Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

For the next few days, Tina stayed in the hospital to take care of Keith.

Keith's body was only scratched, but his head got hit after all. So he needed to lie down on the hospital bed to rest for a few


However, how could a child of this age be obedient? He asked to leave again and again, but was stopped by Tina.

"The doctor said you need a good rest! Don't move around. What if it affects your recovery?" Tina sounded very serious.

Keith said unhappily, "I don't want to stay in the hospital! I've been in the hospital long enough! I want to leave!"

When Tina heard this, her heart softened.

Indeed, last time Keith had stayed in the hospital for a long time because of her. This time, he was injured again because he tried

to save her...

However, Tina was still very firm, "No, for your health, you can't be too careful!"

“Well, I want my computer!" Keith said again, "Give me the computer!"

"No, the time you spent using the computer today has passed, and you can't use it for the rest of the day!"

Keith was speechless.

When he was hospitalized in the past, Samuel and Cindy hadn't cared much about him. Although his movements were restricted, he was free most of the time.

However, when he fell into Tina's hands, he was being treated as a little boy who couldn't take care of himself!

"I'm not a three-year-old!" He couldn't help but retort.

"But you're only five years old. It's not much different from three years old."

Looking at Tina's extremely serious face, he found she really regarded his as a little child. Keith didn't know why, but suddenly he lost his temper childishly, "I don't care. If you don't let me go out for a walk, then I will play on the computer now!"

He boldly wrapped his arms around Tina's waist, and suddenly thought of Kara’s favorite trick when she wanted something from her mother Tina.

He begged, "Oh, Please, Mommy..."

Tina had never expected that Keith would suddenly call her that.

The five-year-old child hugged her softly. He was the same age as Kara. She somehow felt dazed for a moment, thinking that Keith was so similar to Kara!

"What...what did you call me?" she asked subconsciously.

After Keith called her Mommy, he was instantly a little annoyed. It seemed that he had really hurt his head bad. why had he been always doing these strange things recently? !

"Oh, nothing. You heard it wrong!" Keith suddenly let go.

Tina said, "I heard it. called me Mommy..."

"Yeah, because I like you very much and I have never felt love from my mom. I just called you that, so what?"

"Well..."Keith's assertive attitude made Tina not know what to say.

At this moment, there suddenly came a man's voice from behind, " Keith, do you really want a mommy so much?"

Tina turned around, only to find that Samuel was back.

His eyes were so deep. He glanced at Keith on the hospital bed and then at Tina. Tina somehow blushed...

God, Samuel had heard that.

Would he think she had deliberately told Keith to say these words?!


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