Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615 "Yeah." Tina was a little awkward, she nudged Samuel and said, " I’m about to go to bed. You should have

something to do, right? Go ahead and get busy!"

It was true. Samuel confirmed that Tina was indeed fine, and turned around and left.

Seeing that the door was about to close, Tina breathed a sigh of relief. He finally left...

Of course, she knew the reason why she was not feeling well.

It was just that she somehow felt a little guilty!

At this moment, there came the voice of a subordinate from outside the door, "Mr. Langford..."

"How is it going? Have you found her?" Samuel's voice was a little cold.

The subordinate replied cautiously, "Not yet, no trace of her has been found... Our people are still looking for her..."

Hearing their conversation, Tina was stunned for a moment and became curious.

Looking for her? who is Samuel looking for?

Suddenly something flashed through Tina's mind.

She remembered it!

Two days ago, at breakfast, one of Samuel’s subordinates came to report to him that Cindy had disappeared.

It had been two days, hadn't they found her?

Tina was just guessing at first. During dinner, when the subordinate came out of the study, she asked casually, "You haven't found Cindy yet, have you?"

There was no need to keep it a secret. Besides, everyone knew how important Tina was in Samuel's eyes now. So the subordinate was stunned for a moment and then respectfully said, "Yes, Miss Lynd."

Then the subordinates left in a hurry.

Tina was surprised when she got the news she wanted!

Hadn't Cindy always chased after Samuel? why did she disappear?

Could it be that Cindy was still planning some conspiracy?

Tina suddenly felt a little uneasy. She had a poor appetite, and now she completely lost it when she saw the food in front of her.

The maids saw that Tina was a little worried, and they quickly persuaded her, "Miss Lynd, don't worry!"

"Everyone knows that Mr. Langford is going to divorce Mrs.

Langford. At this juncture, Mrs. Langford went missing definitely because she doesn't want a divorce!"


"She went missing on purpose, she must be trying to attract Mr. Langford’s attention!"

"When Mr. Langford gets worried, she will show up and try to keep her place as Mrs. Langford!"

Tina found their speculations very reasonable.

After all, Cindy had almost committed suicide to attract Samuel's attention before. Now she deliberately ran off and disappeared

for several days in order not to get divorced, which made sense!

So Tina ignored it.

After all, Cindy's incident was completely over, and Tina thought she was now going to start a new life. novelbin

All she needed to care about now was how to get along with Samuel and take care of the two children...

Soon, two more days passed, and Tina completely forgot about it.

There was a parent meeting at the kindergarten today. Keith and Kara were in the same class. Samuel couldn't come, so Tina

could only participate in the meeting.

She came to the kindergarten with the two children, when she parked the car and got off, there suddenly came a voice from

behind, “Wait a minute!”


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