Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Samuel's heart flared with inexplicable rage.

He had warned the woman to behave herself. However, as soon as she got the chance, she went to the comer to meet Leo.

A bodyguard asked with respect, "Mr. Langford, what can I do for you? Do you need US to inform Linda?"

Samuel put on a sneer. He was worried about Tina earlier. Seeing Tina was with Leo, his tone immediately became harsh. He

spat, " No need!"

He was worried about the woman. Now it seemed she didn't need him at all!

Samuel was determined that when Cindy’s birthday party was over, he would deal with Tina! ‘Damn woman!'

The bodyguards were all startled by Samuel's suddenly darkened face.

"Yes, Mr. Langford, if you don't need US, we're leaving."

The bodyguards left in a hurry. And some of them couldn't help rubbing their arms and discussing, "Mr. Langford is so

intimidating. It was so scary just now! I'm afraid I'm going to die in his gaze!"

"But it's so strange. Wasn't Mr. Langford just asking about Linda? Why is he suddenly upset? Has he changed his mind?"

"Who knows? Maybe Linda was talking to Mr. Beckett, and therefore Mr. Langford didn't want to disturb them?"

"It is possible..."

The bodyguards walked away. Cindy came up to Samuel.

"Samuel, did you get things done?"

Samuel didn't answer her. He headed outside.

Cindy was dumbfounded, "Samuel, what's wrong?"

"What are you doing? The party is about to start. We should go out and meet the guests."

Then Samuel held out his hand toward Cindy.

Cindy's eyes widened in surprise.

'Oh my God!!!'

This was the first time Samuel had reached out his hand towards her!

'Samuel was finally touched by my affection for him for so many years. Is he starting to accept me?'

Cindy was so thrilled inside. Today was a really good day. Not only was she going to disgrace Tina, but Samuel had become so gentle with her!

Cindy ran up to Samuel like a little bird. She took his hand and leaned in close to him.

"Samuel, let's go."

When the gorgeous couple appeared on the deck, all the guests applauded and gave their heartfelt amazement and blessings.

In the dim storage room, Tina's heart pounded violently. She was so scared.

After that phone call, her phone was disconnected. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't send any messages!

She could only count on Samuel, as she had only gotten through to him a few moments ago.

Although she hadn't managed to ask him to save her, Samuel should have heard her shriek.

'He will come to rescue me, right?'

But now it was just the opening time of Cindy's birthday party...

'Is Samuel going to come?'

Tina cowered in a ball on the floor. The storage room was freezing cold. She was shivering in the corner. She found some clothes

in the room to cover herself to keep warm.

Tina was waiting eagerly for Samuel. Time passed so slowly. Her head went dizzy.

Suddenly, her cell phone made a sound!

Tina was woken up by the alert, she looked at her phone but found that it was running out of battery and it was signaling that it

was about to be turned off.

It was late at night, and Samuel hadn't shown up!

Tina was desperate. Was she going to die in the dark storage room?

Just then, suddenly, a huge noise came on the lock of the storage room...


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