Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Samuel suddenly pressed his lips on Tina's and kissed her passionately, which made her feel suffocated!

After a long time, Samuel let go of her. Her eyes were filled with tears, even if she had been trying hard to hold them back.

Though her voice became soft and weak, she glared at him.

"You’re a bastard..."

She wanted to pull her hand out of Samuel's hand. However, he held her hand very tightly and pressed it against his strong

chest. She could feel his heart beating under her palm!

"Yes, I'm a bastard," he said in a low voice.

"You're right. Cindy is my wife, and I should protect her. But you're wrong about one thing. I don't love her."

Tina became stunned. “How can Samuel not love Cindy?"

She retorted subconsciously, "What does it have anything to do with me? I don't want to hear..."

"Do you want me to kiss you again?" Samuel asked in a threatening voice.

Tina was startled, and she immediately understood what he meant.

‘He is threatening me to shut up!’

‘He’s such a bastard!’

Though one of Tina’s hands was held tightly by him, she subconsciously covered her mouth with the other hand.

‘I’m not afraid of him. I just want to protect myself from being taken advantage of by him, so I have to give in! ’

Samuel felt satisfied when he noticed that Tina didn’t struggle anymore.

He added, "Cindy and I have been a nominal couple all the time!"

‘Samuel and Cindy have been a nominal couple all the time!’

Hearing his words, Tina was shocked.

"What?" she subconsciously exclaimed in shock. "It’s impossible! How can it be possible?"

She felt that she must be hallucinating or mishear him!

Seeing Tina's reaction, Samuel was not stunned at all. But somehow, he wanted to tell her everything.

After all, Tina really misunderstood him deeply!

"Cindy saved my life, so I owe her a life. But I only regard her as my younger sister..."

"If you only regard her as your younger sister, why did you marry her?" Tina couldn't help asking.

"Because that accident..."

Samuel rubbed his forehead, as he didn't want to mention that accident, which was undoubtedly a humiliation for him.

"After that accident, she was pregnant, whether it's for responsibility or for the sake of Keith, I should marry her."

"Though she has been my wife and I’ve provided her and Keith with the best life, I don't love her. I’ve never touched her again

after that accident. Do you understand?"

For the first time, Samuel told Tina everything about him and Cindy frankly.

His tone was very serious, with his deep eyes on Tina.

"But... What does it have anything to do with me?"

Tina was still shocked, as she considered Samuel’s words incredible.


Taking a deep breath, he suddenly wanted to know what she was thinking about.

‘She's very smart sometimes, but she’s also very stupid sometimes, she is being stupid now.’

"Haven't you understood what I mean yet?" Samuel asked impatiently, staring at Tina. "You are the only one I love. From the

beginning to the end, I only love you."


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