Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 658

Chapter 658

Chapter 658

Chapter 658 novelbin

Chapter 658

His tone was extremely frightened.

But the room was small and pitch-dark, so Tina had nowhere to hide.

Soon, the door was pushed open with a creak.

After the harsh sound, the dazzling light from the outside came in.

Tina narrowed her eyes and vaguely saw a few men standing outside and looking at her with malicious looks in their eyes.

"Is it this woman?"

"Yes, it's her!"

"I thought she is still in a coma. But this saved me from waking her up. Take her out!"

Then, they walked into the small room and grabbed Tina's arms to take her out.

She immediately began to struggle and shouted, "What are you doing? Let go of me!"

Tina widened her eyes and glared at them. These people were tall and strong. The looks in their eyes were malicious, and their physiognomies were extremely ferocious.

Seeing her still have the strength to struggle, they were stunned, giving her a chance to break free.

She immediately took a few steps back to distance herself from them and protected the child behind her like a hen protecting her cubs, looking a bit scary.

Because of her imposing manner, those people were deterred and did not dare to underestimate her!

Soon, they remembered she had fallen into their hands and could not escape no matter what.

So, they burst into laughter, thinking this scene was extremely funny!

"What are we doing? Ha-ha! You'll know what we will do when the time comes!"

"Look at her! She does not know her current situation at all! How dare you be so arrogant in front of us!"

"You have been sold to US, and you will become a slave. If you dare to disobey us, we will kill you and throw your body into the sea to feed the fish!"

Tina gritted her teeth.

She did know that she was in their hands and did not dare to think about what she would face later, but...

She clenched her fists and refused to give up. Even if she would die, she must figure out what had happened!

Tina's eyes turned red when she asked angrily, "what do you mean? I've been sold to you? Who sold me? Is it Cindy?"

Hearing her words, a young man was stunned and immediately said triumphantly, "Who is Cindy? You don't even know who you

have offended, right? Ha-ha! The person who sold you to US and wants to see you be tortured to death is..."

Before he could finish speaking, the person beside him slapped his face hard and said, "shut up! We must keep it confidential so

as not to offend the people above! If you want to die, just kill yourself. Don’t implicate us!"

Hearing this, the young man suddenly realized he had almost made a big mistake, so he covered his cheek and apologized

repeatedly, "Sorry, I drank some wine, so I almost forgot..."

"I told you to drink less alcohol! otherwise, you will get US into trouble sooner or later!"

Hearing their conversation, Tina figured out something, although they had not revealed who had sold her to them.

It turned out she had wrongly blamed Cindy this time!

How was it possible? who else wanted to hurt her except Cindy?


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