Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Tina struggled to break free from Samuel angrily, but she failed.

Samuel's arms were so strong that they seemed to be made of steel, and she was unable to rebel against him.

He hugged her tightly in his arms and snorted coldly, "what do I want to do? I'm taking my woman back. Do you really think I'll

watch you run away with someone else?"


Tina became stunned!

Samuel’s tone was low but overbearing. He even said that she was his woman!

Tina's heart couldn't help thumping, and she felt even more frightened.

She was afraid that her cheeks would become extremely red if she still stayed in his arms, so she retorted immediately, "what nonsense are you talking about? When do I run away with someone else? I just want to take my daughter to an amusement park!" novelbin


Samuel didn't believe her words at all, as in his eyes, Tina was a cunning little fox!

‘As long as I let go of her, she will run away without a trace.’ Samuel had had enough of her escape. Sometimes he really wanted to lock her up and break her leg so that she would be exclusive to him.

"When I asked you to come home yesterday, didn't you want to run away with another man? Do you think I will believe you? No way!"

Somehow, from his words, Tina noticed that he...

He felt jealous.

Realizing it, Tina was shocked. ‘Is he the Samuel that I know?’

However, she couldn't allow herself to think too much, as her honey, Kara, was still jumping anxiously like a kangaroo, trying to protect her.

Tina didn’t bear to make Kara anxious and explained immediately, "I deliberately wanted to anger you yesterday. Besides, I just want to take care of my daughter..."

"Samuel, could you put me down? Kara has just recovered. Don't scare her."

Tina had no choice but to encircle Samuel’s neck and coax him in a soft voice.

Samuel originally wanted to take Tina away. But Kara, who was beside him, was so clingy. In order to prevent him from taking Tina away, Kara even put her hands around his thigh, hanging on it like a bear pendant.

When Samuel looked at anxious Kara, his heart melted. So, he could only ask, "Will you run away again?"

Tina quickly shook her head and said, "No. I won’t run away. I won’t run away. Really!"

Tina repeatedly assured him that she wouldn’t run away.

Samuel gritted his teeth, fearing that Tina was deliberately deceiving him. He threatened, "If you dare to run away again, I'll catch

you and break your leg, you know?"


Samuel said with resentment, as if Tina had been an ungrateful woman.

Tina couldn't help shrinking. She complained to herself, “If Samuel and Cindy hadn’t tortured me time and time again, I wouldn’t

have run away, why is it all my fault now?”

"Well." Samuel narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "What the hell are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Nothing" Shaking her head quickly, Tina gave in. "I won’t run away. Really! Put me down!"

However, Samuel's eyes were dark. Looking at the obedient woman in his arms, he added, "I can put you down... But you have

to kiss me first!"


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