Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

The first rays of the morning sun were rising above the sea level.

When the luxury cruise ship was sailing on the calm waves. All of a sudden, a scream pierced everyone’s ears...


“Thieves! Help! Somebody here to stop the thieves! ”

The guests were startled to go out from the cabins to see what was going on. They soon saw groups of bodyguards and servants

bustling around.

“There were thieves sneaking into the ship last night. They have stolen all Mrs. Langford’s jewelry worth tens of millions of


“Everyone, please check the valuables around you and leave the room. We need to search for the thieves room to room to find

out where they were hiding! ”

The news heard over the radio scared the guests to go out of their rooms. Who’s to say the thieves were not hiding in their rooms? What if they took a risk and held them hostage!?

It didn’t take much time for the guests to crowd the decks, where the wind was blowing so hard that both men and women were struggling to look decent and noble, making a marked contrast to last night when the male were in suits and the female were well- dressed.

From the decks was bubbling a babble of voices.

“What’s going on?!” The noises attracted Samuel to appear from the gallery.

At the moment, Cindy threw herself into his arms, crying and shouting, “Samuel, I wouldn’t have expected to find thieves on such a luxury cruise ship. All my jewelry is missing. It’s awful! Hateful thieves!”

“Just something happened to the jewelry?”

Samuel furrowed his brows in a subconscious attempt to grab Cindy’s arms and push her away.

Seeing the crowd around, he had to take a deep breath and comfort her in patience, “They don’t matter, what matters is that you’re safe. We can buy more jewelry at any time.”

Followed by his words, an exclamation burst out among the crowd.

The president of the Langford Group really deserved the name! A real rich man spoke louder than others! novelbin

Engulfed by the envy from the crowd, Cindy, though pleased, cried in a worse way.

“That’s not the point. Common jewelry goes and comes. I don’t care. It’s all because of the missing keepsake that brought US together!”

Samuel’s face changed color as he heard the news.

“You mean the blue crystal shell necklace?”


Cindy knew there were reporters taking photos at a short distance. She continued crying, pretty and lovable.

“We recognized each other because of the keepsake. It’s also the witness of our love. Not so expensive as it is, that blue crystal

shell necklace is the most important thing in my heart! ”

“If it’s lost, I will regret for the rest of my lifetime, so we must catch the damn thieves! ”

Her speech quickly aroused compassionate feelings in the people around.

“I agree. Things that have sentimental value are undoubtedly more important than personal belongings!”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Langford. Those damn thieves must be still on this ship and they will soon be caught by the bodyguards! ”

Just then, a bodyguard came and exclaimed, “We’ve found the thieves through the monitors! They are just in the storeroom

under the cabins!”

Cindy, with sparkling eyes, asked in excitement, “Really? I’ll be right there to get my necklace back! ”

Another bodyguard rushed out and said in panic,

“Bad news! The door of the storeroom was locked from the inside, so we broke into it...”

“We didn’t expect to see that... that...”


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