Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

In the five years, Tina had been in Paris, she had not known many people, but she had a very good candidate for her assistant.

However, her call was not answered after a long time.

There was only the cold mechanical voice, "Sorry, the subscriber you dialed cannot be connected for the moment, please redial


Was she busy?

Tina was a little puzzled and tried several more times, but the result was the same.

It seemed that she could only go to the old studio in person this weekend!

When she left the old studio, only Tiffany stood up and asked her to stay. Tiffany was thinking of her, and she didn't want her to


If Tiffany could be her assistant, even if Tiffany couldn't learn much from her, it would be good for her to learn from the masters


After Tina made up her mind, she packed her things and prepared to leave when there suddenly came a car horn behind her.

She was startled, and subconsciously gave way, but the car stopped directly in front of her...

What did it mean?

Soon, the car window rolled down, and a man's voice came from the back of the car, "Get in the car."

Tina suddenly became tense.

Here it came!

These days, Samuel had been away on business.

He had been too busy to pick on her, so she had lived a fairly relaxed and comfortable life during these days. If it weren't for the studio not allowing its staff to stay overnight, she could even have slept here.

Samuel had left her alone when he was on a business trip, but Cindy was not a nice woman.

Therefore, Tina had often gone back early in the morning or late at night to avoid any unnecessary conflicts.

After she had acted carefully for so many days, Samuel came back and directly stopped her in front of her office building.

Tina was somewhat resistant and hesitant. Her attitude immediately angered Samuel.

Samuel sounded a little angry, "Why, Tina, do you want me to come over and invite you in person?"

Tina came to her sense, took a deep breath, and prepared herself psychologically.

She said, "No, no, I'll get in..."

Behind her was the hall, other designers and assistants had not left yet.

If those people saw it and misunderstood her, it would be bad.

She had finally found a pure land where she could relax, and she didn't want it to be destroyed by Samuel.

Tina hurriedly opened the car door and sat beside Samuel nervously.

Samuel seemed a little tired with his eyes closed. He said coldly, " Go back to the villa."

"Yes, Mr. Langford." The driver restarted the car.

Tina felt his coldness and couldn't help shivering. Looking at the scenery outside the car window, she couldn't help stroking her


She was getting goosebumps from nervousness now...

Tina didn't say a word. It was silent in the car, and she could only hear her heartbeat.

Just when she sneaked a glance at Samuel, wanting to see if he had fallen asleep, Samuel seemed to feel something and

suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes looked sharp.

Tina was startled and looked away awkwardly.

Damn! She just took a peek and got caught!

Seeing her guilty attitude, Samuel couldn't help but smile, but he quickly turned cold again, "Tina, you haven't seen me for a long

time. I heard that you have been doing quite well."


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