Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 513

Chapter 513

Chapter 513

Chapter 513 novelbin

Chapter 513

Samuel took a deep breath and said nothing.

He stood there, looking tall and handsome in his suit and leather shoes, which caused a strong sense of oppression.

Samuel was silent for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Tina.

Taking a closer look, he realized that she looked so fragile with obvious bruises and scars on her body.

Even the marks on her neck became more and more obvious...

They were inflicted by him.

Samuel had to admit that he did have a trace of guilt towards Tina in his heart.

If he hadn’t chosen to ignore the phone call because of the news about her and Leo at that time, would she have had such a traumatic experience?

However, at this moment, seeing Leo's unconditional defense, Tina's resistance to him and their unanimous doubts about Cindy, Samuel asked in a deep voice, "Where are those thieves?"

"They’re locked in my room," Leo said.

Samuel nodded and said, "I will personally interrogate them this time. You can go back."

Leo was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"She still has injuries on her body. She needs to go to the hospital for examination. Do you want to help her get changed?" Samuel's eyes were a little sharp.

Only then did Leo realize that Samuel was planning to seek justice for Tina himself!

Of course, he believed in Samuel's methods. Since he said he would interrogate them personally, then no matter how stubborn and resistant those thieves might be, they would definitely reveal all the truth.

Besides, given Tina's current situation, she really should go to the hospital for examination.

The return journey of this luxury cruise ship would take a day. In order to get her to the hospital as soon as possible, only Samuel had the right to get speedboats and helicopters.

Leo said, "okay, I'll leave it to you. I am leaving now..."

Seeing that Leo was about to leave, Tina suddenly said, "No!"

"What?" As soon as Tina said these words, the two men looked at her in shock.

But Tina clenched her fists, full of doubts about Samuel, and said to Leo, "I think you must not hand over the thieves to him!"

Samuel said coldly, "Why, don't you want to know who tried to hurt you?"

"Who else could it be? Except Cindy, no one would want to put me to death like that!" Tina said word byword, "If it weren't for her,

I wouldn't have been locked in the storage room, she must have planned it, so those unidentified people sneaked into this luxury

cruise ship..."

"Now, you want these people to be handed over to you? I don't believe you will make a fair decision!"

Hearing Tina's words, Samuel became colder and colder.

Leo beside her was a little anxious and said, "You must have misunderstood him. I know him well. He has always been fair and

will never be partial to anyone..."

"Impossible!" Tina vetoed with a self-deprecating smile on her face, "Cindy is his wife, and I'm just a powerless outsider. Do you

think he doesn’t know who he should help in his heart?"

"In my opinion, the so-called personal interrogation is false, but it is true that he wants to cover for Cindy!"

"Huh..." Samuel stared coldly at the woman in front of him and said, "Then what do you think is fair?"

"She wanted to hurt me, and she invited so many media. Didn't she just want to ruin my reputation?"

"Okay, then I want those thieves to be interrogated publicly, and I ‘11 show all the media how she tried to hurt me!"


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