Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Tina turned around and found that the speaker was Cindy's maid.

Cindy should be getting ready in the dressing room now. what was Cindy looking for her?

She frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There is something wrong with Cindy’s high heels. The heels are broken. I want you to get a new pair of high heels

from the storage room!"

"Miss Lynd, you'd better hurry up and get it quickly. If you delay the appearance of Cindy, it's terrible."

With that, Tina had no chance to refuse. The maid put the key to the storage room into Tina's hand and left in a hurry.

Tina felt annoyed.

Sure enough, Cindy had only stopped for a few days without bothering her, and Cindy was starting to trouble her again.

It was just a pair of high heels. Was it necessary to take so much trouble to get them?

Tina had no choice but to say sorry to Leo. "It seems that I have something to do. I'll talk to you next time."

Leo said with a frown, "What does this mean? You are a designer, not a servant. Does Samuel know that Cindy treats you like this?"

Tina smiled bitterly. How could Samuel not know? He even helped Cindy!

However, she didn't want Leo to know about it. So she said, "I should help. It's getting late. I'll go first."

Leo was worried.

"The storage room is too far away from here. Well, I’ll go with you. It

Tina waved her hand and said, "No, I have to cross the deck later and others will see you. That's bad for you. I can do it alone."

With that, Tina left quickly.

Leo couldn't do anything with Tina. Knowing that she was deliberately avoiding him, he said, "okay, see you next time. Remember to invite me to dinner!"

"Yes, I see," Tina answered.

Cindy's birthday party was held on a luxury cruise ship at sea, and the storage room was two floors below the deck.

The light below the deck was dim, and the boat swayed from time to time. Walking uneasily alone, Tina wanted to find the high heels and went back quickly.

Finally, she came to the storage room and opened the door with the key.

There were many spare parts, some clothes, shoes, jewelry and so on.

She recalled Cindy's clothes and searched a pile of boxes for matching shoes.

Then, there was a bang.

The storage room door behind her slammed shut.

Tina was shocked. She rushed to open the door but found that it had been locked. Even if she had a key, it was


"If you let me out, I won't blame you! what do you want to lock me up for? Is it Cindy who asked you to do this?"

Tina knocked on the heavy door, but nothing happened outside because the storage room was under the deck. She

could hear the sound of the waves.

Suddenly, those memories that she almost drowned in the water made her cold. She couldn't help shrinking in the


Tina pulled out her mobile phone, she was in the storage room, so the signal on the mobile phone appeared and

disappeared from time to time.

Tina was anxious, she clicked on the screen in despair and tried to send a message or call, but she didn't get any


Finally, one of her calls was connected.



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