Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

The sunlight beamed through the window. Baking in the sun, Tina opened her eyes, her mind in a fog.

She remembered that she was designing clothes. What had happened?

An unfamiliar voice came from outside the door. It sounded like a doctor.

"She has a fever. Let her rest and take the medicine on time. Don't work too hard.

"She must have stayed up for several nights and got a cold, so she suddenly fainted.

"Although she is still young, she has to take care of her health, or she will suffer when she is old."

Immediately after, Samuel said in a low and mellow voice, "Okay, I see."

Listening to their conversation, Tina then remembered what had happened yesterday.

She met Samuel in the corridor and had a serious argument with him. Probably because she was too emotional and weak, she fell to the ground uncontrollably and lost consciousness.

Soon, the door clicked open.

Tina's heart thumped in fear, and she subconsciously chose to avoid Samuel, closing her eyes and pretending to be sleeping. She could hear her heart pounding.

However, the man walked to her bed, stayed for a long while, and had no intention of leaving. novelbin

Tina thought, ‘Why is he still here?'

She got anxious and couldn't help clenching her hands.

She could feel the man's sharp gaze.

After quite a while, she heard a teasing chuckle from the man not far away.

"Tina, aren't you good at acting? Why are you so clumsy when you pretend to be asleep?"

Tina was amazed.

She couldn't believe that Samuel already knew that she was pretending because she woke up when he was outside the door.

Tina was lost in thought when she heard Samuel speak slowly.

"Since you want to continue pretending, there is nothing I can do, but the doctor instructed you to take your medicine on time. How about I feed you?"

Saying that, the sound of a man pouring water came from the bedside table.

Immediately after, the man encircled her with his arms on the bed. The familiar scent of tobacco wafted over.

Tina opened her eyes in fright. Not surprisingly, she saw the man's faint smile.

"What... what are you doing?!"

She was so scared that she wrapped the quilt tightly around her, quickly got out of Samuel's arms, cowered in the corner, and

looked at him warily.

"What am I going to do? You're ungrateful. You act as if I were harming you.

"After you passed out last night, I got the doctor to check you, and just now I was planning to feed you medicine. What do you

think I’m doing?"

Tina knew she had wronged him. Samuel had helped her today.

However, she stared at Samuel's eyes and could not help but retort.

"Well, you helped me, but why did I have to stay up for so many nights that I fainted?

"It's because of what Cindy had done. The two of you put on a show to torture me and fool me for fun, right?

Samuel's face darkened.

"Tina, you just woke up. You didn't even say thank you. Now you're slandering me?"

"Am I wrong? Isn't that the truth?" Tina stared at him angrily.


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