Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 655

Chapter 655

Chapter 655

Chapter 655

Chapter 655


A couple of masked men chased after Tina.

After Tina heard a loud bang and, immediately afterward, there was a sharp pain in her head.

Then she passed out.

Hearing Tina's cries, Samuel's men immediately rushed over.

However, they didn't see anyone, as if what they had just heard was an illusion!

"I just heard Miss Lynd... Uh, her voice was coming from this way! " A man said, confused.

However, no one was in their sight now!

"Some men rescued her. How would she have come back here? It must be a trick. We've been tricked!"

Another man spat, "she hired someone to shoot Mrs. Langford. Mr. Langford said he was going to cut her into pieces. How dare she come back?"

"Keep looking! They won't get far!"

Samuel's men didn't stay where they heard the noise coming. They thought someone had led them there on purpose and that Tina had escaped in another direction. novelbin

Just in the corner, the masked men breathed a sigh of relief. After they confirmed that all of Samuel's men were gone, they dragged Tina, who had fallen unconscious, along in the other direction...

When Tina woke up, she found herself in a small, dark room.

She felt a dull ache in her head, her ears buzzing, her body in severe pain...

And Tina faintly heard a kid crying, she wasn't sure if it was her illusion.

She subconsciously clenched her fists and struggled to get up from the ground. She was overwhelmed with panic.

She looked around her surroundings.

"Kara? Kara? Is that you?!" Tina asked. Immediately, she heard the kid’s voice!

'It's real! There's a child here!'

'What is going on? Why was I taken to this place? What are those people going to do to me?'

'If they want to get at me, why do they also take a kid?'

The room was extremely dark. Only a dim light leaked through the ceiling.

Tina vaguely saw a kid cowering in the corner. She felt that her heartbeat was going to stop, she rushed over to the kid.

"Kara! Is it you? why are you here? what are they up to..." Tina said through gritted teeth.

However, before she could reach the kid, the kid let out a scream, " Ah! What are you doing? Aren't you dead? You're a ghost!

Go away! Don't touch me!"

The kid was freaked out. He immediately bounced up like a scared kitten!

Tina was startled by the child's sudden scream. She stepped backward in a hurry.

"Who are you?" Tina thought the kid would be Kara!

However, it was a strange kid!

The child did not answer her. He cowered back into the corner and stared wide-eyed at Tina in the dark.

"How can you talk? Aren't you dead?"


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