Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Tina's words were chocked in her throat.

Samuel asked, "Who is it?"

"Samuel, it's me. It's good that you are inside the room."

Cindy's voice came from outside the door.

"It's getting late now. I know that you have been working hard and you always don't sleep well, so I ask the cook to heat up a

glass of milk..."

Cindy's voice was gentle, which made her look like an admirable mother.

Hearing her voice, Tina felt very disgusted.

Tina thought that Samuel would leave, but she didn't expect that he answered coldly, "I don't need it."

"But Samuel, you have been so busy these days. It's good for you to drink something warm..."

"I'm not going to say it again," Samuel's tone was still indifferent.

Cindy didn't dare say anything, and the voice outside the door disappeared soon.

Tina felt a little strange.

Cindy had come to the door, but Samuel rejected the milk brought by her, and he wasn't about to leave.

Tina didn't have time to think too much. She was afraid that Samuel would leave, so she took the time to return to the subject they had just talked about.

"Samuel, does what you just said still count?"

"What did I say?" He glanced at her.

Tina became a little anxious and stoop up, "You just said you would allow me to enter a fashion design competition."

Samuel looked down at her and raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Really? Did I say it? I don't remember."

After finishing his words, he was ready to leave the room carrying his medical kit.

Tina couldn't allow him to leave. If her hands hadn't been covered with iodophor, she would have grabbed Samuel by his clothes.

She quickly got in his way, spreading her arms and standing in the doorway.

"No, you can't go out. You just said that you would give me a chance. You can't go back on your words..."

Tina was almost ready to cry. Her mood changed a lot today.

Samuel gave her hope that her dream would come true and then suddenly acted as if it had never happened, which Tina couldn't accept anyway.

"Do you want to enter the competition?"

"Yes," She said firmly.

"Okay, I'll send someone to take you to the studio. But there are many designers more excellent than you in the studio. According to your character, maybe after two days, you will come back crying from being blown by other designers..."

There was some sarcasm in Samuel's tone.

But Tina was relieved finally, what Samuel had just said meant that he promised it.

As long as this man didn't keep her locked up, she could do it.

"I'm sure I can," Tina's eyes suddenly lit up.

While looking at Tina, Samuel's Adam's apple moved, and then he bent down.

The next second, the tall figure of the man suddenly pressed down on Tina, which scared her.

Unconsciously she looked away and asked, "What are you doing?"

Samuel stretched out his arm to block her in the doorway. She heard a deep voice, "Just you and I are in this room, and you

block me in the doorway deliberately, what do you think I'm doing here? II

Tina recognized the danger in Samuel's voice, and she was scared.

"I didn't mean to block you..."

To tell the truth, she was just afraid that Samuel would go back on his word.

"Okay, I'm going to leave..."

However, she had no way back and was picked up by him.

"It's late."

After finishing his words, he threw her on a big bed not far away.


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