Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Since Mrs. Carter had said so, how could Tina refuse her?

"Yeah, of course, we can have dinner together..." But Tina hesitantly asked, "But can we do it on another day? It's not convenient

for me today."

Mrs. Carter smiled, "You're worried about Samuel, aren't you?"

Tina instantly felt embarrassed.

She couldn't admit it but replied, "Not because of him. I'm worried about Kara, she'll be home soon. If she can't see me at home,

she'll worry about me."

Tina was worried about both Samuel and Kara.

Mrs. Carter nodded, "OK, I understand."

"Then shall we..."

Before Tina could finish, Mrs. Carter cut her off and suggested with a smile, "How about this? shall we invite Samuel and Kara to join us? What do you think?"

"It would be perfect. We'd be a family now. And we'll become closer to Samuel in the future. Today is a great opportunity! Let’s have dinner together!"

"Uh?" Tina froze.

'Invite Samuel to have dinner with Mrs. Carter?'

"Come on! You're with Samuel now. If he cares about you, he'll surely agree." Mrs. Carter said.

Tina's face changed color at Mrs. Carter's words.

'How could Samuel care about me?'

Just as Tina was about to find an excuse to reject Mrs. Carter, her cell phone rang.

Tina glanced at her phone. It happened to be Samuel.

"I'll take a call!" Tina said in a hurry.

Tina picked up the phone immediately. She didn't dare keep Samuel waiting. As soon as she picked up the phone, Samuel's sullen voice rang out.

"Tina, what's taking you so long? what are you doing? Are you going to run away with another man?"

Samuel's voice was low and husky. On the other end of the line, Tina could hear the jealousy in his tone. He sounded crazy.

Tina was dumbfounded, and then she hastily retorted, "When did I run away? I told you I was going out."

"You did, but it's been three hours. It's getting dark, why aren't you back yet?" Samuel's tone was overbearing.

"And Keith and Kara are coming back from school soon. If they don't see you when they get home, what am I supposed to tell them? Should I tell them you're abandoning US?"

'Abandoning them?'

'It’s only three hours. What's he talking about?'

Tina got angry, she subconsciously glanced at Mrs. Carter, she was afraid Mrs. Carter would hear Samuel's words.

It was so embarrassing!

Tina looked awkwardly at Mrs. Carter.

"Mrs. Carter, I have some things to do right now. I have to..."

Before Tina could finish, Mrs. Carter abruptly grabbed Tina's phone!

"It must be Mr. Langford's, right? We're a family now. Let me talk to him!"

Mrs. Carter had a sneer in her heart.

'I've been preparing for this day for so long! I have to let the bitch stay today!'


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