Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

The moment when the phone appeared, those guilty ones were completely stunned.

As servants working in this villa, they knew where there was surveillance and where there wasn’t. This was not Samuel's main

house, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so there were too many things they could temper with...

Besides, Tina was just a woman under house arrest by Mr. Langford. She had no power or money, without Mr. Langford's favor,

she would be nothing.

What was more, during this time, she had been bullied so much that the servants thought that she was just a pushover.

They hadn’t expected that Tina would be brave enough to use such a method to fight back.

"Are you still gonna deny it? Or do you want me to play the video in front of everyone and see how you have joined forces to

bully Keith when Mr. Langford wasn't around?"

Seeing their dumbfounded expressions, Tina smiled again, and continued, "Oh, right, I forgot!"

"Last night, you held Keith and forced him to eat the food he didn't like!"

"I was not feeling well at that time, so I didn't have time to record it all. But I think I probably have recorded a lot of people's voices. Would you like to play it now for Mr. Langford?" Tina said confidently. She stretched out her hand to operate on the screen as if she was going to play the recorded video... novelbin

Just when Tina was still operating, a servant suddenly couldn't bear the pressure, and took the lead in kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, "Mr. Langford, Mr. Langford, I'm sorry!"

“Lynne instructed me and threatened me, saying if I didn't help her, she would fire me. I was really scared, so I did such a stupid thing..."

With the first servant confessing, the other servants couldn't bear the pressure and fell to their knees one after another.

"Lynne threatened me..."

"Mr. Langford, we didn't mean to. It was her coercion and temptation..."

In an instant, all the servants stepped forward and couldn't wait to confess what Lynne had done.

Samuel's face was gloomy and cold.

"Call the police!" He said coldly, and told the men behind him, " Send them all to the police station!"

"No...." Everyone was crying.

Lynne was even more stunned, she hadn't expected that Tina would use such a method to completely turn it around!

Besides, Tina had been under house arrest in the villa by Mr. Langford. When Tina made calls, she always borrowed her phone...

Where did she get the cell phone?

However, at this time, she was no longer allowed to think.

Afraid of being dragged away by Samuel's men, Lynne suddenly jumped up and blocked Samuel's way, "No, it wasn't me! I didn't

do it! Mr. Langford, please listen to my explanation!"

"I was instructed by Mrs. Langford to do these things. Mr. Langford, you can't send me to jail. If I go in, what should Mrs.

Langford do!?"

Tina hadn't expected that Lynne would give Cindy up straight away.

What really surprised her was that Lynne went on, "Mrs. Langford asked me to discipline Keith and teach Tina a lesson. I didn't

mean it, Mr. Langford!"


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