Samuel’s wife.

Samuel didn’t want to explain.

He and Cindy had a nominal and fake marriage. 1

He gave Cindy the title and made her child become his heir. He had taken responsibility, and that was enough!

"Tina, come back with me at once."

Looking at the scene of Tina hiding behind John, Samuel felt annoyed.

Tina suddenly shouted, "No! I won’t go back with you! 11

At this time, John finally came to his sense.

"Mr. Langford, although you still have a marital relationship with Tina, as we all know, there is only one Mrs. Langford, Cindy. As for Tina, no matter what, she is my sister. As her brother, I can’t just see and do nothing. "

Samuel's smile became more and more sarcastic.

"I knew that the Carter family had always been fond of charity, but I didn't expect that the Duke's novelbin

grandson was so kind-hearted that he treated Tina as his sister."

"Whether she was in Freesia then or in Paris now, you took good care of her and even her father's unknown bastard. People who didn't know the truth would think you were in love with her."

John looked calm, but Tina trembled with anger.

"Samuel, you are dirty, but don't think that people all over the world are all as dirty as you are!"

"I'm telling you. Even if we are still married, we can divorce. After all, I don't have any feelings for you!"

"John, leave him alone, let's go." Tina took John's hand.

This scene made Samuel's face darker, and his words coldly burst out from his thin lips.

"Tina, how dare you!"

"Dare? Now there's nothing I don't dare. If Mr. Langford doesn't mind letting passers-by see jokes, you can go on! "

Now, they were not in a room but in a busy street.

If it were not for the untouchable temperament of Samuel and John, the surroundings would be crowded with onlookers.

After saying that, Tina took John and ran away.

She seemed to have a tough attitude, but in fact, she was so scared that she dared not lookback, for fear of meeting Samuel’s murderous gaze.

Fortunately, Samuel didn't chase them!

When they got back to the car, John was the first to say, "I will ask someone I know in Freesia to investigate your marriage with Samuel."

When he mentioned Freesia, Tina thought of something and hesitated to speak.

"John, I have one more favor to ask of you..."


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