Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Only then did Cindy notice the hard drive in Tina's hand.

She suddenly panicked, "what do you mean? You must be lying to me. If you had it, you would have taken it out long ago. How

could you have waited until now?"

"Yeah, Гт lying to you. Well, you'll know if what I said is true!" Tina sneered, "Let's wait and see!" 1

With that, she turned around and left, ignoring Cindy behind her.

She would never compromise on this matter.

Only when she saw Cindy repenting painfully in prison for her wrongdoings would it truly end. otherwise she would never give up!

Tina's back looked so thin, but her straight back hurt Cindy's eyes, causing endless fear in her heart.

It was like this every time!

“No matter how I designed to frame this damn woman, she always had a way to escape! This bitch even could survive again and again with the help of men, making me face the possibility of going to jail! ” Thinking of this, Cindy turned cold.

She couldn't lose the title of the wife of the president of the Langford Group, let alone go to jail!

At this moment, all the hatred that Cindy had accumulated against Tina welled up in her heart, and she completely lost her mind.

Tina must die!

She wanted to see Tina die miserably! Now!

Cindy got back into the car without hesitation and slammed on the accelerator...

"Tina, go to hell!" with her hideous shout, the car slammed into Tina not far away.

The passers-by who saw this scene all screamed in fright. Tina turned her head in disbelief, and watched Cindy drive the car towards her without hesitation!

She had never expected that Cindy, who always liked to play tricks behind the scenes and pretended to be an innocent and kind- hearted woman, would do such a thing in broad daylight...

Cindy was really crazy! !!

In an instant, a lot flashed through Tina's mind, and her first reaction was to avoid it.

However, this sudden attack made her freeze. Her slow response was not comparable to the speed of the car hitting her...

Was she going to die like this?

Tina closed her eyes subconsciously, and suddenly she felt a little sad. novelbin

If Cindy ran her over in public, Cincy would definitely be sentenced to death for her crime of intentional homicide.

At least, her goal of wanting Cindy to be punished for her sins would be achieved then, right? !

At this moment, there suddenly came a voice from beside Tina, " Get out of the way! Be careful!"

A sudden force, though small, pushed Tina away in time.

Tina turned her head subconsciously, when she saw the figure appearing behind her, her eyes suddenly widened...

Cindy subconsciously stepped on the brakes when she saw the figure rushing out.

But how could the car stop so easily?

"Boom!" There was a terrifying muffled sound.

A little boy rushed out and pushed Tina away! In the place where Tina should have been hit, he was knocked out by the car!

"No!" Tina shouted in horror, as if the blood all over her body instantly froze. She couldn't believe her eyes and cried, "Keith!!"


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