Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Just yesterday when Keith had said he was going to see Cindy, Tina had expected it to happen.

But she had never expected Cindy to be released so fast!

Cindy was almost complacent, "You still lost! Tina, you lost completely!"

"Bitch, you want to hurt me so much, but what can you fight me with? Haha, I’m telling you, you have no

chance of winning!"

Tina's face turned pale a little bit. Even though she was usually eloquent, now she couldn't refute at all.

Yes, Cindy had set her up many times. She had struggled to survive and tried her best to fight back.

This time it was supposed to be a situation where Cindy would certainly die.

But she hadn't expected that Cindy would appear in front of her so quickly.

She had indeed lost completely!

When Cindy saw the thing in Tina's hand, she snatched it and waved to drive Tina away, "This is the medicine for Keith, right? Just leave it to me!"

"As for you, Tina, stop daydreaming. You can’t win over me, and Samuel will not pursue it anymore. The child needs his biological mother."

"You’re just an outsider who doesn't need to show up. Hurry up and get out of here!" Cindy said casually. Tina couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Cindy, what do you mean? It’s over?"

Cindy's eyes widened and she said, "Why, do you still want to pursue it?"

Tina clenched her fists. She gritted her teeth and looked at Cindy's face, and couldn't bear it any longer.

Tina raised her arm and slapped Cindy hard in the face.

Cindy had never expected Tina to suddenly hit her and screamed, but Tina covered her mouth.

Tina wanted Cindy to die, but she kept her last shred of sanity.

Disregarding her wounds, she held Cindy by the neck with her self-defense skills and said word by word, " Cindy, I’m telling you, it’s over and I won't hold you accountable anymore. But don’t you think that I’m a pushover!"

"Listen, it’s not because I'm afraid of the power of you and Samuel, but because I feel sorry for Keith. He’s

never felt the love of a mother and he was almost killed by his mother!"

"I didn't do all this to let you continue to have the opportunity to be arrogant and evil. If you dare to be bossy in

front of me like this again, I don't mind going down with you!" novelbin

Not only was Tina stubborn, but she looked as overwhelming and ruthless as Samuel when she was pissed


Cindy was so scared that her legs were shaking and she almost peed!

She had thought she had the upper hand, but she ended up being slapped in the face so soon!

"Do you understand?" Tina said again, "If you understand, then give me a nod!"

Cindy could only nod desperately.

Tina finally vented her anger. When she was about to let go of Cindy, there suddenly came a man's cold and

stern voice from behind, "Tina, what are you doing? stop it!"


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