Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Tina only felt unbelievable, so she couldn't help but shed tears.

’Have I really come to life?'

Tina was so excited that she even couldn't help but pinch her arm.

"It hurts!"

She used all her strength, so she couldn't help but gasp in pain!

The people around couldn't help but laugh when they saw this scene.

"Isn't this girl awake? Why did she pinch herself?"

Ì think she is too happy. After all, no one can expect that they can come to life after jumping into the sea."

i'm worried that since she's been in a coma for so many days, is there anything wrong with her brain?"

There was a heated discussion among the people.

Only at this moment did Tina realize that they were speaking English instead of Chinese or French, which she had learned while staying in Paris in the past.

She immediately asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me how long I have been in a coma? And... where am I?"

Tina was so excited that she couldn't help but pounce on them, although she couldn't see clearly.

She had thought that the people were right in front of her, but as a result, she almost fell to the ground!

Fortunately, someone next to her hurriedly held her and said, "You woke up just now. Be careful! We will tell you everything. Don't be too excited. Let's talk about it slowly!”


Tina finally sat down with the help of the person, but she still couldn't help but grab his hand anxiously.

"But where am I? My daughter is still waiting for me."

"Ouch, can you be more gentle? My hand hurts!" The person couldn't help but gasp.

Tina finally let go of his hand, "Sorry. I’m so sorry..."

She tried her best to calm down.

The people began to talk to her.

In fact, she had been in a coma for almost half a month, and she was in Freesia now!

It turned out that when she fell into the sea and floated, a nearby ship had an accident. All the tourists on the ship fell into the sea.

She was treated as a shipwrecked tourist, so she was salvaged.

Since all the tourists on that ship came from Freesia, Tina was also sent to Freesia.

However, when she was about to be hospitalized, they realized that Tina was not a tourist.

Her identity was unknown, so she couldn't be hospitalized!

What's worse, Tina was still in a coma. Even if they questioned her, they couldn't get any information about her.

For the sake of Tina's safety, a nearby clinic took Tina in!

Tina didn't wake up until half a month later!

After hearing all these things, Tina only felt in a trance.

"Oh, my god..."

Tina didn't expect that she would have the chance to return to Freesia a few years later!

"No!" Tina suddenly got a little scared and grabbed the person's hand, "But I..." novelbin

But Freesia is Samuel's territory!

If Samuel found her, he would definitely deal with her!


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