Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Tina immediately froze at Keith's words.

The look in Samuel's eyes also changed subtly. If it were before, he would have taken it as a child talking nonsense.

However, at this moment, he thought of the report that showed Tina and Keith happened to have the same blood type, which

brought up a hint of suspicion in his mind.

Seeing both Samuel and Tina frozen, Keith felt a little guilty.

He had always been a quiet boy, but today, he couldn't help but say so much strange stuff!

"Don't get me wrong. I mean because I have been separated from my mom since I was a baby, I've never felt the warmth of

being cared for by my mom."

"Seeing you take care of Kara made me very envious. I thought how nice it would be if you were my mom! Then I wouldn't have

to be alone all the time..."A touch of dismay was in Keith's tone.

Tina then came to her senses, she rushed up to the boy and comforted him.

"It's okay. Even though I'm not your mom, I'll take care of you."

"Don't worry about such things. You are sick now, and you just need to rest."

"By the way, what do you want to eat? I can cook for you!"

Tina was very good at soothing children, and soon, Keith was cheered up.

Watching this heartwarming scene, somehow, Samuel kept thinking about what Keith had just said. The boy said he felt Tina was his real mother.

But Samuel thought the idea was absurd. novelbin

And Keith had explained it. Because he had been separated from his mother since he was a baby and he had never been looked after by his mother, when Tina took care of him, he felt warm inside.

If Tina was really Keith's mother, wouldn't Tina know that herself?

Samuel wouldn't be bothered by the matter.

At the moment, the most important thing for him was to find Cindy!

In the ward, Tina was patient coaxing Keith, and she fed the boy some food. After that, she began to read him a story.

After a while, Keith drifted off to sleep, and Tina fell asleep at the bedside. Her closed eyelashes fluttered restlessly like a frightened butterfly. She had been really tired these days.

Samuel watched the two.

He took off his suit jacket, with his warmth and tobacco scent, and covered it over Tina's slim figure.

Surprisingly, having the coat on her back, Tina seemed to sleep more peacefully...

Samuel fell into a trance watching all this.

Suddenly, there were footsteps outside the door.

Immediately, a soft knock came on the door.

Knock -- knock --

The knock was soft, but it sounded abrupt in the quiet room. Tina subconsciously furrowed her brows, she seemed about to wake


Samuel snapped back to attention. He threw a stern look at the door, and immediately his men were intimidated and kept their

breath quiet.

Samuel strode out of the room. He said coldly, "Tell the others that no one is to disturb the ward!"


"What's the matter?"

The man then answered timidly, "Mr. Langford, we found Mrs. Langford."


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