Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 612

Chapter 612

Chapter 612

Chapter 612

Chapter 612

He couldn't help but explain, "Don't worry. I won't blame it on you. novelbin


"I've already said it. I will divorce Cindy soon. From now on, she and I will never have anything to do with each other..."

"I'm even less likely to suspect that you have done it. what does it matter to you if she runs away on her own?"

Samuel said in a gentle tone. He was surprisingly patient in explaining to Tina.

Tina felt strange and a little suspicious about it.


Could she trust him?

To be honest, Tina had been used to disguising herself in front of Samuel with her thorny side like a little hedgehog with thorns.

But Samuel didn't torture her anymore these days. And he also recognized Kara as his daughter and let her call him daddy.

Facing her doubts, he would patiently explain to her.

Thus, Tina couldn’t help but waver in her heart, she had been hurt so many times, so should she trust Samuel again?

Tina was still hesitating.

However, Samuel slowly said, "Besides, Cindy sneaked away and disappeared yesterday."

"And you were by my side all yesterday. You were taking care of the baby with me during the day. And you were with me all night."

"Even if you just wanted to do something, you couldn’t have done it in front of me, could you? Do you have the strength for that?"

Tina was completely speechless when she heard his words.

She knew she shouldn't have trusted Samuel!

What the hell was he saying?

Samuel had wanted to continue to tease Tina for a while.

Unfortunately, he had a lot of work piled up that he hadn't had time to deal with because he was with Tina last night.

At this point, he couldn't stay much longer.

Tina couldn't help but mutter as she watched Samuel walk away. She thought Samuel was still as cold and domineering as ever.

But he was a real jerk in private!

At that moment, she heard the maid's voice.

"Miss Lynd, the chef has made soup for you!"

Tina's stomach grumbled with hunger. At that moment, she stopped cursing Samuel inwardly. Then, she hurriedly returned to the table and sat down.

The chef made fish fillet soup.

The white rice seemed to be crystal clear. The fish fillets were also free of spines and slightly curled. The soup was topped with a little bit of chopped green onion, giving off a strong fragrance of rice and delicious fish.

Tina was already hungry. When she smelled the aroma, she felt even more hungry.

However, just as she took her first bite of rice, she had thought it was a bowl of fresh rice porridge, but she suddenly tasted it a

bit fishy!

As Tina swallowed the soup, she felt sick.


She subconsciously covered her mouth and almost threw up!

This scene immediately scared the maids.

"Miss Lynd, Miss Lynd, what's wrong with you?"

"Is the soup not tasty?"

"Miss Lynd, are you all right..."

Tina wouldn't answer the maid at all. Then, she hurried into the nearest bathroom.

She rinsed her mouth and came out of the bathroom in a hurry.

The maids looked a bit worried. "Miss Lynd, what's wrong with you?"


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