Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

She cast an angry and discontented look at him.

But Samuel added, “I’m not saying you can’t go there.”

“Then what do you mean?” Tina, with apparent distrust on her face, had no idea what he wanted.

Samuel reminded her, “You heartless woman, are you leaving Keith alone?”

“What?” Tina went blank and then asked, “Are you and Keith going there with US?”


“But his injuries...” she hesitated, recalling that injured boy.

“I had him given a full medical test. They were just flesh wounds and healed days ago. And he can’t play on those dangerous

items in the amusement park at his age, except for the merry-go-round. He’ll be fine.”

Samuel spoke, cold and stern, giving Tina an incredible feeling.

It was normal for her to take a kid to go to an amusement park, but a man like Samuel...

He would also do that kind of thing?!


To turn words into action, Samuel had a car driven here soon.”

It was a Stretch Lincoln Limousine, large enough to easily hold four people.

Samuel and Keith.

Tina and Kara.

They four sat together, looking like...

Like a family of four for some unaccountable reason!

Tina felt embarrassed, although Kara was so surprised to see Keith, accompanied by her sweet voice, “Keith, why are you here? Are you feeling sick too?”

“I’m fine!” Keith responded by asking with a cold face, “But what did you do? You kicked off the blanket again? oh, Kid! Always need care!”

Kara felt wronged, “I didn’t. Mommy, I’m a good girl, right?”

This made Tina burst into laughter.

The way Keith scolded others with a straight face sometimes gave her a feeling of maturity.

But she felt a little funny whenever she saw his face as young and small as Kara’s.

“What are you laughing at?” Keith frowned, “Are you implying I’m a busybody?”

Tina didn’t mean to embarrass him, having no choice but to comfort the two children who had a problem with each other.

“No, I’m not. But Kara is always a good little girl. It’s not her fault to get sick this time.”

“And you are responsible to care about Kara since you are older. So please do me a favor and look after her later in the

amusement park.”

Tina had a way with children, she managed to make them bury the hatchet.

“Hooray! Keith, you take a ride on the merry-go-round with me...”

“Humph! Only kids do. But I’ll do it with you just because you are ill and need care.”

Keith became cool and arrogant again in front of Kara.

Samuel, next to Keith, remained to seem cold and merciless; however, a hint of gentleness gleamed in his eyes as he watched

the warm picture of the interaction between Tina and the two children...

In the amusement park, Kara released herself and played as much as she could, having Keith with her.

Tina could hardly catch up with her. she couldn’t resist complaining to the man who had an air of casualness.

“Samuel, why are you standing by instead of trying to take care of the children?”


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