Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

Tina spoke slowly and firmly as she looked calmly and fearlessly at everyone.

The media and the guests, who wanted to make trouble for Tina, avoided her eyes.

The deck was quiet for a moment.

Surprisingly, the crowd was a little afraid of Tina's frankness.

Cindy was inexplicably disturbed and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"What do I mean? Don't you guys want to know what happened between me and those thieves last night in the storage room? Then go to the surveillance room and have a look.

"Compared to my empty words, the video may be more convincing!"

After Tina said this, everyone was stunned. novelbin


Tina was a victim.

Moreover, this matter was so ambiguous. As Cindy said, it involved reputation and virginity, the most important things for a woman.

However, the woman in front of them didn't care about these things and even wanted to show them the video.

Immediately after, the crowd realized something.

"No. The surveillance cameras on this cruise ship were all damaged long ago. What can be seen in the surveillance room?"

"Yeah. Those thieves said that they were the crew members, who used to work on the cruise ship before, had been prepared and destroyed all the surveillance cameras."

"Even if we want to repair it, it will take a lot of effort, right?!"

They spoke with doubt, thinking that Tina was crazy because of the mental torture.

Tina didn't care about these people's opinions.

"Come with me, and you'll see the truth."

Her voice was confident. After saying that, she turned around and walked toward the surveillance room!

Seeing this, even those who questioned her hesitated for a moment and followed behind because of curiosity.

In the surveillance room, there were rows of computers connected to the surveillance cameras on the cruise ship. People could monitor every corner of the ship from all directions.

However, just as the crowd followed Tina to the surveillance room, they could not help but make a sound.

"The screens of these computers are all black! What can we see? Are you fooling US?"

"I said that the surveillance cameras had long been destroyed by those thieves. This woman must have been overstimulated and lost her mind."

"Boring! Let's get out of here. There is no need to waste time."

Meanwhile, Tina was collected. She clutched the cell phone and looked around.

Finally, she found the central computer in the surveillance room.

She walked over and connected the phone to the computer in front of everyone.

There was a hissing sound.

Suddenly, all the computer screens in the surveillance room flashed.

Immediately after, they heard constant beeps.

All the computers were under control.

They were restarting.

The group of people, who had walked out of the room, heard the sounds from the surveillance room and were all amazed.

"What's going on?"

The next moment, rows of screens all showed the same image.

In the surveillance video, the maid appeared in front of Tina and said, "Miss Lynd, Mrs. Langford is looking for you."


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